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39 · 5d
Did You Know?
Andrea 5d
Did you know
the girl I see
every night
every day
every second I live
is never the same?

Did you know
she walks like me
she talks like me
but it cannot be me

I have no reflection

I’ve never seen it
felt it
looked at it
touched it
nor spoken to it

So girl, yes you
You who mock me
You who ridicule me
You who see me
Did you know we are not one and the same?

Did you know
I moved on
And yet you
And became a monster?

Did you know
I wouldn’t have
if not for
Your lurking presence.
Taunting me
Crying for me

Did you know
Despite your shouts
Despite your fear
I cannot be you?
How can I
When you didn’t know
You were real
And I was not.
36 · 5d
You and Me
Andrea 5d
You never stray far
Always shouting
Always screaming

It is what you crave

I pray to break these chains
I pray to be set free
I pray to hear silence from thee

I fall into tragedy
Wishing you to die like Romeo
But never to resurrect like Juliet

Why must it always be you
But never me?

Why must you cling like a leech
******* me dry of all I have to offer
Why must you exist

Why can I not be free
Why can't I be healed
Is it because you stand in my way?

Must I cut these strings?
Must I shear away the pain?
Or forever let you drag me down

Because when I am alone
It is always you and me

But not today

— The End —