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Hello Daisies Mar 2019
I watch many shows
About a savior
Who is separate from the world

They were chosen
To save everyone
Yet they are so depressed
Being seperate from everyone

Buffy wished she was normal
She considered herself a freak
Eventually stopped being alive
And inside she died

She had friends
But felt so alone
She could not socialize
And show her trueself

She was a freak
But everyone saw a hero
She was empty inside
She wished for death
But only could hide

I watch these shows
Almsot religiously
Becuase I feel i grow
As buffy losing reality

All i wished for
As a little girl
Was to be normal
And see the world

All I get
Was being a freak
While everyone else praised me
For being innocent and sweet

They look to me as a saving grace
Their last fall
When they hit their face
Then they leave

The hardest thing in this world
Is to live in it
Buffy said
As she dove into her death

Only to awaken even more dead
Inside a deep grave
Living life depraved
Of basic emotions

Everyones falling apart
All around her
But she has to work
And be a good girl

I dove head first
Into numbess
I died
And woke up
With no bliss

I see your suffering
I do not care
I'm so gone
I'm going nowhere

I lost my morals
And sense of heroism
I wish to destroy
The city of hell
That is my prison

Maybe then i can be free
And see my reality
Show love to those around
And finally be proud
Like a normal girl
Francisco DH Nov 2012
I did that once
Hid my shame, boxed it away and gave it to my friend the closet  
He was a good friend that kept all my secrets
He would never betray me

I did that once
Laughed at their little jokes that were towards women and girls
They were ****** and had all laughing both in and out but for me it was only out
I boxed my feelings away and gave them to The Closet

I did that once
Shut my eyes tightly and force images of women's privates
And when A thought of a boy or a man entered my mind I would boxed that too
The Closet took it with open arms and hid it away from the light

I did that once
Chose a girl that would help mask me
I hid behind her and used her as a front
When a question arosed I pulled her closer

My closet has hidden many things about me
Things that I have done are carefully wrapped in newspaper
Hiding in the Closet

I did that once
Shed some light on my trueself
and opened The Closet's door a crack
I let some things come out

I did that once and I don't have to do it again
I am no longer ashamed even though I might blush
I love the way I am
I am who I am
The Closet door is Now opened for all to see
Sheri Swartz Oct 2013
Hate is a serious offence and posesses you,your mind
Hate takes over and you'll discover that  your trueself is missing
unable to find
Hate ruins you and keeps you from staying sane
it crushes you and make light in your pathway dufficult to obtain
Hate is a path to to hell,to an endless fire,it will own you and make of you an exquisite liar
It will destroy you and control you if entered into your heart and when it's there it might not easily depart.
Nameless Mar 2012
You let me see what you wanted me to see
Your hopes, your love, your life
When all along you hid your trueself
The anger, hurt and pride

I married you in good faith
And tried to make you happy
Nothing seemed to help
Not My love, our children nor the  money

You were the love of my life
So special and adoring
But now I see you are so cruel
You are but my boring story

I thought you would change back
into my special guy
Instead your threw it all away
on women, smokes and others  

50 years have passed us by
Our children and grandchildren grown
But no matter what
You still remain as hard as a stone

We have but a few years left in us
Lets move on and make up
Be my loving lover
The one whom I still love
Mira Mar 2019
An intelligent, bold and smart being,
Fun and out-going,
Caring and understanding
To everyone else,
Except her.

She used to be a confident and energetic woman,
Fear of none,
Loving and caring,
Used to be in her trueself,
Until she fell in love with

She cares for you
She supports you
Always there for you
She only wants your happiness
She suppresses her own desires and wishes
Her sacrifices,
Her compromises,
She does everything for you
Because she loves you.

You always have negative perception of her,
You misunderstand her,
You find her irritating.
You belittle her,
You abuse her,
When all she wants is your caring, understanding and random appreciation of her small gestures.
And it is slowly killing her.

Is she worth of such tortures just because she loves you?

The Consequences?
She is afraid to show who she is
She has lost her self-confidence
She is hurt & burning
Having a war within herself all the time
She cries silently at night.
Her eyes are empty.
Her smile is dead.
She is completely shattered.

