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Jan 2013 · 787
Àŧùl Jan 2013
I remember the first time at 17
I got hold of the pair of her 30Cs
I looked briefly at the tasty areolae
I stuck out my neck staring greedily
I was brought back to my senses when
I felt her left hand softly sit under my chin
I lifted her up in my arms and put on the bed
I heard her panting as I was kissing her ***** skin
I then lightly touched her areolae with my lips & tongue
I found her hands gripping my head and her fingers brushing
I paused suckling her to softly wield my fingers over her tiny areolae
I did my best to satisfy her but she asked for more which was averted by me
I didn't want to commit The Divine Sin with a girl who probably wasn't my future
I don't regret choosing my naivety & hers too, unperturbed by the world's jeered laughter.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
This is to answer your doubts about my past

She Was With Me,
In The Movies,
In The Social Service Club,
In The Hospital Taking My Care,
And Where Not.

Do I Miss Her Anymore?
Do I Still Miss Her?
I Don't Know.

Did I Consider Her Important?
Why Do I Still Consider Her Important?
How I Would know..

Do You Think That I Don't Have Anyone Else To Think About?
Yes, Apart From My Studies & You.
Do You Think How I'm Being Unable To Forget Her Might Affect My Future?
Yes, I Remember Her Only As The Source Of Inspiration She Is...

Now your doubts must all have been addressed properly
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 681
My Guides
Àŧùl Jan 2013
You Are My Guide
And My Parents
Are My Guides Too.

You, Her & Him
Just Are Three
Of My Five Guides.

I Learn Daily
The From World
About My Own Life.

Other Guides Are
TiMe And Me
Completing My Five Guides.

The Five Guides
Show Me Light
On The Path I Myself Chose.

Others Are Dependable
Guides In The Tree
Of Life That Gets Taller & Taller.

I Seldom Water
The Tree I Own
But It Shows The Parasitic Growth.
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 413
Nobody (Real World)
Àŧùl Jan 2013
I Love It Here Online,
On HelloPoetry;
I Love It Here Online -
Which Is The Virtual World Here.

I See No Other Faces,
In An Entire Day;
I See No Other Faces -
Except My Parents & Our Maid..

Now That My Bachelor's Done ,
My College Is Over;
Now That My Bachelor's Done -
I'm Holed Up Alone Here...
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
At Par With Others
As I Succeed,
Even Performing Better
Than Them All At Times,
But My Parents Still
Are Sore With Me.

They Still Treat Me
As If I Was A Kid,
Even Controlling Whom
Do I Talk With,
But I'll Succumb To
What I Get.

After All I'm Not
Independent Yet,
I Still Get Food & Water
And Shelter From Them,
To End With It I'd Say
My Chest Isn't Broadened Yet.
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 552
My Nightmare - Immortality!
Àŧùl Jan 2013
A Never-Ending Life,
With Its Never-Ceasing Woes,
Its Never-Breathing Worries,
And The Immortality Of Grief,
This Is What I'm Afraid Of,

The Nightmare I See With My Open Eyes.
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 579
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Pocket Full Of Plastics!
Was Under Me - And -
The Bed Broke Down!
A humorous poem. Not all can understand it!
Àŧùl Jan 2013
When I saw Mimas as a moon of Saturn,
I was reminded of the Death - Star...

The crater-head of Mimas was akin to,
And it perhaps inspired the thinkers of Star Wars..

To create the fictional Death - Star,
Yes this perhaps seems the case of a brilliant inspiration to them.
© Atul Kaushal
This is a Star Wars inspired poem written by me
Jan 2013 · 773
I'll Be Your Talisman
Àŧùl Jan 2013
O My Sweet Little One,
No Eye Can Be Cast Upon You Ever,
Never - O - Never - O - Never...

O My Naughty Little One,
Not That I Believed In That Eye Ever,
But I'll Still Be Your Talisman...

O My Happiest Little One,
Nobody Else Do I Think About Ever,
It's Just You - You - Only You...
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
Àŧùl Jan 2013
The Iron
Gets Ready,
I Wait For It.

