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St. Joseph's Church rang out the  Angelus this morning.
You can't beat bells,
So I've been told.
Cheap pun on a Sunday Morning Coming Down.
 Nov 2020 The Gray Wolf

Darkness pours into me
in shimmering rivulets,


thrumming in staccatos
of carnal dour;


begging me to yield, to burn,
to drown in its mercy,


But it knows not that
a flicker is all it takes
to light

Diwali, the festival of light, celebrated in India signifies this hope, new beginnings and the power of light.
A very happy diwali to everyone!

I'm very thankful to everyone in this wonderful community who have been constantly supporting me and have been appreciating my poems. I have now decided to take a break in writing as I'm almost at the end of my senior year in school and things have started to get hectic. I may not be able to post anything for a few months. Hopefully by the time I come back with a new poem, I'd have a good chance of getting into my dream college(fingers crossed):D
It never reaches its

the sun in winter

the day only half

unfinished business
with the sky a diluted blue

and shadows ever

whit howland © 2020
A word painting. An original inspired by Edward Hopper.
To gloriously come back,
We have to ******* first.
 Nov 2020 The Gray Wolf
muggy summer dreams are born like ripples
on nights when water seems, like, really deep
sunsets never earned the title simple
and I never learned the trick of easy sleep

changing seasons find a many altered
I’ve lately been more needle than a leaf
but needles stay when broad leaves falter
cold in snow and blanketed in grief

twilight could have taught me to be strong
disappointment’s indistinct when weather’s warm
I know that summer dreams will freeze ere long
though that keeps them not from being born
Criticism hugely welcomed
I am colour blind

My dreams are colour blind

Send me your colorful dreams.
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