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Oct 2017 · 176
It's Over
So this is what it comes down to, it's over
It always eventually comes down to this
Every up has a down, every high a hangover
Sparkling Champagne turns to cloudy yellow ****

And a love, a love I thought was forever
We'd grow old together, age like fine wine
What I thought solid as oak was as changeable as weather
The grapes of our love, they died on the vine

I'm no good at this, I shouldn't have tried
I think I'm destined to end up alone
What we had was stabbed in the back 'til it died
She shrugged it off. Me ?
I was  cut to the bone

And the hurt makes every waking minute a nightmare
Wandering lost in a maze made of guilt and self-hate
She's got someone else and the thrill of a new affair
Alone I shudder when I think of my future, my fate
A poem that is not entirely serious.
I know how tortured some of the similes are.
Oct 2017 · 158
A Cipher
I am a nothing; a zero, a cipher
Neither a plus or minus sign
The Doctors can't tell, the scientists can't decipher
What is going on in my mind

I haven't​ even a clue myself
Who I am or what I want to be
I'm worried about my mental health
And my future terrifies me

What can I do? What can I say?
Just what am I supposed to do?
I don't know what I'm going to do today
And for tomorrow, I don't have a clue

So, I'm a nothing, a zero, a cipher
Neither a plus or minus sign
What do I have to expect from life, a
Slow,  tragic, endless decline?

Something must happen soon
Some kind of explosion
To break this stasis, this glacier, this ice
Or am I to spend my whole life stuck frozen
Trying to break my way through to my life
Oct 2017 · 236
A New Car
My partner has just bought a car
Now we can travel near and far
Does it make me feel like less of a man
And like she's got the upper hand ?
Now she's literally in the driver's seat
She's got the wheels, I've just got feet
Oct 2017 · 196
Home made meals lovers
Share on tender winter nights
Replenish the soul
Oct 2017 · 188
A First Date
So, c'mon let's talk about politics
Come on, let's discuss war
I'll tell you all of my opinions
Then we'll talk about yours

Let's get into religion
Have a massive argument
In the morning when we're hungover
We won't remember what we meant​

I know that it's our first date
But let's break all the rules
Find out if it's love or hate
Is it **** or is it cool ?

Let's stumble off to bed
Have terrible drunken ***
Then in the morning, with thick heads
We'll work out where we go next

Let's jump in to it with both feet
If it goes wrong, it goes wrong
If it's meant to, it will be weak
If it's meant to, it will be strong

Yes, let's forget all the rules of a first date
It's going to be right, or it's going to be wrong
It will be love, or it will be hate
Let's start as we mean to go on
Oct 2017 · 210
Time Travel Trip
Come take a walk with me downtown
Where the ancient spirits may be found
The dull thump of techno is not the sound
That assaults your senses, now
It's the baying hounds

Suddenly you're enveloped in a must
Although you're not drinking you feel quite ******
You've never known a feeling like this
No all the times on acid and mushrooms you've tripped

This must be the wrong alley, you've turned in
It's​ like a tiny hurricane in which you spin
The lights blur, your stomach churns
You have definitely taken a wrong turn

It must be the 19th Century in which you're found
The way the men's coattails skirt the ground
You want to scream, you can't make a sound
People walk right through you, like there's no one around

All of the shops have shrunk in size
Changed from concrete to marble before your eyes
The windows are smaller, tiny panes of glass
As through the mud and ****, you wander past

The black horses stomp, their breath it steams
The silver on their bridles gleams
Sewage runs through the gutters like a stream
Stuck in a 19th Century nightmare dream

The words in the drunken shouts  don't really differ
But the accent's changed, grown coarser, thicker
. It's gaslight, not neon now that flickers
But you could probably get a decent pint of bitter

The working girls are still around
They look even dirtier, more​ worn down
Money for Gin, not crack must now be found
But still the sordid beat they pound