Then I wait for it
Passing Through
The Tests Of Time,
As Finally It'd Shine..

Through The Brilliant Shine
Which Blinds The Blacksmith
Pulls The Iron In Perfect Timing
Out Of The Furnace - Ready Now...
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 554
Why I Don't Hate You...
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Because I did, in fact, love you back then,
So I can not hate you my long lost love;

Because you showed me a world full of beauty,
I just can't hate you;

Not because I'm unable to forget each night we had a fight,
But I have forgotten all the bad words that you and I said;

Yes I do miss you - and your soft skin & tasty lips,
And though I know that this is just daydreaming I can't stop it;

Because I did, in fact, love you back then, I accept it, and,
So I find it difficult to accept that my own choice was wrong.......
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Just feel free as you,
Ride me,
Let all inhibitions leave you tonight.

As you go to sleep,
With me,
Hope that you rest peacefully.

I'll make sure as you,
Join me,
*That you will rest in peace.
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 436
I Witness My Gods Daily
Àŧùl Jan 2013

She gifted me this world,
He was the indispensable catalyst,
It ticks on by as I often write these lines.

She let me pull her hair,
He let me ride on him,
It let me be in itself.

She grieved for me,
He was apprehensive,
It gave me the 7 seconds.

She supports me morally,
He shows me that I can do it,
It has been since the easier game.
My calling them '7 Seconds' is just a symbolic way for the nick of time I met that life-threatening accident
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 758
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Your picture is just the 2-D depiction,
What I imagine is the 3-D reality...
You look so attractive in 2-D itself,
Calling you **** would underestimate your 3-D reality..
Your poetry depicted in this 2-D world,
Beautiful it must be to get to your 3-D reality.
This too, is for the little one
© Atul Kaushal
Jan 2013 · 513
Warriors of Time
Àŧùl Jan 2013
There are also those few,
For whom only dry winds blew,
They only saw time when away it flew.

Giving them jolts like a bolt from the blues,
Time definitely gave the warriors of time the rues,
For they never-ever even managed to compose the blues.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
By reading this particular,

Poem which you're reading,

Which you will read on further,

To finally come to the conclusion,

That I Was Just Trying To Disgust You!
Just getting bored of life as ever! :P
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Well there's not so much to tell...
I feel very passionate about everything I do-- Writing, singing, even laughing (so passionate in fact, that I get ridiculed about my laugh a lot...).
Under normal conditions, I am an understanding, caring type of person.
In most of my poems, you will find that I am most definitely NOT an optimist.
I am probably one of the most unpositive people you'll ever meet, actually... (I hope you know that that was a bit of a hyperbole).
Anyways, thank you for dropping by!
-- *Madison Grace

"Don't Cry Because It's Over, Smile Because It Happened" -- Dr. Seuss
"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward." -- C.S. Lewis

Wow, I guess I would call myself a hypocrite for posting those two quotes above, because I seriously do the opposite of what they are trying to say... Especially the second one. I can't let go. I'm terrified of moving on.

Her *Grace
is in her name itself. says about herself while being very polite.
Àŧùl Jan 2013
Enter Zeus disguised as Amphitryon

O Alcmene!
O Most Beautiful!
So Comes The Victorious,
Your Eyes Like Aphrodite's,
Tell Me A Story Of Longing And,
These Relieve Me Of My Tiresome State,
As I Avenged Your Brothers From The Enemies.

Enter Alcmene

O Amphitryon!
O Most Strengthy!
Here Comes The Victorious,
You Fulfiled My Hearty Wish,
I Longed For Your Masculine Body And,
These Strong Arms I Longed For In My Lonesome State,
As Today You Avenged My Brothers From The Treacherous Enemies.

