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 Mar 2020 Ethan
Kurt Philip Behm
I don't believe in Jesus,
I don't believe in Buddha,
I don't believe in Allah,
I don't believe in Zeus

I don't believe in Fairy Tales,
I don't believe in Santa,
I don't believe in Unicorns,
I don't believe Dr. Seuss

I don't believe in Proverbs,
I don't believe the Gospels,
I don't believe in Dharma,
I don't believe their Creeds

But I do believe in Beauty,
I do believe in Truth,
I do believe in Love,
And—I do believe in me

(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2020)
 Jan 2020 Ethan
 Jan 2020 Ethan
Go away
I screamed
But the thoughts kept coming
 Dec 2019 Ethan
i let myself drown
 Dec 2019 Ethan
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?

— The End —