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 Jun 2014 Jess
Roxy DeNoir
I know
You think I'm corrupt
Just for small things I love doing
That you don't enjoy

I know
You think my morals are low
Just because I like certain clothes
That you consider offensive

I know
You believe I have problems
Only because you hold me to standards I cannot achieve
I cannot be your perfect daughter

I know
You think I'm rebellious
Just because I make my own paths
Making my own road to travel

I know
You are worried about me
You worry that I will regret my life
Be hurt

I will be hurt
I already have been
I regret a lot
And I will regret later on

But I'd rather live a painful life
Full of regret and hurt
Than one of safety
Inside the castle walls
Protected forever

I'd rather live outside the palace walls
Than in them
I'd rather explore the world
Than stay at home
I'd rather move all the time
Than stay in one place

I'd rather be seen as a Rebel
Outlaw wandering the world
Loner in a crowd of strangers
Than be seen as a Princess
Stay at home Daughter
Someone waiting for her prince to pick her up

I know
That's the life you want for me
Princess dream

But I already said before:
I make my own road to travel
Even if I'm all alone for a while
It is worth it to me
No Regrets
No Worries
Hakuna Matata
 Jun 2014 Jess
Have you ever felt
That your heart is broken,
and you couldn't go on?
Have you ever really
wanted to die?
To end your life,
so your tears would dry?
My life was like a ****,
and he lighted it up
he made my smile,
When things got tough,
he was always there,
for once in my life,
someone did care.,
Now the lights has turned to dark,
Without him
I have no life,
I don't wish to see
a new tomorrow from what I saw today.
I'm Crying
They say you can't love someone
in such older years,
then give me an explanation
to why I shed all these tears?
Don't say I deserve someone better,
I just want to be with him,
no one will ever take his place,
why must love always
end with a broken heart?
True love survives everything,
Why can't I stop feeling
the way I do?
I know I'll never find
another you.
I would give everything,
just to see your face,
you are my heart,
something no one will replace.

So remember this,
I will love you forever,
even if it means
we're not together.
Any girl would be lucky,
to have a guy like you,
but no one will ever
love you in the special way I do.
Feeling Broken
What happened today is killing me and is making me FREAKING JEALOUS
 Jun 2014 Jess
Moira Cheng
A whisper in the dark
A shout in to the noise
A fear of the one who catches my eye

Unextraordinary is all I see
In the mirror in front of me
A breath I cannot take
An imperfection in every wake

Perfection is not the word for me
Neither is infinity
With uncertainty as my life
Why bother to bring in light?

But the more I hide in the dark
The more you come with a fire
Like a grenade I shall explode
I shall destroy

As water fills me up
I drown those around me
I shall not bring you down
Not with me into this depth

After my darkness you still fight with a light
Giving me hope and giving me life
A chance to live a dream that is not yours
To make me believe in infinity as a choice

In the sky I feel my hope
Away from here do I feel a prize
With you who carries such a great light
I feel alive

Feeling our connection grow
I see your imperfections show
Like I am you and you are me
In that there is immortality

But then your light turns to gray
I feel the ache of the pain
With every cell lighting up
With no one to make it stop

The feeling of our infinity going astray
I can't help but remember and pray
I thought you were the only light
But now you have given me a life

One to cherish with all my might
I can't thank you enough for your time
For even in a short time
Have you given me a life time

I know the stars don't favor our love
But you cannot choose to ignore it
You cannot choose if you get hurt in this world
But you do have a say in who hurts you
 Jun 2014 Jess
My favorite book is The Fault in Our Stars, so I wrote a poem about it.*

The fault is not in us, my love
The fault is in our stars
For we should be together
Whether we be near or far

But due to certain circumstance
Our love will never be
But I will always love you
For Earth's eternity

Although I cannot see you
And want to fall apart
Your beauty and your warmth
Will live within my heart
 Jun 2014 Jess
Sean G
 Jun 2014 Jess
Sean G
Lying awake
At midnight,
Eyes to the sky,
Confusion racking my mind.

Thoughts of you
Consume my brain,
Keeping me preoccupied,
Making sleep elusive.

All because
I want something,
I can't have.
 Jun 2014 Jess
Deedee Denson
Lovin you cause you are the key 2 my heart,
Loving u cause we'll never part,
Loving u cause you're my friend,
Loving u from beginning to end,
Loving u each and every day,
Loving u cause u will stay,
Loving u the best i can,
loving u cause you're my man,
Loving u with all my soul,
Loving u until i grow old,
Loving u cause you're the right to my wrong,
Loving u cause we belong,
Loving you until I can't anymore,
Loving u is what m heart beats for,
Loving you cause u won't say goodbye,
I'm loving u until the day i die.
 Jun 2014 Jess
Teri Bennett
Harry Potter marathons

Keeps my mind going strong

Feeds my imagination

Hogwarts is my destination

Fun times can be found

Magical abilities will abound

Harry has a path to follow

Leading up to Deathly Hallows

Ron and Hermione his best friends

Stick with him to the bitter end

Dumbledore a blessing to behold

Guides Harry as his life unfolds

Snape was such a scoundrel

Turns out he's quite wonderful

In the end you will see

There's nothing better than family

— The End —