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james nordlund Aug 2018
As they broke their bread for Lent, TrumputiN's team, hellbent,
Contrived a way to derive from the ripping apart of 3000 Latino
Families, an unending flow of your tax dolla's to predominently
Republican manned anti-immigration agencies, it should make you
Wanna holla, they called it 'zero tolerance', just to throw
All off the scent, and muddy the term's use hence, the white
Supremacy for the Black, in ebony and ivory's working together
In perfect harmony, to do away with 'zero tolerance' in schools,
To increase the amount of crime delinquent kids get done before
They're justifiably kicked out, same old, same old, tragically.

RumputiN got donations from one private prison corp, that got
A 200 million $ contract to house the kids, the involved Fed
Agencies then discriminated against families with kids by
Targeting them for family ripping on our South Western border.
These kids were caged, continually shuttled around at early
Morning hours so they'd be noticed less, were given no way
To contact relatives, their parents almost no way to contact
Them, the 'tender age' kids, 8 months old and up, not given
Humane necessary professsional care, etc., which will dictate
Lifelong traumatic effects, and deep psychological problems.

The courts continually order deadlines by which "these families
Must be reunited", but the altright universe invaders working
For trumpler continually miss them, and project genocidal lies
Like, "hundreds of these kids are ineligible to be reunited
With their parents", most parents having been deported already,
Even though a large % were legally asking for asylum at our
Border, this is genocidal and illegal internationally, there
Are no "ineligible" to be together innocent kids and parents,
When will prumptutin's genocide of Latinos, escalation of the
Oligarchy's class war against lower-middle-class to poor, end?

The gov't criminally dictated that "if they want to see their
Kids again they have to sign away their rights and leave", etc.,
Atrocities against these poor souls and groups like the ACLU,
While doing their best to remedy the abuses against them, our
Compadres, they, while not funded by the gov't, are mocked by
RumputiN, and he projects that "they should reunite families",
Instead of the gov't agencies who ripped them apart.  At least
The judges are deligently expressing the entirety of the fault
For these atrocities lies with the **** crime family's flocks
Of felons, and they must rectify it now, when will they?!?!?
When will the prosecutions of them use the REICO Statute,
And thereby, stop being elaborate cover-ups, giving out immunity

To dozens of organized criminals, while only incarcerating
A few.  Who is dense enough to not see through the smoke, mirrors,
Song, dance of the show that must go on's politic theatre macabre
Of the global oligarchy's cover up of itself?  Who is not knowing
That Mueller, who was part of the elite of the repub conspiracy
That purposely didn't prevent attacks on 9-11-01, during king
George and his ****, cheney's reign on the American way of life,
Is part of the intelligence industrial complex's 2016 invisible
Coup during, and hacking of, the presidential election, resulting
In RumputiN's installation in the Blackhouse ('cause once you go
Black you never go back), as well as the continual cover-up?  

