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labyrinth Jun 2021
Thia’s coming
An old friend from US
An old friend from the past
Thia’s coming
So are some memories
Now, I’m older than ever
But, that’s not the point here
Thia’s coming
Along with her friend Tre
So are some of my NY days
That I’m having hard time
To remember nowadays
And, that feels almost like crime
My good old friend from the states paid me a visit in Istanbul after 17 years. I’m so happy
Cassidy Chambers Jan 2015
Wanted to give all yoi writers a chance ro make money dor toir writinf. Chexk out thia page and like it the the real site will. BE up soon!
Your hair is as black as the night
Yet shines in the light.
Your smile
Toys with my heart.
Theres something about you.
your eyes
Forgive me for being vague
But im afraid your beauty has me at a bit of a loss.
I wish i could buy you the moon
And catch that crow you always wanted.
I want to take your sorrow
And bury it deep within the ground.
I want to hold your hand
And fly you to the sky
That way
You could touch the clouds
And breathe in the stars.
wont you be mine?
Wont you be my countess
My supreme ruler.
Be my queen
Guide me on this path
So i may melt your heart.
Your skin
Bronze and perfect.
Your perfume
Catches me with every pass.
No no no
How can this be?
Perfection isnt supposed to be possible
And yet
here you are
Bending my heart
Beating faster as you pass.
What kind of love is this
You got me
Writing for you.
Thia is for you.
So honey,
Please join me
*tonight and forever
For a special girl. I dont know if this is good. What do you guys think?
Now, there was this kid,
Never felt good enough,
No matter what he did.

Felt like he was a burden, a hindrance,
Always in the way,
No tears with his disappearence.

He learnt how to hide this,
Put on a smile, and hide the sadness,
They weren't theirs, only his.

He got his first chest hair,
And his first thoughts of ending,
But they wouldn't care.

He told himself everytime,
Keep on the mask,
Let them know you're fine.

He fpund and loved his first,
And she never knew,
That love was the worst.

He went in too deep,
He either loved 100% or felt nothing,
Never a step, a leap.

He learnt how to control,
With the help of doctors,
He put the darkness in a hole.

He went on to find another,
This time this love made him grow,
Not just a girlfriend, a lover.

He became a man, with a beard,
Made mistakes,
Learnt what he feared.

When she left, he knew,
He can't be alone,
Thats when the darkness grew.

Sleepless nights, and tiresome days,
The darkness crept back,
Falling into his old ways.

On top of a building site,
He looked down at his future,
He had given up the fight.

Placed his belongings on the ledge,
Stepped up,
Toes hanging off the edge.

He closed is eyes, tears down his face,
The fake smile beaming,
Release will be at the base.

He didnt fall forward like planned,
He fell backwards,
Face buried in hand.

Lets try again, step to the line,
This time he'll do it,
But he hesitated thia time.

A text. His phone flashing away.
"Where you at you *******?"
Typical thing his friend would say.

He had a surge of relief, a sigh,
A change of mind.
He still doesnt really know why.

A few months passed,
The darkness still in control.
Will this ever end he'll ask.

He looked hollow at sight,
He wore a smile, but it was clear to see,
His closest asked if he was alright.

I'm okay, he said. Everytime he lied.
He took every pill he had,
Fell on his side.

The luck he had, that awkward fall,
His body rejected his attempt,
He knew he was a fool.

Felt **** for days,
No sleep still,
Self torture in different ways.

Then something happened, a click,
He needed to live, he needed help,
He was just sick.

He made a decision,
To help others,
He had a vision.

To use his experience as a guide,
To help others in need,
To be there for them, far and wide.

The darkness lost its hold,
And he found a new love,
He felt warmth, not just the cold.

Years went by, living a happy life,
Yes he had ups and downs,
But he felt strong with her, through all their strife.

Yet, again, the darkness creeps in,
Slowly getting stronger,
On its way to win.

He is confused. Why now?
His life isnt perfect, but still,
He doesn't know why or how.