Enter Zeus disguised as Amphitryon and Alcmene as herself

O My Love!
O My Winner!
Today I Enter Your Citadel,
My Battering Ram Head Craves.
Aaahh... My Winner It Feels So Great,
To Have My Citadel Breached By Your Ram Head.
As Zeus Reaches ****** After 3 Days, *Hercules Is Born.
Olympian Mythology Inspired Poem
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
A Destitute Prostitute
Àŧùl Dec 2012
I Saw Her In The Subway,
She Was Tall & Fair,
But Her Clothes Weren't.

I Saw Her Makeup Wearing Away Now,
She Had Her Clothes Damaged,
But She Was About To Say Some Words.

I Observed Her As She Stopped Her Sentence In The Midway,
She Recognized Me & I Recognized Her Too,
But I Walked On Without Being Dogged By My Past - The Angel Had Fallen.

I Discerned Over Going Back To Hold Her Hands Again,
She Needed To Be Helped By Someone Close,
But It Was Her Decision To Separate Our Ways - She Chose Disgrace.

I Agreed That Nobody Could Pull Her Out Now,
She Was Comfortable This Way Too,
But I Thought I Saw Her Eyes Glistening As She Passed With Another Customer.
Random Poem, Time Inspired
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Is that because you have not experienced it,
Or due to the reason that you hear only bad about it,
Rotting & offensive stench of death discourages you, yes it does.

You would call me a mad man if I said that I've tried dying once,
But yes, definitely I've tried it once by getting my bike,
My helmet-protected head collided onto road.

It was because of the mishap I passed into a long sleep from it,
Or you may prefer to use the more appropriate word for it- coma,
Testing my limits & my loved ones for their love that I turned poetic.

Personality changes occur after a great emotional or physical upheaval,
So did to me, definitely was less bent towards this art form,
My people think I'm not me but someone primeval.

You & anyone who claims the otherwise to be true can confuse it to be bad,
With extremest pain for the self & the family of the one who dies,
But it's not their only confusion & not their only fear.

What we fear isn't just death,
It's the addictions controlling you & me,
Addiction of family, vices & oxygen made me win!
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
O Destructive Entity!
You Make Your Presence Felt,
By Being So Destructive,
Globally & Locally.

O Creator Entity!
I Feel Your Presence Everywhere,
In The Trees-The Rain & Seas,
The Calamities & Disease.

O Insecure Entity!
You Make The Mankind Fight,
Against Each Other & You,
Presenting Greed & Death.

O Pestilent Entity!
You Make Me Think,
Wonder about the concepts,
Of Life & Time.

O Detrimental Entity!*
Sorry For Being So Skeptic,
You Or Me Could Do Nothing About,
My Mind & The Thoughts.
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 511
The Predators!
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Whom do I tell,
What do I tell...
Whom do I tell,
What do I tell?

The Predators,
Ravished Me...
They did not consider me a human,
They did not,
They did not!

As is the story
You know it...
But have you been affected at all,
Affected at all,
Affected at all?

Whom do I tell,
What do I tell...
Whom do I tell,
What do I tell?

Today the entire nation of India is just asking for the same thing, as they put forward the issue of the girl - death for those Predators!
But the question arises that whether the gallows would suffice, or the predators must be punished like in the Saudi Arabian law - setting an international example? For more info you may refer to
Dec 2012 · 645
Higher & Farther Together
Àŧùl Dec 2012
I Hope We Get
Higher & Farther
I Hope We Get
Higher & Farther

Beyond The Seas
The Suns & Stars
The Peaks & Towers

Beyond Their Sights
The Guns & Wars
The Golden Cars

I Hope We Get
Higher & Farther
I Hope We Get
Higher & Farther
You know this one's for you
:-P ;-)
© Atul Kaushal
Now a © Atul Kaushal song on YouTube - just the crude version
Dec 2012 · 309
NOTICE: Missing!!!
Àŧùl Dec 2012
You must've seen my angel somewhere,
In the evening or afternoon, or
In the day or night.
Please help me find her,
Now you don't negate,
Help me out.

Any help will be well appreciated.
;-) :-P :-D
Dec 2012 · 594
Another Day Passed By
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Another day passed by,
But this wasn't as uneventful...
Emotions were slightly bent,
Making it eventful...