Suddenly, the mist it clears
The smell of horseshit disappears
You were there for a minute, now you're back here
Now you slowly walk back home, shaking with fear
Oct 2017 · 137
Into The Mystic
When times are hard
When you're almost starved
Your £70 a week dole has gone nowhere
And all of the cupboards​ are bare
And you've only​ got £1 for your electric
You have to go
Into the mystic
Into the mythic
It's time to get
A little bit cosmic
If you only thought about
The here and now
You could easily
Lose your mind somehow
If you only thought about this one plane
You'd be sure to go insane
So you widen your brain
Ignore all the *******
World of authority
The bills, the debts
The license for the T.V.
Send your brain into the stars
Out past Saturn, after flying past Mars
Out into a different reality
Where none of Earth's problems worry me
Oct 2017 · 148
Us & Them
Why for some does it seem so easy?
This ******* life
This assortment of abominations
This constant parade of petty problems​
And inconsequential indignities
Bad relationships
Job losses
Drunken embarrassments
Or just simple ennui
For some it seems
Like a stroll
In the park
Endless sunshine
Never an empty pocket
Always happy
Always in love
Everyone in love with them
Or perhaps more importantly
Them loving themselves

I'm sure that it can't​
Really be this way
Perhaps they cry
Alone at night
In their lonely rooms
At presenting
Such a facade to the world
I prefer to think that
They simply don't feel
Cement, concrete
Cold ******* stone
We ?
Oct 2017 · 197
The Unforgiving Sea
The uncomprehending wind it blows
Across the unforgiving sea
To form the tide that moves and rolls
To take you away from me

The winds of anger, the tides of spite
Cause the sea to roughly churn
Carrying swiftly the ship so​ light
Leaving no safe port in which to turn

These storms caused by our arguments
Lead to tornadoes that sink our boats
Of course that is not our intent
But that's just the way it goes

Sooner or later we must surely drown
Go down to salty, watery graves
Should I like a Captain with my ship go down
Or see if there's anything left to save

Clinging desperately to the debris
Just trying to survive
To see if there's any reason we
Should stay together in our lives
Give up the ghost
Pour water to try to put out the sun
5:47 am, take off my glasses
Rub fingers on​ my face
Woke up aching, half on
And off my bed
Stretched, screaming
Awfully upon the rack
" I have pains in my heart which
Have taken my appetite "
Go bow down to Robert Johnson
Poet extraordinare
" I have stones in my passway
And my road seems
Dark as night "
Ended up dying on his knees
Howling like a dog
A hellhound on his trail
Well I guess it finally
Caught up with him
I hear it's terrifying
Footsteps, padding, panting
Slavering, enslaving
80 years on and
Little has changed
" I have pains in my heart which
Have taken my appetite "
So, go pour buckets of rain
On the sun
Steal the moon and
Stash it in my backpack
Then run off drunkenly
Laughing at death
Laughing at life
What else can you do?
When there are;
Guilty lying tombstones
Obscene newspapers
Dead T.V.
The poisoned glass of whiskey
The dying mother
The weeping boyfriend
The creeping boy fiend
Drugs and alcohol
" Stones In My Passway "
Living too slow
Dying too fast
Stealing the moon
******* on the sun
The young girl beaten
And ***** in broken glass
The poisoned death
The poisoned life
5:47 am
Stretched upon the rack
I told Graff 1980, one of my favourite poets on this website that I would post  a surrealistic poem
Well here it is.
I wrote it after waking up from a wierd dream, still drunk at 5 47 am.
Sep 2017 · 297
The Holy Blues
Life comes and goes
Nothing stops the flow
To the sound of a beat-up guitar
Some believe back to the Creator
We all must go
To stop the panic in their hearts

I just believe in that old guitar
And the melody it sadly plays
We dance to its rhythm
Which is all we can do
Until our dying day

Some ancient but ageless Bluesman
Blasting away in the key of E
He hammers on, bends strings and twists the tune
That is life to you and me

He lifts the bottle to his black lips
And starts to jam on ' Dust My Broom '
Our lives are just swirls in the dust
Of his beat-up, broke-down room

He knows the Crossroads, the Hellhound too
Many times he's rode the blinds
He's walked down all those dusty roads
Knows his first and second minds

