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Aug 2014 · 630
Pain Bodies
Artemis X Aug 2014
Halt, time
For just a momentary
indulgence in the illusion
Of immortality

Each minute second
Drips on my body and soul
With such steady urgency
As to make me breathless

Burying the present
In the what ifs
Of the unknown

Yet, dispelling the suffocation
of clarity but Requires
inspection of complexities,
self inflicted;
Therefore only self removed
Aug 2014 · 496
A poem for all of You
Artemis X Aug 2014
You know who you are.
The ones I loved
The ones I trust
The ones in whom I found safety, solace, retreat, non-judgment
The ones that were not the One but inspired something of the what-could-be

Or perhaps better to describe it as that magnetic compulsion of wanting to feel the strength of everything I adore in you surrounding me
Is it wrong to have felt this around many?

Perhaps simply the inevitable result of depth seeking and open hearted ;mess and vulnerability and empathy
And all that is so messy and beautiful
Of what human nature is
&can; be

I'm here
You're there
And somewhere
We will still meet

Perhaps soul sparks are as meaningful as soul mates
And categorizations are
Merely a device
Designed for the faint hearted.

(Obviously not about you--- you're in a category of your own)
Aug 2014 · 987
strange daring encounters
Artemis X Aug 2014
that’s you—
to throw yourself
into a deep unknown

it’s not just words
it’s //
the inhale, 
the life we choose
to intake

you don’t know me
and i don’t know you
but i trust you
and you me

and in the very love
we have for life;
or perhaps essence?
that we live
even if
it all comes to a minute

what does it matter?

a glimpse is still a glimpse 
sometimes more Signifcant
than a lifetime
by varying 
minute degrees
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Artemis X Aug 2014
Muse muse muse
Is tease missing the first half+1
Isn't that the nature of a muse?
Or refuse
As in:
not choice
Aug 2014 · 520
Artemis X Aug 2014
Give me a quantum entanglement
A universe on the far corner
Of an HD silver-lined screen
And tell me that Blu ray
Isn't just seeing
What nature gave us
To experience the real world
Virtualℜ converged into
Aug 2014 · 458
what love is to me
Artemis X Aug 2014
love is
being not terrified
of what happens
when you’re mad

it’s knowing you won’t
leave me
not leave me in this world
but leave me not in this world
as in ending all that you are
and what
you stood for [stand for]
to me

and then beyond that love is
glorious idealism
ecstatic optimism
all that is beautiful
about this beautifully flawed world
of ours

love is when you see me
for what i am
and empathize
and still
want to be a part
of this chaotic

love is when i know that at
the end of day
i can come home to you
and you won’t judge me
you won’t say anything
but you
will just love me
Artemis X Aug 2014
hello all you beautiful people
soul sparks
varying intensities
but all the same lumiscence
of which i crave
in this existence

it is selfish to want
the extraordinaires;
to settle for nothing less
than what—
this transient life
so merits us

i see
all the sparkling universes
in your words, your eyes
the way you live
the things you make

never stop being
what you are
and what you stand for
if only that i see you
perhaps for not just what you are
but what you can be.
Aug 2014 · 1.8k
Artemis X Aug 2014
Blurry regrets of stumbling nights

And entangled intrigues
Lifelong sparks and crisp clean elation
A love affair for risk-seeking souls
And a haven for the lost
that seek something
To satiate the raw, raw emptiness
Of our hearts.

You're chaos, my own version of order
filthy but magnificent
Reliably unpredictable
Escape and anchor intertwined.

And Yet,
I choose you
My sanctuary,
my crucible--
&I; love your imperfections;

For the mess of what you are
Is exactly what I see in me
And so I am yours as you are mine
And in your embrace
I feel whole and alive.

— The End —