Who, that comey, alone, could have been responsible for non-repubs
Loss of the Presidency, and now the supremacy court, especially if
The dems don't stop a kavanaugh vote before the midterms that are
Near?  Who ..., that most of the supposed "school shootings", acts
Of terror, targeting future non-repub leaders, are engineered, timed
And executed by the crimnal repub conspiracy that must be prosecuted
Using the REICO Statute also, who ..., that ebony and ivory, the
Black and white supremacies, working together in perfect harmony,
As are all 21 flavors of our baskin + robbins of supremacies, are
Struggling to mass-****** a million Americans, liquidating the ases
And assets of the masses, and calling it legislation, like ****** did
Before his "final solution", who, that the American daymare must end?
When's Mueller going to be done with his elaborate cover-up (he's purposely not using the REICO Statute that should be, and is necessary), he's giving immunity to a dozen republican criminal conspiracy felons while only prosecuting, convicting, pleading out a few, before or after RumputiN's visible coup steals the midterms?  If you didn't vote for Hillary, you voted for RumputiN.  "...We(e),..." must protect the vote, vote early, GOTV, and protect the results more than ever, before the country gets used to being drunk on democracy's backslider's wine.  Also: All threads in the fabric of life are needed; "..we(e),...", can't allow it to be torn asunder.  Mothers are that which society builds on, their needs are all of ours; and necessary to meet.  "...Suffer the children...", from the Bible, didn't mean cause the kids suffering; when will remocrats, and even some dempublicans (dinos and DinoS), stop doing most everything asbackwards?   reality
james nordlund Oct 2018
Since our political system has been laid bare, after RumputiN was installed
in the Blackhouse, it's beautiful complex of lack of complexity, in a word,
conspiracy of conspiracies, has moved me and "...we(e),..." to have as a few
of my favorite things be far more reaching questions, out of necessity. Like,
without acknowledging, and demanding others do the same, that it's been
purposely engineered to be a criminal injustice system instead, how can one
even have a real conversation that would lead to potential for real change
of it taking place in reality, if you don't know who you were, where you've
been, how on God's green Earth can you expect to know who..., where you are
and what's going on, necessary to start thinking about changing anything,
even yourself, as well as directing who you will be and where you will
be going, etc.?  Swine slaughtering lower-middle-class to poor men en masse,
mostly of color, instead of just doing the usual liquidation of their ases
and assets, are just serial murderers masquerading as cops, and what goes
around comes around, no?  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  
Also, people are fed up with felonious RumputiN and his rootin' tootin'
organized crime family spree from the Blackhouse, which should be prosecuted
using the RICO Statute instead of just being elaborately covered up by Mueller
for he's not using it and he's handing out immunities like soldiers candy to
Iraqi kids, duh.  I would add some salient pointless points, beyond the 'empty
boat' of Zen, and 'useless tree' of the Tao, we can understand the burden
placed on our shoulders by our ancestry not exercising their responsibilities
as they should have, and thereby it's Siamese twin sisters, their freedoms,
Withered like unused muscles as well, as a panultimate challenge, saving
humanity, literally. Also, understanding Jung's "80 % of all actions, thoughts,
feelings we have, that we acknowledge, or don't, perceive or don't, are
compensatory towards our pasts", necessitates an integral understanding of
Satre's existentialism' meaning of angst, as experience integral to life, not
opposed to it, but, rather, central to it, and a nexus of it.  This is more
than an embracing of gestalt's, Perls', moment, now. Moving away from sophist
perspective, we also experience the meaning of life is struggle, which comes
through all our meaningful work, succinctly. Further, what is life beyond that
foci is also, the where, when, who, how, and sometimes why too (but never Y2K)
of life; beyond our masks and ego fulfilling stories, schtick, lines, etc..
Do we struggle, not just as lifelong students, with the impossible, not just
the improbable.  Yet, it's actually more layered than that in a much larger
dimensional paradigm than 4 dimensions.  Yes, the effects of our causes in any
action usually have effects that undo our causes as we act them out, intend,
present them, etc..  Yet, those more superficial, linear, first conclusion
layers are not less effective, per se, as the complexity of Karma, Dharma are
beyond our normal comprehension. What is the root of thought, feeling, the root
of feeling, being, the root of being, the extent to which we struggle with what
it is, no?  For, as the following twig of poetree gleans: Soul//
As my breath
is the one, prana,/
And the life's pulse, pala,/
Reaching angelic source, sura,/

So is this mind, manas, a
/  Flowering unfoldment,
/ Unendingly touching
/ The eye
that would it see,/  
Unbeckoning unto thee./
As well, this Bodhi, a temple,/

