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Rollie Rathburn Dec 2016
For William and Meredith

For treatment of panic and anxiety disorders,
short-acting anxiolytics are generally recommended
to provide temporary bursts of clarity
but should be reassessed periodically for
usefulness and concerns regarding tolerance,
and abuse.

Xanax releases dopamine into the brain
to function as a neurotransmitter to send signals
between nerve cells
including reward motivated behavior
and pathways known to reinforce addictive neuronal activity

Perhaps to build her,
you had to break yourself
amongst the glass of that summer day.
Leave her waiting for your hair to peek
around a weathered edge
toward a forgotten living room corner

You are still her Patron Saint.
A long shadow cast across a small ghost.

She still screams at the sky to stop raining
beats her fists down the path
to the house of death
unceasing, and changeless.
Prodding a dull,
One that leaves its mark,
with pain felt more
from memory
than from anything else.

Withdrawal and rebound symptoms commonly occur and
necessitate a gradual reduction
to minimize the effects of discontinuation.
Not all withdrawal effects are evidence
of true dependence or withdrawal.

Recurrence may suggest no more
than the drug having the expected effect
and that,
in the absence of the drug,
the symptom has returned to pretreatment levels.
WA West Oct 2018
Fibre optic cables,
clipped conversations,

partial strangers,
networked communications,

keyboard ambiance,
anxious remonstrations,

system failures,
nicotine meditations

smudging frames,
hierarchical mediation,

computerised bleeps,
opaque mechanisations,

brightening windows,
verbose inflections,

silks ties,
limited reverberations,

exaggerated flirtation,
bowel eliminations,

pointless days,
power imitations,

numeric values.
insurmountable situations,

digital bleeds
eventual discontinuation
I heard someone whisper "he's such an arrogant *****" as I entered.
Those crooked sons of ******* don't have any idea,
I'm the kind you hardly ever come across except in winters,
when all the street rats are begging for heat.
I command attention at the head of the table,
I am the head of the table,
and sever the head to **** the municipal body.
The wigs and robes and gavels I accessorize command it too.
When I sign things I do it haughtily,
I carefully etch each and every ******* letter onto writs of demand.

I stand!
A hush lingers,
I catch the eyes of Walter Weiss, he lies with every breath
and did you know he is unfaithful to his wife? I heard.
the shudders are shut, my druthers. Oh, Walter!
notarize my forms of annexation, please.
and take down this:
To whom it may concern:

You have 7 days to remove yourself from the premises
as you are aware of the edict that preexists
and preempts your residence
and your squalor misrepresents
your laziness.
Signed: The holding powers, in eminence.

Oh Walter Weiss, address it to yourself!
I pride myself on tact.
And package with the writ this evidence form
sent to my office following a secret examination
conducted by the Department of Residential Safety and Heath.

Do not bother me with demoralizations, Walter!
Due to discourse with the Act of Discontinuation,
(which of course is subject to broad generalizations)
the lien sector of the Savings and Loan Association
have concluded you are found in violation of, through reasoning by generalization,
failing to pay duties on your mortgage issued by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Oh, Walter, how distressing!
Don't falter, acquiescing
is always the way.
Just never, ever forget to pay.
In the drawer beside my bed
there lies a graveyard
where scribbles cut to ribbons
rot in literary purgatory.

Discontinued timelines
suspended in the could-have-been,
you know, that awkward space between the realms of possibilities?
Civilisations falling into disrepair,
starved of vision,
endless streams of thought tricking into discontinuation.

It's all in the drawer beside my bed,
beside my head,
that knitted them together
and in the same breath, tore them apart.
For when you start writing but never finish.
Arcassin B Aug 2015
By Arcassin Burnham

The electricity of your smile covered
In Golden seeds,
I'll be sure that everything will be alright,
Wind blowing in grass fields,
5 dollar pizza deals,
We sure had a great night,
But if i sacrifice my heart in your ritual
Of being true to me,
It will be groovy , it'd be out of sight,
Drive me crazy , my skin I'll peel,
Its your heart I wanna steal,
This drawing of you looks pretty right?!!
For all of my soul prospers,
Trying to avoid the coppers,
Wars, dying , people screaming,
In the smoke with all the choppers,
You were right there waiting for me to save you,
The discontinuation will not ever prosper,