He opens his mouth to sing, out comes a moan
Darker than a moonless night
Deeper than the depths of all seven seas
The Bluesman sings of wrong and right

Of salvation, sin and all between
He weaves his words of woe
To the unearthly clang of his guitar
On the world must go

So pray he never runs out of songs
That there's always another to choose
There drinking whiskey in his old railroad shack
Sits God singing the Blues
I squelch on through the winter
Through puddles, slush and snow
All of my shoes have worn-out soles
My socks get wetter as on I go

I'm sick of being poor, not working
The long years without a wage
I suffer poverty to keep on writing
Avoid the mentality of the slave

To write you must escape the cage
Keep your mind free as a bird
A low grade, low paid ******* job
Can **** off every word

But work is also social engineering
Tired people don't have time to think
Never mind riots or Revolution
Only time for reality T.V. and drink

That's the way that capitalism works
No-one should just sit on their ****
If they did, they just might think
Why we pay for rich oil baron's wars

So many jobs could be done by machines or computers
But no-one can be allowed to sit still
If people sit and think they might just wonder
Why poor people pay the rich man's bills

But enough of that, what about my problems
Smoking dog-ends, drinking the cheapest wine
When i was young thinking about the future
I didn't think that would be mine

But still I try to be a writer
Put down the true, tough line
I"ll continue as long as i have a cigarette
And the next and next after bottle of wine
Sep 2017 · 226
As Seen On T.V.
Small Muslim children, blown to bits by bombs
But our normal, Western lives go on
We read it in newspapers, we see it on T.V.
But  to us it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me

Red hot hatred
Red hot sun
Roadside I.E.D.s
But to us it doesn't mean a thing
It doesn't affect you or me

Planes dropping bombs all night, all day
Destroying homes and lives, but what can we say ?
We read it in papers, see it on T.V.
To us it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me

Young men swearing Jihad
Willing to die for a cause
But we don't understand it
We never will because

To is it means nothing
It doesn't affect you or me
Just something we read in the papers
Or see on T.V.
Sep 2017 · 208
A Good Night
A Thursday night full of enchantment
Just me and my girl
Yes, we've taken some relaxation enhancements
And all's right with the world

For once it's been a pretty good day
Nothing has gone awry
We sit chilled out, no harsh words to say
And for now, it's not a bad life

An atmosphere of sheer contentment
As we both sit here relaxed
No niggling worries, no resentment
And we're chilled to be max

It's cool to have a rare good night
No hassles and no sorrows
Let's hope that this feeling might
Last until tomorrow
Sep 2017 · 299
Out On The Piss
Standing in the hospital
Hungover, feeling jittery
Ward  93
Drug and Alcohol Dependency Unit
I finger the squeezy lemon bottle
Hidden inside my boxer shorts
Full of second-hand ****

Ward 93 operates as a strict regime
3 strikes and you're out
That means that every time
You give a positive sample
They give you a warning
More than 3 and your
Methadone is stopped
I'd had all 3

After a phone call to my
( only) clean friend
I met him in the pub
3 or 4 beers later
I hit him with it
He took it reasonably well
It not being every day
A friend asks you to ****
Into a bottle for him

There I was, hungover nervous
With a squeezy lemon of
Someone elses​ **** in my shorts
Hidden just behind my *****
To keep it at body temperature
If you handed over the sample
Bottle and it was cold
The Nurse might become suspicious
Or think that you were dead

This required sleight of hand
And nerve
The Nurse would stand right behind you
In the cubicle to watch you
It worked
This time
The next time I couldn't
Get in touch with my friend
So I had to resort to
Trying it with tea
Amazingly they said
That this sample contained
And I was thrown off the programme

Either their equipment was faulty
The bottle was contaminated
Or something
But just in case
I started to
Drink a lot of tea
Well, you never know
And I guess
They've got to keep
Sales up
Sep 2017 · 836
The Strangers
What's scarier than strangers
And all the things that they don't know
Don't know, don't feel and if they did
They'd never let it show

