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 May 2014 Marilou Pablo
I bit open a lie and it tasted like you.
 May 2014 Marilou Pablo
If I took a gun to school
what would the people say?
Would they try to fight with me
or would they run away?

Would someone try to speak with me
and find out why I'm mad?
Or would they wait till I was dead
and then say I was bad?

Would someone there give me a hug
and tell me it's okay?
All I want is just one friend.
It needn't be this way.

If I took a gun to school
and shot a bunch of kids
would they blame my mom and dad
for something that I did?

I never thought it'd come to this
I'm not evil or cold.
I just can't stand the bullying.
It's constant, truth be told.

They push me down, they spit on me,
they tell me I'm a ***.
We'll see how much you're laughing
when you see what's in my bag.

I took a gun to school today
and now I'm on the news.
Please don't blame my family.
The blame, it lies with you.
Love is buoyant
It keeps afloat
Even in turbulence
The hearts don’t sink
We may cry oceans
But remember
Love is buoyant
Novice swimmers
Also keep afloat
Tragedy may strike
Upheavals of waves
May pull us down
Yet, we survive
Love is buoyant*

© Amitav (Radiance)

— The End —