All of our memories are out today,
Blasting in the face creativity,
Pretty shallow but I'd say it's actually quite,
The sunset shining in the grass fields,
In my bed , I always liked the way you feel,
Will I go to bed again? I might,
Beautiful blessings in the ways we move
And creep,
For the cause , wouldn't put up a fight,
Kissing your lips , we love to seal,
The padlocks that are made of fine steel,
As long as I see you in sight,
love is old
love is new
love is old
me and you
We're gonna live a happy life,
And If I have to be a heart-strucked immigrant,
I swear I'll put it right.
A movie and band inspired me ❤
Daisy King Mar 2016
Apathetic, acataleptic, anthropomorphic abstractions aided an anorectic.
Biology and botany, both broad, but bellicose blossoms bring banality.
Considered communication can conceal certain capabilities- cruelty without causality.
Delirious dreams of divination dwindle during daytime's discontinuation.
Echoing and eerie, ecclesiastical ecstasy eclipses eccentric ebullience in extroverts.
Face-to-face farewells facilitate friendships & fatigue families, familiar in fantasies.
Grace goes gardening, garnishing and ghostwriting, good god, glistening a glittery glaze over.
High, hovering, hallucinating helps habits' hardening and hiding in hazy harmony.
Introduced ideologies, indeed, illustrate ingenuity in idiosyncratic individuals I impersonate.
Jumbled and juiced juxtaposition of jitterbug and jazz justifies jovial jumpiness- jeez.
Karaoke on ketamine, a kettleful of kerosene, kindling kisses, knocking knees.
Last but not least, the lawless laying low are liberated, later learning large life lessons.
Mainly markedly meticulous, maids manage the meagerness of mess, mollifying mothers.
Namely narcotics, not either naivety nor narrow-mindedness, necessitates a nosedive.
Obligations to obtain n occupation only obfuscates obvious obstacles, and oftentimes objectivity.
Pervasive paradoxes parody people's past perceptions, predominantly persistent patterns.
Quick-witted quarrelers query quantifiable qualities, quotations never quivering or quiet
Rickety, raggedly radios ring with ragtime, rainbows remain a rarity.
Sick, staggering students suddenly spill, saucer-eyed, onto streets and scatter.
Thrown together, the tank top, the trousers, tempted and tongue-tied them, totally.
Underestimation ultimately undid the understanding of ubiquitous underachieving underdogs.
Variability in validity and value variance violates the valuer's viewpoint very vividly.
Wandering war-torn wastelands, wayfarers weaken, wait for water, wearily wonder at weather
Xenophobic xylophonist's x-ray wouldn't show his xanthopsia, xeroxed in the xanthic Xs of his eyes.
Your yawning and yelling is yellowing your youthful yearnings for yesterdays.
Zigzagging, zany zookeepers zestfully zone out with zoom lenses, to see from A-Z.
Tom Waiting Jun 2020
decided why waiting, my name, my curse, my retrocognition,
last week, was sore-spent, from abusing discontinuation, retribution,
lovers who took more, too much, left contentedly, not looking back
over their shoulder, at the wasted wake left behind, nothing to them

just was their “been here, now, just a hereafter” remainder reminder

can’t believe I’m writing, in these blues lyrics electrified,
my ribs, plucked like guitar strings for “pic”ing demand wailing,
my own hereafter starts now, past days eradicated, freshened up,
these aren’t the days of reminiscing, these are the days of  no más!

of my hereafter, now I understand, did not know how, clarity arrived

but now will love only in equality, no worshiping, no portraits
to be admired  hanging on hallway walls, got rollers and pan,
repainting walls crazy whites, starting again, coming out today,
the hiding separated, put in trash bags on the street, for takeaway

in crazy notions, commencing my hereafter, is inviting you,
join me, improve my cadence, my rhymes, finish my sentences,
with periods of laughter, commas of words of perfect additions,
waiting no more, from here after and ever more so, my name

hereafter, is now my retrofitted futures, no longer waiting...
Sequence Brown Jun 2013
I sometimes wish that I had not been blessed with the gift of having a big heart
I sometimes wish that I was not so eager to give that heart away
I sometimes wish I was smart enough to see past all the nonsense
For if I had not been blessed with a big heart, then it would never have been broken
For if I was not so eager or so blind, I would not have been so easily deceived
No one is whom they claim to be and no one says what is truly on their minds
Everyone is guilty of being a liar
Everyone is a fool
But I have been the greatest fool of all
I have leapt without looking
Hence, I have crumbled and been destroyed by my naivety
Where do you go once you’ve reached the bottom of an endless hole?
Is it possible to be revived once you’ve tasted death’s bitter kiss?
Or will I forever be imprisoned by the constant pain of discontinuation?
I have been abandoned by that heart
Now I am forced to see the truth of life
And forced to endure the pain of living alone
For you have shattered my heart and hidden all the pieces
Who am I without that heart …Who am I without you?
Queen Oct 2014
I can see the blank wall between our hearts,
the wall that was once filled with writings of our love,
reflections of our hearts,
the stories that made us reminisce and laugh about,
the memories,
hours spent,
the love,
the intense ***,
all of these have become a blank wall,
living our lives in separate worlds,
the world that we once fought together on our own,
has simply become a blank wall.
to afraid to face the truth of our dispersing hearts,
we continue to walk,
our own paths,
the blank wall between our hearts still continues to grow
an indication,
of our discontinuation,
to face the blank wall.