They have no fears, definitely no phobias
No terrors in the night
No doubts, no worries, not even concerns
They always know that they are right

These strangers are the ones in an angry mob
In the lynch party too
They join the army, even the police
They are not like me and you

They vote Conservative, own pit- bulls
Get involved in, even start pub fights
I've never really known one of them
But I can spot one on sight

These strangers include the rapists
Child molesters​ too
I even believe in traffic, they are the ones in front of you

They​ used to buy Phil Collins
Now they buy U2
They put Englebert Humperdinck at No. 1
When ' Strawberry Fields ' got stuck at No.2

These strangers are so scary
I don't know what to do
Now I never dare to go anywhere
In case I become a stranger too
Sep 2017 · 272
Happy Birthday
Today's my birthday and I think
That tonight I deserve a drink
Me, the Mrs,a couple of bottles of wine
I'm 45 and I am feeling fine

We've got a couple of friends  come to visit
The drinks go around, the stories go with it
A happy time is had by all
As the night outside it falls

It feels good to be 45
****, I'm glad just to be alive
Nightclubs are no longer my thing
Just friends sitting around, having a drink

But to be honest now, I wish they'd go
So me and my wife could be alone
My hospitality only goes so far
Now I'm ready to throw them into their car
Sep 2017 · 296
I sit and watch the walls
Of loneliness slowly closing in
Drawing in like a cold
Windy, rain-filled night
I can't ever remember feeling
So utterly alone
So completely adrift
From everything
And everybody
I think of all
The opportunities untaken
The abilities wasted
People shrugged off, blanked
With all the flaming arrogance
Of one who thinks that
He is born lucky
To whom the rules do​ not apply
The kind who thinks he will
Win the lottery
Without even buying a ticket

But I wasn't born lucky
And I'm not special
Failure hits me just as hard
As anyone else
And it keeps on hitting
I'm like the boy who cried wolf
I pushed people away
Not thinking that one day
They would take me at my word

And now it's like I'm on a ship
Condemned to drift
Upon a sea of nothingness
Unable to dock at any port
Whilst food and fresh water
Steadily run out
Holes appear in the sails
Water slowly seeps into the hull

I have to choose, either
A sad slow lingering starvation
Or swiftly and sadly
Walk the plank

I sit and pray
Up in the crow's nest
I keep watch and hope
Someone please calls
The coastguard
An old poem, but I think that it's a good one.
Sep 2017 · 272
Reflections At 45
Well, it's my birthday on Monday
Then I will hit the big 45
And what, in my own way
Have I learned about this life

Stay away from drugs and their dealers
They will bring you nothing but strife
I know it's not much, but I feel that
It's an important lesson in life

As for women, I don't know
Just try your best to find
One that won't leave you feeling low
Try to get one who is kind

I know this isn't​ a lot to know
But it will have to do for now
Hopefully I've a lot more years to go
To work out the rest, somehow
Sep 2017 · 587
Winter's Coming
The sun finally came out today
After 12 hours of murk
And now it's faded away
Drifted into dark

I hate the way the winter arrives
When it goes dark at  4 'O' Clock
The darkness comes into our lives
And depression starts to knock

Upon our door, we let it enter
And it turns out our lights
At 4'O' Clock it has sent a
Dart into our lives

Every year this darkness hits
At this time of year it starts
I've got to learn not to give a ****
Not to let the dark into my heart
Sep 2017 · 321
A Boring Day
So, come and let me tell you
All about my day
It's been pretty boring, it's true
But sometimes that's just the way

I woke up next to my wife
And my dog and cat
In the same bed, but that's my life
That's just where it's at

Listen to music, smoke cigarettes
Go to the shop to get a drink
Read books I have not devoured yet
About poetry I will think

Then I sit here and think of you
On the 'Hello Poetry ' website
Send these few lines out of my view
Then I will bid you all Goodnight
It's Five pm on a Saturday​  afternoon
Walking down town, I can smell 'em
The takeaways​ will be opening soon
And this street smells like heaven