Of the four and fifth, nur,/  
So entered by atma, a ray of thy sun,/  
Thus being
winged, and
/  As such with wind,/
Flying only in dharma's dance,/
Is returning
to, Brahma, you./  For, there yet, by thy grace, go I./  
We are not who we think
we are, we are, rather, the extent to which we struggle to evolve to be some-
things, spirit, soul, Bodhi, etc., on the path of study that could and should
be one, you, me, forever asked and never answered.  Yet, even if we lived as
prayer, our light only adding to the well of light, our every step in grace,
leaving no footprints that followed none, echoing in all ways, always,
sometimes, like pulling teeth, "...we(e),...", must stalk our words from our
insides 'til we wrangle them, like cats, to the tip of our tongues, no?  For,
"Words weren't meant for cowards..." and we must "be brave...", Happy Rhodes.
We can't allow ourselves the luxury of taking our supposedly 'golden silence'
all the way to the bank, as your average bear does.  These are the end times,
we successfully struggle, to abolish global defacto-slavery by the non-renew-
able energies' corporate structure's machine and it's convolution, against
the global oligarchy's premeditated mass-****** of 7.5 billion people, or
humanity's extinct.  Gandhi, "(supposed) science is the root of all opression"
and, "...we(e),..." must be the change we want in the world".  Is not life
relation, are we not responsible for one another, are not all threads in
the fabric of life needed, as is the evoliutionary ones' mendings, for we
can't allow it to be torn asunder?  If not here, then where, if not now, when,
not you, who? Viva la evolucion.  Indivisible, illimitable you, GOTV.
Please copy, share as you will. this GOTV twig of poetree   :)   reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
All saw united **** of assassin's Gov't's premeditated taking
a knee for 9 minutes on George Floyd's neck, the **** cop
calmly looking into the camera, an assassination for many
reasons, who's seeing past the 'show', following the $?

Ebony, ivory supremacies repeating their victory of 2016's
(Only) Black Lives Matters participation in the Int'l criminal
conspiracy's installing **** into the Black House, etc.,
determining their dividing the nation, in perfect harmony.

Like the bi-headed, Utin and Utin's ****, global axi of
supposed power has re-established, East, West, you're
either totalitarian or not-see, and if not you're murdered
by both, now either Black or white supremacist, or die.

For 15 years ebony has dictated Caucasians call themselves
"white", "be proud of being white", make believe they have
"white privilege", to the benefit of division, ivory, when
there's no "whites", and almost no non-repubs thought it.

That while the reality is their class war against the lower-
middle-class to poor, the boot on our neck, by the police/
military/intelligence complexes, is all 23 flavors of the
baskin + robbins of supremacies, usa, the global oligarchy.

Criminal insanity, that illegally installed the Int'l crime
family **** into the Blackhouse: repubs, conservatives, global
hackers, wicked leaks, J. Assange, usa intelligence/military/
police/prison industrial complexes, J. Comey, R. Barr, C. + K.

West, J. Stein, 13 % of Bernie or Bust 'Bots voting **** and
another % that stopped the youth vote from getting behind a
"not perfect" Hillary, "boat loads" of organized crime $ from
Russia, Ukraine, white supremacy, sinos, linos, ginos, ainos,

dinos, Moore for hawking 'trumpland' entitled book for months
before the election while projecting **** "would win", a % of
the elite of the black supremacy, etc., just allowed the not-
sees, totalitarians to destroy, ****** at an increased clip,

now add premeditated pandemic, ebony/ivory dictated duality,
racial environmental justice "only my environment matters"
movement and voila, the end of the climate crisis movement,
total extermination of humanity to it's extinction, in a can.

It's not a coinky-**** that the "knee" was taken upon the
news that "Biden was considering not choosing a woman of the
right color, Black".  For Ebony figures "if they're not get-
ting a Black president now, through a Black VP pick, they

might as well just put up with 4 more years of ****.  Biden,
Sanders, Warren, etc., will have aged out, Booker, Harris,
Patrick, etc., will be sitting pretty for the 'once you go
Black you never go back' prez job.", same as it ever was.  

