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This cloak that covers my dear mother is now just soaked in crimson liquid
Mother Gia let's her tears fall as she feels her children's blood smear her dear earthly surface
War has ruined her mind, dragging at her heart
Darkness creeping from the surface, leaving this battle a place to start
Children drown in envy and greed
Leaving mother to think what she had done wrong
In raising her dear children, what had brought around the haunted song?
But now the light is against the dark, and the fighting must go on.
And mother will continue to be cover, coated by her children's blood.
I cannot **** my monsters for they live within
But, they do come out when my hope grows dim
They lick up the tears that rest on my cheeks
Trying to force me to believe that I am weak
But only a child who has lived a life of comfort would believe that
Yet, I have lived through the roughest of paths
So every time they bite my heart, and tear another little chunk apart
I try and concentrate and restart
Remember where I belong, and why I still live
And how to make it through without bringing upon myself the greatest of sin
I refuse to die, especially by my own hand.
For I have survived the attempts and have been given my second chance
And I will sometimes succeed to fail
For if I do not allow myself to fail, I will always fail to succeed and prevail
So let my battle with my monsters touch your heart
And teach you as well, that there is always a new place to start
Because one thing I have always understood
That once you are gone, you're gone for good.
Life is fun but isn't fair
Life is a force that doesn't care
It does not tend to the wound or protect the weak
It is a source that cannot speak
But it can show and it can tell
It is where light shines and darkness dwells
A mixture of all but is never just one
Like I said, life is fun!
For once, my freedom has been attained
And I hope my happiness will remain
But the demon has come back to feed
Unaware that I now see his greed
A kiss upon my lips with force has lead me to disgust
And told me who I cannot trust.
He should have listened when I said I feel no more
And now, he's opened up a whole new door
One to rejection, one of pain
The only thing he will have left of me is old memories that stain
His heart and taint his mind
I think he realizes what he once left behind
Because now he tries, now he cares
And doesn't realize I have no more love or comfort to spare
For once he tells me I was not a curse but a cure
And begs me to forgive his mistakes, that his love is pure
But once a cheater, he is deemed for good
That he never seemed to have understood
Apparently now I'm beautiful as he says
My heart shards are now his
And that beauty he says he see may just be the reflections of the past in his eyes
Because I will not go back to a love full of lies.
  Jan 2015 AnActualToaster
My tears aren't of pain
I have nothing to gain
I just have to keep my demons tame
It's hard to do when you're insane

I cry from my shadows point of view
Hoping my life will reach a breakthrough  
Thoughts flow through my head like a typhoon
If I am to die it will be to soon

How many trials must I endure
To take the test is to be sure
My heart is everything but pure
I will fight; it is my turn

Have you tried suicide, it is quite nice
For if you fail your life will not suffice
The gate keeper is the one you must entice
While you take the chance and roll the dice
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