People at home are in the shower
Getting ready for their night on the town
They'll be having their first drink in about an hour
They'll be listening to their sounds

Me, I'm at home, alone and lonely
With a pizza and a bottle of wine
But I've got the Rolling Stones, 'Exile On Main Street '
So **** 'em, I'm feeling fine

Keef's guitar and **** Jagger's sneer
Charlie Watts perfect drums
They always sound great, whatever the year
I can take the rest as it comes
Sep 2017 · 207
That Kind Of Guy
I'm glad I'm not that guy anymore
I'm glad that I've rejected
The guy who thought that fun
Could only be inhaled or injected
I'm glad that now I'm
The kind of guy
Who can be respected
Sep 2017 · 461
Life haiku II
Sometimes life is good
Sometimes it really is ****
We just deal with it
Sep 2017 · 217
Life haiku
Life is sometimes hard
You have to know what to do
To find your way through
Sep 2017 · 261
I hear the dominoes click
As they begin to fall
All set up, a perfect trick
Just like life, as I recall

A set of scenarios
That you all go through
Blindly you will follow
The trail set up for you

Birth, school, work, death
A few small variables on the way
No time for you to take a breath
Until your dying day

It's all been set up for you
Way before your birth
What family you're born into
Decides what your life is worth

Yes, I hear the dominoes click
As they begin to fall
All set up, a perfect trick
Just like life as I recall
Sep 2017 · 186
The Life Of A Park
The swings and slides are empty
As the rain it falls
The children are watching T.V.
As the night begins to call

To the older, teenage kids
With bottles in their hands
To the park, the slides on which they slid
Holding on to their parent's hands

Obnoxious, arrogant and loud
With a drink or two inside
Stood next to where their parents proud
Watched them down the slide

How long has this park been here?
I used to come with my mum and dad
Filled with excitement and fear
At all of the fun to be had

I wonder how many generations
It will be that this park will​ last
And in silent contemplation
Will see present turn once more to past
Sep 2017 · 184
Back haiku
Feel the light come on
I feel the strength returning
Once again, I'm me
Sep 2017 · 157
My Comeback
I've got to get my strength back
Got to get myself back on track
Recover my vitality
Enough to fight my enemies
Get light enough on my feet
To dance around the people I beat
Step, jab, step, bang! right hook
Before they have time to look
Don't let the ******* grind you down
They don't even deserve a frown
Never mind any of my tears
Because I am years and years
Ahead of all these fools
I'll dance around all your rules
Then jab, step, jab bang!  left cross
You are knocked down on your ***
Taking the 10 count while I take the cheers
Now you're gone, I'll be here for years
Sep 2017 · 244
Girlfriend haiku
Women are crazy
Totally ****** in the head
Look at my girlfriend
Sep 2017 · 313
Employment Adviser
To be so humiliated
To feel so desecrated
And to be left in tears
Belittled and put down
Just **** on the ground
To be overcome by fears
Months since I last cried
Felt close to suicide
Life's machinery all against me
Wanting to run and hide
Nobody on my side
So lost and so lonely
Never felt such burning hate
Wanting to punch, kick,  smash face
You ripped apart all of my dreams
My rage, I feel it coming
But I can't hit a woman
Self - restraint falling apart at the seams
No, turn and run away
Don't know what to say
Self - doubt and self - hate
I"ll get revenge some day
Yes, I'll have things my way
And I"ll laugh right in your face
Yes, this is aimed at an evil 'employment adviser ' who told me that I  am only up to warehouse work.
After gaining qualifications and 2 years of training in Mental Health.
Sep 2017 · 177
Hate haiku
I'm full of hatred
I want revenge on the world
I need to calm down
As I say, it's been a bad week.
Sep 2017 · 142
Loss haiku
Everything's gone wrong
Love life, career the whole works
Can I recover ?
It's been a bad week.
Aug 2017 · 701
Heroin,You're The Devil
******  you're the devil, I think it needs to be said
Most people can't escape from you until they are dead
You rot people from the inside, you rot their brains and teeth
And once someone has tasted you, without you there's no relief
You rob people of their morals, scruples, conscience too
****** you are the devil and ****** I hate you
You make people *****, you make their skin turn grey
******, I almost can't believe I managed to get away
No, it wasn't easy, it was ******* hard
You wrecked my looks, damaged my brain, left me covered in scars
******, you killed so many of my friends, you killed my girlfriend too
******, you took 15 years of my life and ****** I hate you
But still you flit around my thoughts, you I sometimes crave
But I know I'll never go back to you, I only just escaped my grave
On the last time that we met, you nearly took me with you
That will never happen though, because ****** I hate you
Aug 2017 · 153
Haiku ( haiku )
Yes I love haikus
A way of expressing your
Feelings in seconds