They disposed off the pain in their noses,
By sending the poor angel out of the nation...
One of them even dubs the protests as being fake,
But while saying so they ignore the steaming notion...

They're unable to get hold of the seriousness which it has instilled,
In the minds of the younger generation who protest the event...
It's not that a really rare event took place in the nation,
But the people observe & react towards it now...

And soon they will forget what they called the protests,
And all of the rest would forget what they protested...
But the day we sit to remember the year past 2012,
We will surely visualize some men attacking a girl...

Another year passed by,
But the next might be fruitful...
Emotions won't face a batter,
Making it peaceful...
© Atul Kaushal
An India Specific Poem.
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Sprouted an issue out of nothing,
I'm feeling bad about even fighting.

She is just a sweet little angel,
Why I thought about that angle.

Should she not be angry with me,
After all I quarreled about nothing.

You know this one's for you little one,
I know I can't afford to lose my best one.
Can we forget and move on without mentioning it again, Sweety?
Dec 2012 · 952
The Only Solution?
Àŧùl Dec 2012
The ****** Good-For-Nothings!
The Undue Weight On Society!
They Are Not Men!
They Don't Deserve To Be Men!
Castrate The ****** Rapists!

The ****** Good-For-Nothings!!
The Junk Material Of Society!!
They Put Their Hands On Others' Sisters!!
They Need To Be Satisfied Forever!!
So Castrate The ****** Rapists!!

The Only Solution That Is!!!
The Permanent Extinguishing Of Their Thirst!!!
They Need Their Hands Cut Off!!!
They Invite The Final Solution!!!
Just Castrate The ****** Rapists!!!
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Callie, Oh Marian's Callie,
You Lived A Great Life,
A Life So Great That Only A Few Manage.

Callie, Oh Marian's Callie,
You Were A Great Pet,
A Pet So Great That Inspire Poems About Them.

Callie, Oh Marian's Callie,
Hope You Are In Peace,
If Not So, Let Peace Be Upon Your Sweet Purrs.
This is for Marian's Callie
Àŧùl Dec 2012
As I expected,
Nothing exceptional happened to anyone.

Earth remains,
What happened to the ancient prophecy?

That's why I say,
Predictions & Probabilities Are *BASELESS!
21/12/12 Goes Uneventful
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
How could someone be so cute,
I asked her so trying not to sound rude.
How could I be knowing about this,
She answered back looking even more cute.

But oh somebody must make her understand,
That it was she whom I complimented.
But it won't matter if not many did tell her this,
Satisfied I am that I could first start it.

Kreeps dear this one's for you,
No matter how far we stay,
Wait for the time anew,
It'll show us a way.
@Little one: This one's for you :-)(-:
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 992
Now & Then - Kabhi-Kabhi
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Ever & anon I think about her,
I talk to her sooner or later in the day.
She inspires me while not physically being,
Now & again I feel like I see the world in her being.
I imagine her talking to me in her sweet voice,
Now & Then - Kabhi-Kabhi.
You know that this one's for you little one
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 499
The She
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Yes 'The She' Sat Next To Me,
On The Fainting Couch And,
She Looked At Me,
With Her Black Diamond Eyes.

Yes 'The She' Spoke Some Words To Me,
On That Sunday About The Festival Of Lights,
She Looked So Pretty,
With Her Ruby Colored Lips.

I Don't Remember The Words That 'The She' Said To Me,
But I Remember How Beautifully She Did So,
She Looked So Happy,
With Her Picturesque Smile.
For 'The She' who caught my eye that day from up close.

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 620
The Poem on Pink!
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Oh glistening pink!
Strawberry shade,
Nail-paint color,
Candy color
Why don't I fancy you now,
When did I become averse to you?

Oh starkest pink!
Childhood color,
Girls' favorite,
Cloth color,
Why I liked you back then,
When did you become so disliked?
It is a known fact that boys don't just dislike the color to wear or sport anyhow, they - including me - even find it hard to bear anything pink. Does age have something to do with pink apart from the gender?

