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 Aug 2017 Alice
 Aug 2017 Alice
It's a miracle.
You know? You're a miracle.
Just the sheer biology of thinking, dreaming, creating, destroying, sleeping, waking, crying, running, hiding, fighting, loving, loosing, growing, shrinking, living, dying, writing, erasing, giving, receiving, feeling.
Words, they are our miracle.
It's unbelievably inevitably incredible.
Life is incredible, words just make you live it.
 Aug 2017 Alice
Isna Maulidya
i don't know what
the future looks like
is it blue as the ocean
with treasures in it
or is it blue
as what i always feel
(it makes me afraid sometimes)
 Aug 2017 Alice
The Removal.
 Aug 2017 Alice
She fell and broke her life
People rushed to help
It was touch and go for a time
The surgeon had to amputate
But he was finally removed
The recovery was long
Sometimes she felt he was still there
Touching her inside
Messing with her head
They said this would happen
Such intensity is bound to leave scars
But they would heal
Someday another would come along
She would be stronger.
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