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I can't avoid even insignificant

obstacles that come in

everyday life;

I am not a dressage horse !
Is it mania or love?
Is it fear or hope?
Living in the past isn’t a weakness
As muscles form in places you had no idea could exist
And Holding
The minor turns to major
As delicate touch transforms into a strong embrace
Written while being inspired by my favorite burlesque performer and someone I consider a friend.
The moon sits
Patiently in
The sky
Waiting for me
To look up
And say goodnight
Stars loosing their glitter
Waiting for acknowledgement
Planets dancing  for
A word of praise
The big dipper
Waiting to scoop up
A peek or two
Oh such a universal
Display at night
If I would
Just look
every time
a c o l o r
catches my eye
(which is very often)
in my mind
i instantly analyze it
break it down into its primary basics
then reconstruct it
in my mind with paint.

for example,
what first i took as pink,
upon further gazing
is really more of an orange.

start with white
add |this| amount of yellow
then this tiny minuscule
shard of (red)
together, white and red make pink.
yellow and red make orange.
pink and orange are different
points on
a spectrum.

and you can see how
orange and
p i n k are.
and how so very
far away.

and then that
blue-purple light
juxtaposed -
that is another thing

The lemon tree
Only upward it knew
Hung yellow flavours
Savoury sour its fruits
On twigs and branches
And thorns too
With a zing and zest for life
Blessed, it grew
Inspired by a lemon tree
had an enamel stove from the fifties

that worked all those years

until the fuse box was upgraded

it had to be replaced
so I unpicked the parts
and kept a few few for use
in the house and other compartments

i have a photo here of up the valley
where they used to stook the harvest
all the family out working the fields

in the evening it came cooler
for rest

and oh the taste of heat against the cold
on the tongue

no icecream here just yet
mainly fruit these days

i may be able to find those photographs
on the memory


which was meant to be orange

they sent red

next time I ordered pink

they sent pink
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