Over all the pains she received,
She still chooses you
And stays with you.
Even she knows she deserved better.
Because her biggest fear is losing you than losing herself.
And you mean the whole world for her.

One day
when she will not able to bear the pains anymore,
when she will decide to give up on you,
when she will finally have courage to let you go.
She is counting down for that day.
That day, you will realize what you have lost.
You will then know the value of her.
Things that can't be change even if she wishes to.
Her hope is fading. Her unspoken words & suppressed feelings pour out as poem.
An unforgettable memories which she wishes it never had happened.
I was strolling through my dreary and dull road,
When, I met a man, who touched my soul,
He walked towards me with his colorful laugh,
Changing the dusty and dull road to a vibrant photograph,

For you who contains similar depth as the capicuous ocean,  
Knows how to embrace heart's every emotion,

For you who sought inspiration in all,
Isn't you an inspiration to all ?

You who is congruous to the Mountain who raises himself above the earth, always seeking the sky's divinity,
And Away from the earth's guilt and sins, but still belongs to the earth,

For I whose poetry seldom rhymes well,
Can never fathom the ineffable composure of your trueself.
"For my best friend who always inspire me"
Jayantee Khare Jun 2018
at home,
is a feeling,
even when you visit
certain place for the first time,
you feel it strongly...
it's the vibration
the ambience
the energy
the acceptance
of your being yourself....
at home,
sometimes you don't feel it
even after years of stay there
because everytime
you are judged
you are tested
you are mistaken
for granted you're taken
you need to act
you don't connect
you can't be your trueself....
Non judgemental people are really boon to life....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
in the tsunami of self loathing,
i am not going to swim,
i am sitting numb,
staring at the walls,
questioning myself,
why am i this way?
why can't i be what they want me to be?
why can't i?
i hear the waves of ocean of detestation,
crashing on my mind,
destructing my trueself,
shaking the buildings of my self confidence,
i can feel the water filled inside my lungs,
and this time,
i am not swimming,
i am not trying to save myself,
i am drowning,
and i don't want anyone,
to save me from drowning,
coz i know,
they can save me from demons,
but no one can save me from myself....
Harry clute Jun 2017
Divide a spoil of suggestion that lingers within the moral complex of sin  a powerful wave that destroys with each passing what was once pure inside a childs mind forever lost in the seeds of discovery what reamains of pure is subjected to each owns trueself
Cruz Dec 2019
So much of her is inside
The trueself we hide
A heart might break
Our soul to fragile to take

There is lock, but no key
Emotions we will never see
If hidden they remain
Your life stays the same

Along comes a ray
To light the way
Its carress tender and warm
The darkness is transformed

It shows you the key
All along it was in me
The choice is now mine
To let all my beauty shine

Should i let it out
It safety i doubt
Inside it will wither and die
Outside it glory will blind

Love and life is a choice
They are given equal a voice
Hearts should be unbound
So they may leave the ground
Descovia Mar 2022
There are many greats out there.

Whom does not seek validation in fighting weaker opponents or blinded by his own arrogant cockiness.

A real man does not strike a woman.

Uses his demeanor to devalue what is relived as enjoyment!

A warrior, is humble as a priest, noble as a knight
and powerful in terms of insightfulness.

I have wondered many places as a father, a poet, lived through some battles myself.

You are far from Royalty.

You should not tread the grounds, as if you are mightier than one with a crown.

I may have my faults. I may need more than a God to show me a way. You are far from that or anything appealing.

I have seen many kings and warriors, of good and evil intent....suffer the same fall.

You are only a man.

Onward to find yourself, because your trueself needs you more than your journey.
Sky May 2020
if you're heartbroken
don't close up your heart
love your trueself
to let the pain find it's way out
fill your hollow heart
with hopeful thoughts
and show your former lover
they've lost someone valuable
When you have your heartbroken, it's not because of you that it happened, but it's because your former lover could not handle how amazing you were. They're fools for thinking that they've found someone better, when all along you were the greatest gift...

— The End —