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Swoo May 2022
My sun in human form! I come alive everytime theres a sighting of you.
Everything else shutters in absence  and its Jupiters arora blue aura glowing on me. Nothing pops out like you do. You posses that ting that lights up any room. Ahh sweet home. Jupiters aurora blue aura - Swoo
Ugo Sep 2013
it's hard to crack a
coconut while
sitting under the
in order to understand
the fundamentals of a
broken heart
you've got to know the
secrets of the soul


99% of human beings
are enchanted
and to lick the moon
you don't always have to
travel to mars.

Now wait.
Cadence Musick Nov 2014
Soft glowing
Hang from emptied corridors
And the night melts into


Outer space
Dripping pinpoints of light
briano alliano performing on jupiter

i wish people would treat me normal

like a cool family person should be treated

i wish they would stop trying to bug me, no mate no, i hate it

i don’t like people poking me, it drives me up the wall

you see i am a family person, i don’t like people poking me at all

i know people love to poke me, because they think it is kinda fun

but i can say oh pretty one, it’s not fun for me

i don’t want people to get me back for what i do to them

cause, ya see, that is how hooligans get treated

and i am not a hooligan

ya see god, is a made up being, what is wrong with believing in buddha

i never liked people poking me, just leave me alone

you see their constant poking made me feel like a hooligan oh yeah

how they tried to get me off the seat, saying your not like your father, no

but i have the right, to do what i want, i am a family person, anyway

i hate being called a woos, i wish people would understand that

i like computers as well

computers are totally radical dude, in every sort of way

i don’t want people to tease me, cause they were called pat me grind and i was called brains

you can’t change the past ya see, it’s not my fault that you were pat me grind

i know, people are stupid when they do that stupid poking about

poking is what you give a hooligan when they are too shy to muck with the family

but i am a family person who has paranormal visions

i can’t help that i can muck around with the dead

i can’t help that i can workout previous life patterns

i think people are crazy, if they try and reform beliefs

because these are my beliefs, these are my beliefs

reincarnation can make death up-lifting

point to the sky to see what you can find

whether you can see jupiter or saturn

and at the night you will see the moon, yeah that sounds mighty fine to me

i don’t want to be treated like a little shy boy, i ain’t shy at all

though i don’t want to fight, but i want to PARTY

yeah that sounds so very cool

picture in your mind what you see

the rightful serving of the lord

i hate these devil worshipping reading minds freaks who think they can really dampen my spirits, on noseree

you see i love life too much to let that worry me

i don’t want to be a shy koomarri who just cleans his house, BORING, mind you i do clean my house sonny Jim

i feel hooligans trying to poke all over my body, to take the family person out of me

please leave me alone, for i am now a real family person can’t ya see

here is my next song

you see hooligans trying to poke the family person out of me

because my stories of previous lives is boring them, poor babies

they are little kids, and they are as ******* as ****

i am a cool koomaerri oh yeseree

you see these poems are computer power yeah

though i understand what can happen with social media, i still am rather famous oh yeseree

on the top of the world looking down on creation and on every planet i can find

any dream will do, my mate and open a can of methane my mate, i will see you at the top of the world

and there is nothing wrong with an adult partying, just don’t poke me

you see i am hearing myself with a mate named james

you see i used to tease james while he was trying to type, and i need people to understand i am reformed

i am top of the world looking down on jupiter and i wish you can stop poking me

because i am not a hooligan, i am a family person, you see james pederson was a total ****

and he sai hoy hoy hoy don’t tease me, he was easy to flaming tease

and i carried it a bit far at the football, when i teased him again, and i knocked him over

and i felt on top of the world looking down on that baby, you see he is ******* as a fucken ****

i know i don’t do that anymore, please don’t get me back for it

because while on medication i feel on top of the world

you see i never really helped anyone as a child, but i tried to make up for that as an adult

because i am a family person anyway, i8 teased all the kids at school, making them feel uncomfortable