Even though the 'show' was able to pull a Mattis out of their
hat, supposedly legitimizing not just the military, but the
republican conspiracy, during this 15th anniv. of the 'use'
of Katrina to "clean out the bowl", and "let the river take

what's the river's", exterminate the lower-middle-class to
poor, gentrify, militarize NOLA by purposely not preventing
the failing of the levees by 2005, by Reagan "we got 300
buses but no drivers" Nagin, Gov. Blanco, etc., to the tune

of mass-murdering going on 3000 predominantly lower-middle-
class to poor, mostly people of color, like king george and
his ****, cheney didn't the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01 and
serial murderers masquerading as cops don't daily terrorist

attacks, their one-sided and continual coverage of the
"current controversy", as ebony and the 'Blackish' lead
actor called the premeditated murderer of some women, ******,
kidnapper of 100's more, B. Cosby, was suffering from, is

clear, keeping the faux opening news out.  No ebony racist
comments, like the Houston Police Chief who repeatedly stated
throughout the day that "the looters were white" only, were
even remarked on.  The lock, ebony and ivory, the fix is in,

if it ain't fixed don't break it.  All the smoke and mirrors,
song and dance, show, weapons of mass distraction, to take
the news cycles off the too early "opening of the country",
pandemic, by ebony for ivory, in the world can't change the

facts, even though it's death toll is only 111,000 by their
accounts, actually 122,000, and there's going on 2 million
infected, there will be an extra 100,000 murdered by ****'s
policies and lack thereof in handling his virus circus.

That there's more prisoners, defacto-slave laborers now than
the number of slaves at the height of the slave trade, here,
not spoken about because ebony, ivory are both the corporate
structure, global oligarchy that it enriches, won't change.

See how the assassinations of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,
George Floyd, have paid ivory by ebony, like they did in 2016
to stop there being a minimum of 16 years straight of 'white'
prezs, Hillary and Tom.  Their deaths and the aftermath being

used now to cover up the premeditated ****** of 10,000's of
Blacks by ****, because ebony + ivory, working together in
perfect harmony to fill every news cycle now and for months,
want 'the economy open', to make them more $ now, instead

of saving all those Black lives who don't actually matter to
them at all, 'cause it's all about the benjamins, instead.  
Biden should pick a progressive woman to cement Bernie
voters, if not, then a liberal one of color, no particular hue.  

'De-funding police dept.s', etc., should wait until after the
election, unless ebony's insisting **** wins to get a Black
prez in 2024, instead.  The determined Winter of our death,
extermination to come, will surpass their class warfare's

liquidation of ases and assets of the masses en masse's
increased rate of blitzkreiging Gaia's kids to their
extinction.  Now it seems too late, their 'use' of pandemic
to subjugate the world to survival instead of alival,

exigency instead of humanity, has closed eyes, minds, pulled
the rug out....  But, "...we(e),..." can't be over-confident,
apathetic, cynical, complacent, nihilistic, pessimistic,
burned-out, for supposed anarchy is the global bi-polar axi

of supposed power's mutual modus operendi, to determine
la machine's chaos, and the division it causes, increases
vacuum-up economics to the global oligarchy, replicating the
'show' that must goes on, including colonialism, hegemony,

patriarchy, imperialism, supremacy, conspiracy, etc..  If you
didn't vote Hillary you voted Utin and his **** be installed
into the Black House.  There's public records of who did and
didn't do what, please stop them from doing it again, or die.

