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Akash mazumdar Sep 2016
Who said you're not in my life,
you are not important to me,
I know from past we talk less comparatively,
But it doesn't mean trust and friendship content is reduced,
Our friendship survived from severe communication gap attack that we both knew,
We are carrying this relation because ,
We know that rude talk and gestures will not make us,
who we are what we are really from inside,
So our efforts will make the bond better,
Ego is not a part of our personality which is **** bitter.
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
Reading but nothing is going in,
Pain started in cervical it's getting tough to breathe in,
Eyes up to the ceiling,
Head relaxed on chair by body started loosing,
Loosing consciousness I don't know what time it was,
I can't move not able to talk even,
Too much silence is all around my dad came in & started screaming,
My name again and again but I couldn't respond,
Feels like no blood is going through brain it's ****** out or drawn,
I was able to hear the all,
My dad came near and picked me,
My legs and hands were hanging ,
They were swinging,
Motor bike was already outside ,
He settled me on it someone hold my loose **** sapiens structure from behind,
I was feeling the momentum; bike was running fast,
Someone was calling me along with I remember the sound of running cars,
Busses; in short the traffic was around,
Don't know how long I was there,
Suddenly I started feeling pressure above chest, A irritant liquid going down via nose.
My so approximate dead body woke up from rest, Everything was clear I was in a hospital,
Two doctors were around me; one of them holding a mini sized bottle, At that time chest pain and headache was hitting hard,
Doctor was taking to my dad and uncle ,
I was on the bed thinking what was the trouble,
After twenty to thirty minutes I was discharged, Dad bought me a chocolate bar,
It was one of the weird life experiences and duration time was about a hour.
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
I write ? Oh yes I do. In the simplest way,
Because I don't know the finest way of putting words in phrase,
Though I do,
I try to express my best creativity through,
I wrote most the tracks about my life ; what happened & remaining ones were written without thinking consciously,
I never thought about them but I still wrote them without any difficulty,
Now flow of words and smoothening of pen's tip is
faster ,
and I'll write until stuck between mental disaster.
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
Just sit back relax expect and blame,
Why don't you just clear what you're thinking?
What memories you want in frame?
While having fun why don't you call my name? When you accidentally came near to me mostly you say i changed,
And I just stand and wonder,
I mean really? I don't think so,
I don't want to explain everything because you'll never surrender,
Never agree that you expected special attention, You called me sweetly said "hi" where I was the requirement at that situation,
Your tone get changed ; it get dressed,
It's more polite ,
calm but having cunningness,
I am not saying that you're bad and bitter natured,
Just trying to make you understand that am not the highlighted person in your life still you expect too much ,
You're good we have lot of good memories ,
Try to take it positive what I did to see through it it's the reality
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
Don't know where the imagination is lost,
The situations were bad now they're getting worse,
Persons represented themselves as the most understanding,
Now they are fighting, Loosening the bonds from there side with inappropriate reasons ,
As they are assuming the most negative situations in,
All because of lack of communication; lack of clarity ,
They are forgetting beautiful time spent; jokes giggles the nonsense talks,
that we did with high level of stupid concentration but silence and ego they are trying to adopt,
I tried to clarify that we just need to trust and must have less expectations,
We are friends I will happy to help you in most of situations,
But they think grudges and ego is there but they are just fictions that  you don't have to to care,
Still the dynamic growth of selfishness taking place,
  Emotion is a free ball just for play,
I think this is not my part of every day story,
It's going all around as most of the  world forgot peace just running for glory,
A glory which will be celebrated in loneliness,
Because there will be no one to stand by the side who pushed all the harmony to stress,
We must start expecting less,
It will be the best way to live without getting hurt and being different from the rest
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
Love and friendship got one thing in common base named as trust,
And as far as this bond continues relation goes with no argues and smooth without any grudge, Today's relation got more ego than love ❤,
It starts with likings and ends up with lust,
Now its a international trend to have a special contact in phonebook ,
Named like love, life line etc or just of jealous the neighbourhood,
Now a days relations are mostly based on nonsense fictions,
At last ending of it one or both get stuck in its contradictions,
It's like participating in a game,
It's easy to get one person whom you can easily blame,
After breakup; fights or any misfortune happens either all the negatives because of that person or haven't,
I don't know what's going on to today's generation, People just attach temporarily and if it doesn't seems to profitable they walk away like nothing happened.
Akash mazumdar Aug 2016
Be happy to living as normal, Be happy to be treated informal,
Celebrate every moment ,
You don't know when you will get attached to potion accompanied water,
May be there is a reason of getting handicapped respect to normal life before or after,
Or there is someone who never want you,
To see on the path of joy from you're going through,
On the form of anxiety or fear of losing yourself , It may enter your life,
It's very cruel it kills the confidence from inside,
Every bad moment every disgusting situation always come to an end,
The rise will again take place and you'll be the trend.
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