now, i am on medication and i feel on top of the world

when i was young i looked as being mental as stupid

and we used to make jokes about teasing people at kenmore

but when i found out i am mental too, the shoe is on the other foot now, isn’t it

i felt on top of the world looking over crazy people, never knowing i will be one of them

all i want is to be treated like a internet ****** and let bygons be bygons

as i am a reformed man anyway

just meet me at the top of the world, dudes
Thomas Schulze Oct 2014
Visions of light flashing across the sky
The brightness caught jupiters eye
It yells out here comes my sun
This war will end with the chosen one
A constant struggle to hold back rage
A burst of Flames to turn the page
With each day of the rising sun
We look out and seek that chosen one
But some they feel he'll never come
So many still will never run
SG Holter Mar 2015
Let's stop putting the label Bad
On our delicate little planet.
Yes, she has ugly skin on parts of

Her continents. Some sour rain,
Some rash from her seven billion fleas.
But she deserves more.

Yes, so perhaps she's only one blue
Eye on the face of the solar system.
A shivering cyclops

Afraid to meet the gazes of duality,
Yet standing tall against
The Jupiters and Red Giants

Of the immediate Universe.
But there, in the black eclipse-dot
Of her iris,

A smoker quits
For the sake of his children,
And I see what it costs.

So I recline, eyes closed,  
In the warmth of a cigarette ****
Crushed under a heel

In its lastness; a little, empty
Crucifix -now a cross-
That reminds me that the sacrifice  

That any non-smoker (not an ex-
Smoker) would never understand,
Comes from the same place as

Those things that make us stop and
Wonder at the selflessness that
Makes Earth

Not a victim orb of crap, but a spaceship
Where angels hike on their time off
Just to experience

The factors of Humanity
That make us stop putting **** in
ourselves, and start loving.
To burst through the blue cats eye
From the surety of Earth at my feet
The Pleiades and I will meet
Laughing at gravity bound-
Traipsing asteroid streets
Calling a comet my own
A crater on Mars could be my home
Jupiters agrarian lovers
Fed by the red stars above
Waving bye to the blue marble
To forever explore
To feed galactic wonder forevermore* ...
Copyright July 6 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
jupiters moons.
Is that an answer?

No questions and the way it falls

it feels like empty river water.

No I don't,

have passions to chase.

Its more of distant callings,
yearnings from the empty

that is inside the hollow bark of
withering willows.
Butch Decatoria Nov 2016
My August birthstone.
Stripes of golden Jupiters;
Storms of Summers' Suns.
flora Feb 2021
i long to be there again...

lying on the moon,
embraced in his light.
bathing in his glow
swimming in his brilliance.

i long to dance on saturn's rings
and to sing with jupiters hum
i long to float in the void of space
weightlessly and effortlessly,

at peace
Alia Dec 2019
Freezing planet of ice
Cold, so cold
An unremarkable planet in comparison
To Jupiter’s size
To Earth's life
To Saturn’s rings

Still, not entirely boring
Your days are longer than even Jupiters
Your size is bigger than Earth
Your blue beauty and small rings more delicate than Saturn

Blue, swirling, cold
That is what you are
So much bluer than the sky you were named for
Years so long almost all will not see a full one
Years so long the melody of you will sound different to every generation
As we all try to understand your nature
And all fail
ccmmaaa May 2018
Your secret messages become even more secret in a hidden part of my room, in my heart, in my mind. They never see sunlight, but they don’t have to. Things are better loved quietly, in the dark without the interruption of light--the truth. Messages become more meaningful under the moonlight, anway. You write me love poetry in what’s not said, you paint me images with the swirls of your type type typing fingers. We create a moon world. We create many moon worlds. We name them after jupiters 53 moons: io, herse, europa, thebe, leda. We plan to name our dream children after these moons. We don’t discuss the likelihood of our dreamlets. We don’t realize it’s because if we look at this during the day, it’s rotting.

