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oddmanout Oct 2018
I'm fine without you

I leave bed a little bit less
I'm always tired
and my room is a mess

I'm fine without you
Sometimes I cry for no reason
and I'll blame it on mood swings
or the change of season

I'm fine without you
although I think of you all day
wondering why you left and
hoping you're okay

I'm fine without you
My friends have concern
they say I've lost it
and I'm letting my life burn

I'm fine without you
the rare occasions I'm in my car
I don't wear a seatbelt
and I'm headed to the bar

I'm fine without you
I really swear that it's true
I guess I'm spiraling out of control
but it's not because of you...
oddmanout Oct 2018
For you
I would wait 1000 years
even if I died in 100
oddmanout Sep 2018
I try so hard
to make others proud of me
because I think
that's the only way
I can be proud of myself
oddmanout Sep 2018
Maybe I try so hard
So you can see the worth in me
I don't see in myself
oddmanout Sep 2018
I know it's not love
We're not there yet
I still get butterflies
and the warm security of love
isn't there yet.

But she calms my demons
I don't think about how small I am
in the universe
or the looming truth of death
when I'm around her.

When she runs her fingers through my hair
and I have to decide between telling her
how special she is
or kissing her again

Well in that moment maybe
I do love her.
oddmanout Sep 2018
To me it just seems
That the hearts
That fall the fastest
Tend to heal the slowest
oddmanout Sep 2018
And with that look
My world
The stars
And heaven itself
revolved around her
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