Protect, occupy, GOTV, "you can't dismantle the man's house
with the man's tools", Lordes, notseeism and totalitarianism.  
"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi.  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  
Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
The normal they want to return to, northern malaise, euro-centrism and projections of academia, a blood disease, have always flown in the face of necessity, progress and the need for humanity to even be allowed to exist.  Yet, now with coronaing of everyone going on, that desire for normalcy and return of norms takes on new hues; some very human and even desirable.  That while the purposeful too early opening of the country has already determined that being pandemiced is the new normal for at minimum a year (possibly permanently); until we get a vaccine or more life-saving treatment possibilities.  This has all opened many eyes to the disparaging realities of pre-pandemic America, where the life expectancy of people of color, and more so, the lower-middle-class to poor, were predominantly still only being addressed by their getting the establishment’s projected healthcare for them, eat st and die.  That goes for sociological maladies as well, for e.g., the lower-middle-class to poor suffering oppression from serial murderers masquerading as cops; police brutality tantamount to a incurable birth defect of all poor.  The injustice system and their dictating everybody accused of anything must plead guilty to a lesser charge or face the draconian rage of la machine’s dictating they get little lousy representation in fixed trials that most of the time determine ******* up or false convictions and incarcerations unequal to the reality of the circumstances that took place.  I wish I weren’t diffabled to the point where I can’t be at the front of these demonstrations for real change taking place now; as I had been for decades in the past- yet, still am doing all I can.  Thanx to you and All for doing all you do; have a great day    :)    reality
james nordlund Jun 2020
United **** of assassins, cards one and all,
built a house, a country, on the convolution
and the only thing that matters is the show
that must, goes on, then 'the house' won't fall.

Every child's mind must be gutted of knowledge,
replaced by information, memorization, routine,
rote, so there can be no doubt that the human
being so and it's evolution, will never grow.

That, resulting in the move to 'my kid first',
movement's corporatizing, privatizing education,
cemented 'all about the benjamins' self-possession
in the extreme, me-ism into political technocracy,

where science's supposed progress at all costs
and more, mustn't be abhorred, for, nothing else
matters, "'cause whitie's on the moon" too soon.
Scientism's religion dictating the score,

possession is 9/10 ths of the get away wit' it law,
and the only tenth that should, doesn't matter,
as all citizens that still are scatter from not-sees,
republican conspiracy, and totalitarians, the sino,

gino, aino conspiracy, West/East.  13 % of Bernie
Or Bust 'Bots voted **** installed into the Black
House, some revolution.  Only Black Lives Matters is
grabbing everything it can, Black supremacy in a can.

Also, the supposed "evolution, love revolution",
has extended it's love so far up our ases that we
can't see the forest for the trees, while we're
getting pandemiced by ****'s yaba, daba, dooing,

racing to rallies, to dictate classist and racial tallies, to
the undoing of a nation for the vultures ever circling
above and below, not just Ebony and ivory, the Black,
white supremacies, but, all 23 flavors in this baskin

'n robbins of supremacies, this house of cons, cards.
Convolutionaries have dictated all the news that fits
into the multi-media conspiracy's show, is filled with
their gibberish, now a 'moral revolution', since when

did moralizing stop the global oligarchy's class war
against the lower-middle-class to poor?  **** of Utin
cut food-stamps at the start of the coronaing of the poor,
and he gave 100's of billions to the richest of the rich,

food taken straight out the mouths of babes and given
to billionaires, without a care.  Their moral revival
is racist as well, it says "for people of color", be-
have, besides, this ain't the 50's, we don't need moral

hootinanies sans 'shine, "...we(e),..." need real change
now.  Sadly, that bi-polar axi of supposed powers 'use'
of pandemic to subjugate the world to survival instead
of alival, exigency...humanity, has pulled the rug out...,

determining the Winter of extermination to come, will
surpass their class warfare's liquidation of ases, assets
of the masses en masse's increased rate of blitzkreiging
Gaia's kids to their extinction.  When will the coviding

of a million Americans into their graves matter, a large
% people of color, the largest the poor?  It's happening
to you now.  The Resident-in-Chief's not using the NPA
to nationalize the production of verified accurate tests

to lessen the cost and distribution of, increase use of
them, is society's confession of this genocide and it
should be prosecuted as such, now.  Yet, everybody's
'going along to get along with the program's', new speed,

nearly blitzkreiging, of exterminating mankind to it's
end, readying the world for the almost complete replacing
of orga by mecha after the 'singularity', man by machine,
indicates to rich that it's convolution's working, man

will go out with a whimper, instead of determining that
"death (******) shall have no dominion", or, at least,
"rage, rage against the dying of the light" be the day's
order, are they right, or do you have a will that won't

allow it?  Will you, as a people tell the un-powers that
un-be, that science lost it's sense of proportion, it's
perspective, humanity could no more live on Mars than
**** could fit through the eye of a needle.  That it's

"...funny how one insect can damage so much grain...",
One instant can damage so much Grace, yet, abominable
that only 400 years of supposed science has almost
destroyed what it took The Evolution 15 billion years

to create, the Earth's life!  That, as cults aren't religions,
rather anti-religions, sciences that extinct their own
species are anti-science, and must be defunded.
That, extinction is forever and no one will wear it well.

