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 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I don't love you for the person I want you to be.
I don't love you for the person you want you to be either.
I don't love you for being anything,
Or doing anything,
Or saying anything,
Or trying for anything.
I love you because I just
I looked at you and I loved you
And that
Means that whatever you turn into or don't
Or succeed at or fail at
Or however dead your fish are or however much
You might think I'm trying to change you,
I love you because I just do.
I will continue to love you because

Whatever you want, I'll want to give it to you.
And if you want nothing, that's okay too.
If you're happy, I will be happy to see you happy.
If you're sad, I will feel lucky to offer support
(And I will not demand that my support make any difference.)
If you are empty,
I will still feel whole when you touch me,
And if you let me I will put my arms around you and tell you
It's alright not to care about anything.
(And I won't ask you to care about that.)
And if you ever wish I didn't love you
So that you could just stop trying,
I'm sorry,
Because I just do.
I'm telling you I could understand
I could just be there
Because I've been there
Because I'll be back there, I know it.
I could just be there and ask nothing of you
And I'm telling you I want to.
I don't know why. I don't care why.
I just
It's not something I planned,
And it's not something I maintain,
And it's not something I demand anything for.
It just is.
I just do-
Love you.

 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
I wonder what you thought
The night we met
When I pressed your palm to my cheek
And held it there as if it could keep me
From ever crying again.

I wonder what you thought when I woke up and kissed your wrist
In the middle of the night
That time I got to sleep in your arms
And held your gaze as if
Your heartbeat could keep me from ever hurting

I wonder what you think
Whenever you have to walk away from me
About how I stand there and watch you go
Until I can't possibly see you anymore.
I just stand there
Trying to keep every last second of being near you
Until there are no more left.

I wonder what you'd think if you knew
That there have been times when I've stood like that
Long after you were far gone
Unable to quit the spot where I last saw your smile
As if somehow staying there would help me remember it.

I wonder what you think
Those times when you lean close to me
And I can feel the warmth of your cheek inches from mine
Or your hair brushes my neck
And it undoes me completely
I wonder what you think that I shudder when you're close,
Because I've seen you see me.
I've seen you know.

I wonder what you think
That I write you poems
When I can't sleep.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Karen Alexander
Hey Harvey Wallbanger
I’d like you to tie me to the bedpost, baby
And press your fuzzy navel to my slippery ******.
Give me your white angel kiss and I’ll lie down like a brown cow
While between the sheets you play the Italian stallion.

Like a kamikaze pilot head for my pink squirrel
Then give me your ol’ Alabama slammer
And pack a *** punch into that screwdriver of yours.
I want a screaming ******
That’ll send me to blue heaven. Wu Wu!

So, don’t mention that ****** Mary
With her devil’s kiss,
Or you’ll find I can give a snake bite that’s as deadly as a B-52.

Instead let’s ride into the tequila sunset in our golden Cadillac
For *** on the beach
And on the sea breeze we'll hear an old love song sung by a ‘salty dog’ with a Gibson
And watch a tropical storm over Manhattan
We'll go to Peppermint Patti’s café
And order an Irish coffee and a large slice of cherry pie.

Happy, after dark let’s drive home for a sloe comfortable ***** with satin pillows
And fall into the sweet surrender of a summer dream.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Glistening  sweat, on his chest.
Hairs on the back of his neck,
Readily risen as his face tenses.
Cold thoughts arrest his movement.

****** Mary! ****** Mary! ****** Mary!

And there she was, white and all.
Knife in hand and a lusting smile.
Plunging deep, his heart must rest.
Glistening blood, on his chest.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Debra A Baugh
my ***** ache
as tongue trails
****** to ******
licking, *******
engulfing each
tender breast

squeeze of
buttocks, lifting
sweetness to my
lips; tongue parting
labials, diving deep
into her honey ***

savoring nature's
nectar like a bee
to flower casting
away her inhabitions
or doubts as flames
of passion licks with
intensity searing
us in ecstasy

branding her,
loving her flesh
with kisses and
sweat becomes
steam in the
afterglow of our

touching, inhaling
scent of ***
tasting one
 Dec 2013 Aditi
As of August
 Dec 2013 Aditi
We're all walking cliche's,
So what's the big deal?
I can  wear a beanie and a gay pride tee shirt and moccasins,
And listen to Neutral Milk Hotel,
And talk about feminism and politics.
Do not kiss me with your mustang convertible and your ****** piercings.
I am a taken woman.
But I will take your free drugs.
Thank you very much.
Stop mourning me,
My arrogance should never have been a turn on.
Pretzel crisps, tattoos, and student loans.
It's hard walking down the boulevard of broken dreams,
And bumping into all the other lonely souls.
Skin to skin we dance like shadows.
Bathed in the candle light,
Our bodies intertwine.
Your mouth is hot on my body.
Finding a ****** in your mouth you nibble.
My cries of tortured ecstasy spur you on.
My hands in your hair,
Your beard on my *******.
I say words that rest incomprehensible,
But, of course, you understand.
Your wandering mouth takes its time and finally rests,
Happily between my thighs.
Your tongue is destructive.
Tearing down my every wall and blockade.
I scream your name in sweet turmoil.
My words remain my only defense against your onslaught.
Short syllables of you escape my throat as my body shudders,
Closer and closer you bring me to an apocalyptic ******,
My whole world shatters,
And nothing but you matters.
I can't believe I'm uploading this.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
The end.
 Dec 2013 Aditi
Here is how I end.
This is my end.
Until anyone.
Witness what I have seen.

Not a sunset.
Or a trainwreck.
Just a whisper trailed off.
But it's okay.
No one noticed anyway.

Why wait for tomorrow,
When it's already proven today.
I've written to you,
All of these words.

All of my soul.
Poured down the drain.

There is no one else.
They say it might be.
But it's all a lie.

Let's finish.
This pathetic endeavor of space.
The eraser marks tear beyond my own.
Far from what I behold.
Tear holes.

Just stop me.
Before I become undone.

No breath left to run?
Find the space they least expect you to fill.
This end is my only saving.
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