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Julia Jan 2021
you want quick poems
with obvious messages
I have just the one
Julia Dec 2020
I Know I have strong spirit guides
I Call on Them with the Highest Intentions
I pray God shine a Light on this Dark Winter
Julia Nov 2020
I can feel my brain cells dying
during government-sanctioned torture.
Dizzying debt left me lying
in a heap of steaming culture.

Forbidden from my friends, instead
I bonded with the roaches.
Free will proved a failure now
as Judgement Day approaches.

I tried to read the tiles,
wandered ‘round for miles.
I’m all wrung out of smiles,
but at least I have my piles.
Julia Nov 2020
It's a sorry existence
when you are using your Dark Gift
to send a plague after your own sister.

The Veil was thin
this past Blue Moon.
Did you think I wouldn't realize
exactly what that was?

Little red bumps
in clusters of three
on all of my creases and both of my cheeks.
Glass shattered like a heart.
And the truck won't start.

Just breathe. Be still.
Notice your own will.
The Answer is inside You.
I know you will find Yourself.
Everything you do, everything you say,
you say to Yourself.

That's why I had to do it.
No I didn't send it back threefold,
and you should know that.
I strengthened my protection,
and I included You.

I just have one more thing to say:
that witchcraft isn't for the weak-willed.
You won't learn anything from scrolling
through phishy websites hoping
I would think that this was cute.
Witch, you're due for a reboot.
Julia Aug 2020
"They" are the reason I put
gin in my vinegar.
I am light years ahead,
a misfit.
"They" crush my very existence
into tiny white lies. 13 stripes,
50 stars in the wide eyes of
time’s bride:                              
Now is not the place
to erase history deface
Its story.
Meditate to medicate
To my reader: you are full of beauty, and so is this world.
Julia Jul 2020
today I can’t get out of bed
so the poor cat will go unfed
all the plants will end up dead
tell the sun I want rain instead

don’t have the will to pack a bowl
or even decide on a tv show
and I know what you will say
but no it’s not ‘cause you’re away

I don’t need anyone but God
or at least that’s what I thought
now that community is gone
I see where God was all along

I need to eat but just can’t choose
I can’t go out, can’t tie my shoes
don’t wanna play; I know I’ll lose
instead I’ll scroll through /r/worldnews

instead I’ll post my poetry
it’s easy when you’re mean to me
heaven, hell, and earth make three
Julia Jun 2020
Looking for a plan
to homestead with honey
You find the land
and I’ll bring the money.
Start with 8 hens and
then get a rooster.
Sunlight and dirt are
the best immune booster.
community grown
no, you won’t be alone
walkie talkies instead of upgraded iPhone.
remain lean and fit
use up every bit
for excellent compost mix in chickensh!t.
swale in the roots
of a filtering lily
irrigation to grow
what I’ll use in the chilli
weeds in the cracks
seeds in the snacks
a little help from the axe
and the *** makes us stacks.
And I’ll spin what I comb
from the fellows who roam
on the sod in the loam...
All we will need is
some land and some money,
a pocket of seed,
and true love for honey.
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