Their corp. structure's convolution need not con anyone,
we let them steer our perceptions, thoughts, acts, ships.
The Cosmos can't stop us from basing global society on
scarcity, instead of nature's abundance, it can't force us

to walk in nature's balance, giving back to her abundance,
to allow life eternal instead of humanity's extinction in
20 years, to leave no carbon footprints which will echo
forever on, in all ways, always, to gain the sanity to

abolish the 'use' of fossil fuels, thereby ending climate
crisis and abolishing global defacto-slavery, realizing
economic parity, but, you and all, illimitable potential,
indivisible as life can, will you?  Will you take bullets

instead of making them?  Remember, if you didn't vote
for Hillary you voted for Utin and his **** to be illegally
installed into the Black House.  Public records tell who
didn't, stop them from doing it again, or die trying.

"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi.  They're going to ****** your family, if not with
this virus than another, unless you protect, occupy, GOTV,
"you can't dismantle the man's house with the man's

tools", Lourdes: classism, notseeism, totalitarianism,
defining power as manipulation through to genocide,
instead of learning through to consciousness raising.   Be
well. Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
If we don't exercise the astronomically increased responsibility to save life, Earth, placed on our shoulders by our fore-bearers, how can we expect our kids to exercise responsibility or his Siamese twin sister freedom will wither like an unused muscle as well.  La machine's devolving every coming generation exponentially more, they actually believe we can live on Mars; humanity's extinction is nigh.  Thanx for all you do; have a great day   :)   reality
james nordlund Jul 2020
**** said, "people wouldn't have the pandemic if they weren't tested".  
If he were a comic he'd get this advice, your policy jokes are like a
bridge too far that's not far enough, to nowhere, you'd **** there, go.

Still, he continues to refuse to use the DPA to nationalize producing,
distributing effective testing, PPEs, which would save taxpayers 100's
of billions of dollars overspent now on gouged prices, and 100's of

thousands of their lives, he continues to preach his 'corona schmorona'
policies at his super-spreader of disease rallies, exterminating repubs.
Our outrage can turn the tide, as can a term or two of President Joe.

We've got 614 billionaires here, why can't "...we(e),..." inspire them to
replace our 'should a, could a, would a' situation with a win, win one.
They walk into a bank, walk out with 100 million dollar loans, that can

purchase the combining of medical manufacturers to do what the not
use of DPA didn't, supply States with all the testing, PPEs they need at
a decent price, the guaranteed market would do the same for the loans.

A nation working together can save those 100's of thousands mass-murdered by the repubs coviding, premeditatedly, and those whose
ases, assets will be liquidated by homelessness, hunger, crime, stress.

Only if we insist the model of mass theft of tax dollars by purposely not preventing things is tossed: Lion of The Senate running against Carter = October Surprise, Iran-Contra-gate; S+L gate; Y2K; Silicon Valley Start-

up Bust; Attacks on 9-11-01; unnecessary unending wars; '05 filling the bowl by Katrina, NOLA, by non-reinforcing of levees for decades; '07 great recession; '10 manufacturing of tea party by ebony, ivory, the