My poem # 51

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 326
I See An Angel [Illusion]
Àŧùl Dec 2012
She floats with me,
Being while she's not,
I see her.

Her smallest things,
Which I've heard not,
I hear her.

I am amazed by her,
Even though I met her not,
I feel her.

A pout on her cheeks,
That she has received yet not,
I kiss her.

Humming in both my ears,
Her voice seems like the best one,
I adore her.
Dedicated to the lovely little one. ;-)

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 1.4k
When percentage grows up
Àŧùl Dec 2012
When percentage grows up,
A decripit-scale converts into percentile,
They don't check how much you knew anymore,
They check how many others you defeated in competition.
When you grew up the measure you knew as percentage became percentile,
Yes meaner, deadlier & stingier measure percentage became when it grew up as percentile.
Percentile score in the Common Admission Test (or CAT exam) in India determines how high you rise. It replaces percentage score usually seen from all junior schools in India, because here grading system is absent.

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 1.5k
I'm Scarred - They're Scared
Àŧùl Dec 2012
On my left wrist,
My left knee &
My memory
I carry the vestiges of 7th May, 2010.

Physical marks of,
A grievous peril
When I was
I was on the death bed, the bed number 7.

Dreaded bed it is,
In the SGRH &
Only those
Hopeless cases with death knocking are granted 7.

Only child I am,
My parents
Apprehensive about my survival from the 20-day coma.

But their worries,
Care & concern
Paid off
And today I write this poem - contrary to what the doctors had initially said.

And the people,
They wince
At My
Scars - Scared from their own instant imagination of the pain that I've been through.

To some other people,
I'm a living miracle
And to others
I am just a man who glorifies his sufferings - to his own merit anywhere and everywhere .

To the ones of the last kind,
I just have the words
That nobody can
Or rather nobody wants to change their thinking or tell them to try knocking their senses off for weeks.
Initially after my accident when I was in a general hospital, the doctors there had told my father to do the last services & just shook their heads to my mother
SGRH - Sir Ganga Ram's Hospital is a state-of-the-art hospital located at New Delhi where I was saved - by the doctors, my own will-power & my well-wishers' blessings

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 1.2k
Trapped Inside A Gas Chamber
Àŧùl Dec 2012
I Can't Breathe Easy
In This Chamber Air

My Family Was Made
To Submit Before Them

Their Fattest Soldier Farts
With A Mask On His Face

And We Were Made To Smell
The Stench Of Undigested Meal

Stuck We're Inside This Gas Chamber
Somebody Be Our Saviour & Protect Us!!!
Just a humorous attempt to lightly remember one of the grimmest situations in history

© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 312
I Bless The World
Àŧùl Dec 2012
As Someone Who Made It Possible,
As Someone Who Survived His Judgement Day,
As Someone Who Is Hated By Him,
I Bless The World.

Let The World Be Beautiful,
Let There Be Peace & Happiness,
Let My Sacrifice Not Go In Vain,
I Bless The World.
Made It = Made Rising From The Death Bed
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 531
What Else Do We Need?
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Just You,
Just Me,
In This,
Light & Cool
What Else Do We Need?
For my favorite person - Kripi.
© Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Dec 2012
A Father mourns his children's death,
Parthenogenesis brought forth their birth,
The Father was hence too connected with 'em.

A Mother supported the father bring them up,
Feeding & nourishing the children from her *****,
The Mother was therefore also very connected with 'em.

Each day Father Time & Mother Earth cry helplessly,
Watching their their children fight amongst themselves fiercely,
Humans advanced win the race - killing the trees & the animals - daily.
It is pointless - vain - to try explaining them not to '****' Earth's nature.
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 949
Villainous Laughter!
Àŧùl Dec 2012
They surround me in the middle,
Their maniacal laughter pierces my ears!

They group lick their lips around me,
They bring out their knives ready for lunch!

