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Abby Dec 2018
There’s a beauty in the darkness
That’s been niggling at me
There’s something deep inside there
That just wants to be free

Amongst the darkness
There brews courage
Courage to change
Courage to stay
Strength to stay
Just where you need to be

Soak it in
Feel the darkness

See the stars of possibility
Twinkle in the distance and
To hope shift in its box

Swim to the stars and
Fall back down
Swim back up and
Fall back down

This determination
Only lies in the darkness
Swimming against the dark cold wind
Stuck in a loop
With a smile painted on your face

And then

Swim back up and see the
Flowers shine like they never have before
Pull people closer
Because they can’t see
What you can

And thank the beautiful darkness
For giving you
The eyes to see the flowers shine
Like no one else can
Abby Dec 2018
Oh sweet silence
Silk to my ears
Cocoon of light
In a stormy world
Seep into my skin
Flow into my bones
Melt my muscles and
Lift my soul

My thoughts are loud enough
Without the chaos of the world
Abby Dec 2018
“I’m here” she said
Through the warm breeze
“I’m right here my beautiful”
So reassuring
So magical
So you
Don’t hold it in
Don’t hold it in
It’s okay
Abby Dec 2018
In sync they walk arm in arm
Along the tracks of an unused farm
Stabbing pains are in my chest
As I see their love at its best
Little do they know the joy they radiate
Or the pain in my heart from my own mothers fate

I wish that was me
That sweet synergy
Of arm in arm
Love in love
More than
The sum of its parts

— The End —