Black, white supremacies, working in perfect harmony with the multi-media conspiracy, as they're doing now; '16 non-prevention of hacking of election, if you didn't vote Hillary you voted to illegally install Utin and

his **** into the BlackHouse; '17's seeing **** end the WhiteHouse pandemic response team, cut CDC's funding, etc., to allow the virus to take elderly, poor lives, ***** nil. The insanity can be stopped, will you?
"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science", "be the change you want to see in the world", Gandhi.  They're going to ****** your family, if not with this virus than another, unless you protect, occupy, GOTV, "you can't dismantle the man's house with the man's tools", Lourdes: classism, notseeism, totalitarianism, defining power as manipulation through to genocide, instead of learning through to consciousness raising.  Copy, share as you will.  Thanx for all you do and don't.  Be well.  Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
Dios mío, estoy llorando el ser que vivo;
me pesa haber tomádote tu pan;
pero este pobre barro pensativo
no es costra fermentada en tu costado:
¡tú no tienes Marías que se van!
Dios mío, si tú hubieras sido hombre,
hoy supieras ser Dios;
pero tú, que estuviste siempre bien,
no sientes nada de tu creación.
Y el hombre sí te sufre: ¡el Dios es él!
Hoy que en mis ojos brujos hay candelas,
como en un condenado,
Dios mío, prenderás todas tus velas,
y jugaremos con el viejo dado...
Tal vez ¡oh jugador! al dar la suerte
del universo todo,
surgirán las ojeras de la Muerte,
como dos ases fúnebres de lodo.
Dios mío, y esta noche sorda, oscura,
ya no podrás jugar, porque la Tierra
es un dado roído y ya redondo
a fuerza de rodar a la aventura,
que no puede parar sino en un hueco,
en el hueco de inmensa sepultura.
james nordlund Aug 2020
In it's six ring circus, wrapped up today at the rnc,
to little fanfare, for its competing conservative alt-
'Convention on Founding Principles', fared better.
As I told everyone in 2015, we'll be lucky if ****
doesn't go Caligula on US, declaring himself god,
for now he's saying "the election results might not
be known for over a year", and "the election is
rigged", while he and his rumpettes do everything
they can to rig it, stopping USPS, Voter ID laws,
decreasing voting days, times, polling places, etc..

Those Ridin' with Biden did far better, culminating
in Kamala's great speech before rnc's sunset eve'.
She decried the Black "vigilantes and extremists",
who did the looting and arson, criminals, for n'er
will crime be emancipation through to liberation,
as organized crime, Ebony and ivory, Black and
white supremacies, project it is, as they divide,
conquer this nation in e'r more perfect harmony.
Only Black Lives Matter can stop that **** of
Utin re-installation top plank in his own platform,

for, the rnc's platform, made up of megalomania
enablement and nothing more, was moot there.
This is just like before the 2016 election, BLM,
expropriating political coverage from Dems,
made them look subservient to the Black lobby.
Also, we're seeing the same from linos, dinos,
sinos, ainos, ginos, who helped illegally install Utin's
**** into the Black House in '16, mass-******,
mayhem, looting in Kenosha, WI, aflame, more
of the same, "electoral politics don't matter",

the name of their narcissistic, nihilistic game,
demanding they get the coverage and $ that Dems
get, instead. Remember, if you didn't vote Hillary,
you voted **** into the Black House, for the bi-
polar axi of global power, not-see repub and
totalitarian, the unpowers that unbe, and all 23
flavors in this baskin 'n robbins of supremacy, also
the global oligarchy, Utin, it's head, and all traitors.
Be most pained by the future that wasn't, or be
ending complacency, apathy, loss, occupy the vote.

You see, before O'bama gave as much to repubs
as he could, and the multi-media conspiracy, civil
wrongs movement, NAACP, etc., helped make the
tea party, to justify Black supremacy and their
genocide of non-repub newborns to men (for the
klueless klucking ****, republican conspiracy
and the rich, thru killing their natural competition),
Ebony, ivory had been working together for half a
century, liquidating ases, assets of masses for $,
power, yet it's humanity's hour, we can stop it, vote.
Inspired by quote of Søren Kierkegaard...': "The most painful state of being is remembering the future, particularly the one you'll never have"; I'm allowing my poetry to be read by anyone anytime.  Just so you know, getting rid of 'zero tolerance' in schools is the next thing that Ebony is contracted to deliver to ivory; don't let organized crime destroy our kids even earlier than they do now, defend it.  Thanx for all you All do; have a pleasant morn'   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
"May we never forget the crippled, wind-beaten trees,
how they, too, bud, green and bloom.  May we, too,
take courage to bloom where (and when) we are planted".