...Spongebob Squarepants...what...atoll...?
plunged into where, way...toilet bowl...
supposedly, when the ghostly hand ex-toll
ling praise from his late creator, and master

meow mind of popular Stephen Hillenburg
cast said main character in clean new role,
an unexpected greasy, grimy, grisly, grouchy,
grungy gruff peagreen ******* ***** troll

snatched the unsuspecting
cheerful happy go lucky
animated fellow, who lives
in a pineapple under sea

(at 124 Conch Street) quite
self absorbed with Gary
his pet snail (not answering
questions at this time), we

understand emotional devastation,...
and possibly got flushed....sniffling
and sobbing heard...discontinuation,
this could wreak something
offal to all those avid landlubber

fans (many grownups) cling
to cautious optimism, but accept
vigilant prayers believing
quirk of fate could turn tide
of events & cannot dismiss linking

Russian collusion with attendant
rogues gallery, nor abandoning
any in house political conspiracy,
where top Navy brass calling
attention to an uncommonly

unusual migrant barnacles casing
with doddering fogey "Watergate
Plumbers" in tow absconding
before they could be apprehended
(hmm... something seems fishy)

haint no logical explanation, why
anyone would seek squeeze zing
the porous life out of such a unsinkable... accosting
...argh das **** and span hubble...

such a congenial, gentle, likable...
made himself come to life, (and
make believe to fans) achieving
he really existed, when birthed
from figment of imagination aching

tub be accepted and loved (by other
than Mister Rogers) acquiring
water world renown purportedly
slated to receive Krusty Krab shape
formica plaque engraved with his

name inlaid with finest enameling,
meanwhile...stay tuned at amazing
undrying resiliency as saturated media
updates how beloved soaking  
hero does wetter adversity!
Dan Hess Jul 2019
I implore to thee
Ineffable energy
Emotions of fleeting
Soulful severance

Take heed
And hold yourself
Against your nature
For thine
Own marrow
To discontinuation
In my own knowing
Thus, without showing
Ever growing
Is rage, unto bestowing

Age of flowing
What is left behind, now
Sowing seeds of
What unkind
And sinful things

You’ve just forgotten

So, rest
And coalesce
Within the crucible
In my chest

Where once, my heart was

And concentrate
To inundate
What meaning
I must articulate

Or die

For your ephemeral kind
Is wrought from thine

Must we always have some one
or something
to blame for our troubles?

I woke one day and the sky
had changed. My socks were not where
I had always kept my socks.
What I believed in was no longer believable.
The colors themselves

My body carried on
despite a mind's disapproval,
discontinuation of what
was what
For this is not
as it had been planned.
The "I" has been humbled.

And all there is now
is laughter.
or sadness
or one more blank page.

This is that day
Travis Green Oct 2018
I’ve been here sitting on the rooftop
of my home watching the fabric
of various worlds diverge from each
other, earth and spinning Saturn,
the great MilkyWay and burning Mars,
half carved moon and shattered souls, the
way two lovers scurry in a sleepless state
across distant dominions, drumbeaten
and wailing, flamed and soundless, every
stabbed existence withering away in rough
edged tunnels.  I could see trapped walls confined
in chains, screaming and struggling,
disconnected and depressed, hidden beyond
endless space, tortured, blade whipped, sinking
in swollen rivers.  The burdened trees were in
a sea of doubt and despair, lingering in insane
rhymes, trickling tears, slumped leaves sentenced
and prisoned, sunburnt and exploding, all fading
away in incomparable universes.  The crowded
city streets were half scorched and draining,
strained and quivering, every encompassing
dimension running together in solitude, moonless
metaphors, scrambled similes, shadowed diction,
recycled vowels, sore and jagged, scraped
and pockmarked, a discontinuation from reality,
cracked creations, bottled and broken, overgrown
seas dismantled and disintegrating, washed away
in a wave of gray cement.  My heart was floating
in a mass equation of volcanic caves, unable to
pull itself away from the obvious, the crammed
dirt dead in drugged syllables, the crippled rose
petals scattered across the ground, lifeless stems
whispering a thousand voices beneath a curtain
of light.

— The End —