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2.5k · Nov 2014
A shining voice Nov 2014
Behind these eyes are dreams
Dreams of love, laughter and promise
We dream these dreams,
To escape the harsh reality of life

Her mother just past
She's dreaming of rainbows
Making her life a little brighter

He had to move and leave all his friends
He's dreaming about new ones
Making his world a little brighter

She's battling depression it's getting really bad
But she still dreams of happiness
Making her world a little bit brighter

Dreams are life savers
Not like a doctor or life guard
In their own special way
But dreams my friend,
are only one of the very special gifts the world gives
2.1k · Nov 2014
Those who matter
A shining voice Nov 2014
Don't ever be Afraid to speak your mind around those you know
For that is how you truly know who cares

Because if they mind you talking they do not matter and if they matter they won't mind you talking
Inspired by Dr. Seuss
971 · Nov 2014
A shining voice Nov 2014
I look in the mirror
And what do I see
The kind of person,
I don't want to be

I'm not like him or her or even her
I am me
Do I really look like them?

I need to change but what do I do
How do I create someone new
Get out the hair and the makeup
Because we've got a lot of work to do

But once that is all done,
What will I be
A quote on quote image of another, Body

No this is not right
Change it now
I am me
And that's how it's going to be

I will find my way through thick and Thin because the only cure to this Contagious disease to fight and fight Is what I will do
919 · Nov 2014
Some people
A shining voice Nov 2014
That pain you feel inside
The rage wanting to escape
But how
How do we escape
Is it possible?

That person you thought you knew
Stabbing you in the back
Over and over
But why do we stay?

The fear of being turned down
If we befriend once,
Will it happen agian?
So we must stay to protect our future
The pain we put aside must stay their
Remain their
And mustn't show
We must act normall

We stay in fear
Hoping you will realize
And leave first
Because after all you call me your true
the only one who cares
Tut that's not true
I'm your caged animal
Wishing to escape any chance I get
But deep inside I know the chance will, never come
Untill they move on
780 · Nov 2014
A shining voice Nov 2014
Us girls
We talk
We walk
And mostly act the same
But we all know when
Something is wrong with you
So don't ignore it
If we truly did not care
We Wouldn't have asked anyway

So next time we ask you
Are you okay?
Speak your mind and tell the truth
Because the worst thing we could do
Is help you with your troubles

It may take a while but as long as you don't give up
We won't give up
Because you never know when a true friend ship may show through

Many may still ask why do we act like this?
The truth is we just don't know

— The End —