Its different. He familiar with its ways,
He still hides it well,
But you can see it in his gaze.

He knows he needs to talk.
Take action slowly and in time,
No need to run before you can walk.

He won't let it win,
He's got too much to live for,
He knows he needs to destroy the darkness within.

I know this story too well,
I know it because he is me.
This is my story to tell.

Please, if you can relate,
Talk. Let it out.
A doctor, family, a mate.

Or me. A complete stranger to you.
I'm always here,
I'm always here its true.

Just talk.
This one is a bit of a mess. I got caught up in the moment and ranted. Its a bit raw. Kinda forced at times maybe. Either way, the message stands.
SkyeWolfe Dec 2018
This hope of love is killing me
The type of hope that never ends
Thia hope of being more than friends
Tafuta Atarashī Sep 2017
What do you love about me?
What do you think about me?
When you look forward what you see?
You and me? Us? Some other girl?
(Girl in static voice)

Aw nah baby girl.
Le-le-lemme break it down for ya
(Break it down for me)
Le-le-lemme break it down for ya
Baby girl (tell me) baby girl (tell me)
(Repeat x1)
Ight so
Love it when you wear no
Lookin so goddess when you
Seeing you I gotta wakeup
Cause you just like dawn.
And that ain't all.
I love it when you braid your
Hair up.
Hot ****.
You smoother than smooth criminal
Stealin my heart and you
Don't go for minimal.
Done took all of me and got away with it
Sped away with me in
Like some fast car that's luxury.
I enjoy thia case of robbery
Like a detective novel thats a good read.
Like I got away from the rhyme scheme.
Well... Not quite
But you get the gist of what I mean--

You're 1-2 step fresh.
Homegirl you the best.
Sweetness you best
All others
With-out break-in a sweat
When Dancing to my music.
Smooth when you in motion
You roll like above bass line
Call it good good music.
And that's why

Love it when you dress up.
Lookin like you belong at the
Or some other high society
And what's amazing is you chill with
This dude.
I'm an eighties hip-hop beat compared to your old school
Royalty only tunes.
You Bach and I'm baroque
You work you way through me
Changed my chords
Renewed my Melody
See right through me
Right through my cadence.
You bring about that cadence..

You Bach and I'm broke
Like a broken record
If we truly compare.
Please don't mind my hi-hi-hiccups.
Cuz jus like King Sundiata
It'll be some time before I
Stand up.
But when I do trust that I'll
Be that rightful king
To your rightful Queen.
But when I do trust that I'll
Be that rightful king
To your rightful Queen.

I love that you got fine tastes
For fine things
But you don't mind fries
A burger and a soda drink.
You don't mind package ramen
And when it's all done and said
You got a heart of gold
Refined and wise.

I love that you got a beautiful laugh.
In 80s terms you ain't squiggly.
Baby it's honestly you and me.
Love those eyes this lips that A
I realize I'm getting long winded on this track
So lemme step back.
Max out.

(What do you love about me?
What do you think about me?
When you look forward what you see?
You and me? Us? Some other girl?)

Aw nah baby girl.
Le-le-lemme break it down for ya
(Break it down for me)
Le-le-lemme break it down for ya
Baby girl (tell me) baby girl (tell me)
(Repeat x1)
Thia world is full of hypocrites who do preach practice none
The heaven has been changed in to hell for henious designs
The rascals play with poverity stricken people for sake of fun
They deliver lengthy speeches as guidelines to be as sidelines

Needy remain needy for two loafs of bread till they be dead
Rich are becoming richest what a mockery what a strange circus
Ailments and problems further aggravate situation to get  bread
This cruelity of the richest will detroy thembeing on purpose

Hidden corona has further aggravated the situation to prevail
Is this virus their to demean poverity stricken to remain in agony
And to debar them from the basic right of struggle not to avail
My Lord your slaves are in deplorable plight come to make free

Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyrights 2020,7,April Love Remains

— The End —