Is the way you look at me in the merriam-webster’s dictionary? Is the way you brush your bony fingers on my hairy arms taught in grammar school? How do we define forever? Do we have forever? Do we even have today? We’re school children with no concept of linear time and a perfect understanding of infinity. We’ll never stop for the recess bell.

We sit in the bath. The water is hot for our baptism, cleansing our sins and souls and troubles and worries. We stare. The steam disrupts our vision, blurring our bodies into a two headed monster. Isn’t that what we are? Monsters? We sit in the bath. I think of that line from The Bell Jar: “There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.” I quote it, but you don’t get the reference. You’ve stopped getting my references. We sit in the bath. You tell me I’m special to you. I blink. I don’t believe it anymore. We sit in the bath. We stare at each other, the steam stinging our eyes. You pull the drain for the water, but we go down instead.

You push me away. I push me away. You push me away. I push me away. We stop pushing. We never moved.

Is there a synonym for you and me? We only exist in synonyms, in other versions of ourselves.

I light my prayer candle for you. I whisper a prayer for happiness, for you, for me, into its embers. The flame climbs the wick slowly. Four of cups, reverse strength, the tower. I pull tarot cards until my fingers are paper cut to the bone. Past, present, future.

I read you love poetry, but not mine. I can’t capture the feeling of lying next to you like cummings. Do you carry my heart like i carry yours (in my heart)? I carry your heart like a school boy carrying your books.

Do you worry about me like i worry? Do you wear your guilt like a sweater? Does it envelop you like a blanket on cold nights? I wear mine like perfumed lotion, it sinks in all over my body and becomes one with me. You love my smell.

Can i stop hiding you? I want to climb to the highest mountain on Io and let everyone know. There’s only you and me there, but that’s all who needs to know. I love you.

I love you.

I love you.
Greyisntwell Nov 2020

Deep within Jupiter's waters
The red sun rising
We drown without inhaling
Weight of the world takes ahold

The words fill up our bodies
We succumb to,
We succumb to
The pain that dwells within
The words are never forgotten
The feelings never truly fade
Time only helps put a bandaid over the scars

Deep within Jupiters waters
The red sun falling
The weight of the world takes ahold.
Ring the alarm repeats of desert storm feel the harm
I embalm from an injection minus your protection
Pack the smiff and Wesson's thousands to chose
Haters we bruise catch the early news body in a snooze
You loose this mortal combat I combat the mortals
Opened up my third eye portals see the swimming halos
Fiery glow to my skull I'm spinal rip through any title
Hawk jones disciple my fist hit like rifle snipe ya view
**** the those who over grew I'm sitting up like glue
Pasted drunk and wasted still my conscious is face with
Iron grit mentality suckas wanna battle me my comfy
But ain't no fear in me I been trained for constant treasury  
Yo I'm your majesty **** me and watch highlander
Up your souls but at the same time I'll dime your souls
Night time vestibule see the dark shadows testing you
You see me in the 3 D like genies no wishing on the three
To the fourscore and many more I adore the scents of gore
Been made for war it's like an everyday metaphor
So what you waiting for? My casket gold plated mask fit
Sitting like King Tut arms crossed spiritual killer boss
Huh I'm link back with my baby Zekara Lelei some Nerfitities  
Acts pull like Houdini can you see me naw believe me
Dangerously pull more heat than Bugsy none above me
Represent the lost prophets live life to fullest with no profits
Broken souls spoken to those with their minds open hoping
While you scoping I'm scoping calvary scout smoking
Ya every pinpoints with artillery to point and anoint joints
Sparks the body fumes consume you just been doomed
Muthapukkaz slavery was the worst thing for humanity tragedy
Seems to make us go round and round their I found
My tears in the ground looking around all I see is frowns
Amongst us lights to shadows over my dimming plateaus
I'm tryna revisit jupiters exquisite dining facility can ya feel it
Trips like lsd did it admit it feeling like a protege of B Hemmit

— The End —