They stab me with all their crystal knives,
But What Kills Me Is Their *Villainous Laughter!
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 777
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Note: Any resemblances to any real-life ******* are purely unintentional and deeply regretted.

How they make us dance,
It is neither artistic nor pleasing.

How they stripped us of our rights,
It is neither pretty nor artistic.

How they bungle with us,
It is neither acceptable nor honorable.

How they make us suffer,
It is both sadistic & regretful.

How they skin our pockets,
It is both spooky & scary.

How they exploit us to thrive,
It is both villainous & ugly.

How they manage to silence all mouths,
It is not unknown to any outsider.
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 224
You're an Artist of Words
Àŧùl Dec 2012
/ I \
/H e r e\
You Composing
/ Just \
Like Your Various Styles
Dedicated to you, Tim sir.
Dec 2012 · 259
My Happiness
Àŧùl Dec 2012
O Junior!
You're So Happy,
It Emanates To Me.

O Little One!
You Make Me Smile,
It Comes To Me.

O Cute One!
You Treat My Pain,
It Eases To Me.
Dedicated to the little one Kripi Mehra
Dec 2012 · 4.8k
You're Cute
Àŧùl Dec 2012
You're Cute

And so the verdict was passed,
She liked just a couple of my poems,
I visited her page and reciprocated,
Just like her cuteness was as well in her poems.

Dedicated to Amanda Fletcher
Dec 2012 · 438
A Strange Friend
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Born an only child,
Grew up with toys,
Talking to myself,
I'm my strange friend.

Was never so wild,
Blew off with noise,
Keeping to myself,
I'm my strange friend.

Neither was so mild,
Chewed 'em with teeth,
Speaking to toys,
I'm my strange friend.
Dec 2012 · 296
What Did I Lose Loving You
Àŧùl Dec 2012
You were there like an angel,
True was seeming that *fable
I loved you or at least *thought
Love was all that seemed sought by you.

You were always demanding more,
But who knew that it wasn't just time.
I gave it my everything or at least thought so,
Love wasn't all that was actually sought by you.

You were always wanting me harder,
But I am not a pleasure machine.
I wanted to be a human again,
Love wasn't sought by you.
What I thought to be love wasn't love entirely,
For she loved my presence not my absence.
Dec 2012 · 381
Love Was
Àŧùl Dec 2012
Love for me was everything,
Beyond the troubles & distances.
Love for her was something,
Bound to touch & the distances.
Mistake made.
Love failed once.

Love for me was everything,
Beyond divinity & all the miles.
Love for her was something,
Bound to the kisses & smiles.
Mistake made.
Love failed twice.

Love for me was everything,
Beyond the doubts & suspicions.
Love for her was something,
Bound to me & the meetings.
Mistake made.
Love failed thrice.

Love for me was everything,
Beyond past & the time to come.
Love for her was something,
Bound to the chances & instances.
Mistake made.
Love failed again.
I made a mistake, repeated it once, repeated it twice & repeated it again.
Failed four times with different persons..
I don't fear the fifth time, but I'm simply too tired to love again the way they want...
I'm luckier the fifth time my love is a success, it's the last time I'm loving before I love my kid(s).
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 426
About My Friends
Àŧùl Dec 2012
When I was a kid,
We used to play hide 'n seek,
So they were my friends.

When I grew up a bit,
We used to play staring games,
So they were my friends.

They are lost now,
I meet them rarely these days,
So they were my friends.
© Atul Kaushal
Dec 2012 · 579
Contemplation of Break-up
Àŧùl Dec 2012
I don't see the reason anymore,
Not in myself or in my family.
I don't find any interest there anymore,
Not in books or in my girlfriend.
I don't see that flare anymore,
Not in her or even in myself.

I don't want to argue anymore,
Not in myself or even with her.
I don't feel like being with her anymore,
Not in reality or in my dreams.
I don't want to kiss her any more,
Not in the kisser or in the cave.

I don't want to contemplate any further,
I want a break-up & that's it!!!
Just a poem, I'm already single these days. So don't interpret it any other way.
© Atul Kaushal
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