Yes, the Tao has a metaphor for them, 'the useless trees',
twisted, turned down, bowed, not for the saw mill, of no 'use'.
Like my son, screaming ****** ******, after being crushed

By a Roman Catholic imperial, masquerading as a medical worker.
Same as I was, neutered as a newborn, for my father was given
a vision of my birth years before it by Thee, to protect it.

So, two of my older brothers were ****** to death in the crib,
For the psychic terrorism, 'the ****', thought they were me,
a molecule of the cross I bear, bear for Thee, to save Thee.

Were you not born of woman, and must you not protect yourself
as all life on Earth must?  Do the future exterminated quarter
of a million Americans, of which you might be one, not bear

that cross, responsibility to defend themselves, life?  What
must '...We(e),...' do to stop the criminally insane 'opening
of the country' way too early's plan to premeditated ******

the people en masse, to liquidate their assets and ases, as well
as cower the polity into voting more conservative, if not repub,
cowering the country to the global oligarchy's spearhead's, the

repub conspiracy's, agenda of humanity's extinction by the axe?
Do those climate crisis bent, useless trees, "Live To Tell", as I
have to warn you if you're not taking bullets you're making them?

(Thanx to Mohatma Gandhi's, BR. DAVID STEINDL-RAST's,
Madonna's (from her CD and song "Live To Tell")
above quotes and great worx, respectively.)
Technology used to be a tool in man's hand, to make life better, now it's the hand, man the tool, it advances in every way while the family of man devolves day by day.  Do not be a tool of man's extermination to extinction, by cowering to the technocracy's tool of the 'use' of corona virus; be the human, life, by stopping the too early "opening of the country" by ****, stay home, stay social distanced, wear masks and advocate, please?  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Dictating the Winter of our extermination to come, has surpassed their
class war's liquidation of ases and assets of the masses en masse's
increased rate of blitzkreiging Gaia's children to their extinction.

Now that the middle-class to rich are facing the extermination rate that
the lower-middle-class to poor have always faced, they're making haste to
align with not-sees, totalitarians in control, few celebrity supremacists

Mimic repub's and **** admin's opening the country now criminal insanity,
For they don't give a hoot that it will dictate at least 100,000 extra
murdered, they want their $ now.  And corona concentration camps are

Dictated to be by repub's, ****'s executive ordering meat and poultry
packing plants to stay open, regardless of them being extreme incubators
of virus, lacking: enough ppes, following CDC safe distance, etc., rules.

Also, in nursing homes where 30 % of covid fatalities have occurred, due
to similar failings, and prisons, where testing is done least, tragically.
Those workers are threatened with layoffs, arrests if they don't show up.

They're forced to work and aren't properly protected from the virus, they
may not get it in the next 5 minutes, but might, might next day, next
week, month, will get it most certainly if nothing changes and 5 % will

be murdered by it, dictated by the gov't and it's criminally insane rules
to make believe reality and truth aren't, to "help **** get re-elected".
All, going along instead of impeaching, removing **** now to save lives.
Might might make right, but, it always makes wrong.  CDC's 64 page guidelines for re-opening areas turned into 17 pages, then less and isn't "going to see the light of day", ****; almost irrelevant because ****'s reiterated that "no one has to follow his admin's own guidelines".  'Going along to get along' is death now.  Thanx for all you All do; have a good day    :)   reality
H iding
A las has gotten quite lonely
P assing in a world I no longer know
P erhaps I can't fall in love but
I like the idea
N ow the thought of happiness for my soul
E ases me
S inging at crossroads where Ill meet Lucy
S atisfying the cost to
-Luca Ivaldi

— The End —