Five syllables, then
Seven syllables,then five
Syllables again

You can fit so much
Into a few simple lines
Anything you want

Five syllables then
Seven syllables then five
Syllables again

No need to rhyme or
Anything like that, no rules
At all, except for

Five syllables then
Seven syllables then five
Syllables again
Aug 2017 · 155
Late Night ( haiku )
I've got to get up
So early in the morning
But I cannot sleep
Aug 2017 · 155
Streetlights ( haiku )
As the night it falls
And the  bright streetlights turn on
My heart lights up too
Aug 2017 · 202
Cheap cans of beer and crap T.V.
Seem to stretch in front of me
My wife's been gone for just six days
With her mother on holiday
I'm already flagging under the pressure
Sinking down into depression
Having nobody to look after
Is making me sink that much faster
Having no money isn't helping me
Beans on toast every night for tea
But it's having no one to talk to
That is really tightening the screws
The shop does 4 cans of beer for two pounds
And I keep on going down
Yes, cheap cans of beer and crap T.V.
Is all that is in front of me
Aug 2017 · 185
My Career
I've spent nearly all my adult years
In awful occupations​
Hundreds of jobs, hundreds of tears
Years of sheer frustration
Terrible employment
Cooking sausages, bagging salt
Absolutely no enjoyment
But it wasn't always my fault
Leaving school with no qualifications​
No career to look forward to
You have to take any occupation
What else can you do?
Miserable jobs, minimum wage
Always the first to be ' let go '
Working all night, sleeping all day
But nowhere else to go
Throwing heavy boxes about
Loading massive lorries
On the bottom rung and no way out
I've worked in so many factories
Now I have tried to educate myself
Qualifications of which I'm proud
Training for a job in Mental Health
Yes, that's my way out
And for about 2 1/2 years
I've been working voluntarily
Helping people with their troubles and fears
Now I have found the right job for me
Now I have found the thing I want to do
I have found my real career
It helps me to be be helping you
And I will always be here
Aug 2017 · 107
Leave Me Alone!
Nosy people bring me down
With their condescending frowns
Don't they have lives of their own?
Can't they just ******* and leave me alone?
Yes, I've got problems​. I'm sure they have too
But I don't tell them what to do
Keep your big noses out of my life
I'll cut 'em off, I've got plenty of knives
You really don't want to **** me off
Although I know I look it, I'm not soft
No, I am not a violent man
But I have taken about all I can
I'm so sick of taking people's ****
Why are they bothered about my relationships​
Don't they have lives of their own
Well obviously not, as they have shown
I am sure that we all feel like this sometimes,
Just a bad day
Aug 2017 · 383
Beatnik Blues haiku poem
I wish I was back
In the 1950s with
Jack, Neal and Allem

We  would be beatniks
Smoking tea and travelling
Grooving to free Jazz

But I'm here alone
Stuck in ****** Stoke on Trent
No cool​ beatniks here

No one cool at all
No jazz on the radio
No one cool at all
Aug 2017 · 253
Boredom haiku
All my family
And my wife, they are abroad
I'm so f**kin' bored
Aug 2017 · 185
Two Thousand And Seventeen
Sometimes people just wear you down
Dead already in this dying town
The only growth industry is the dole
Keeps you physically alive, but slowly kills your soul
Despair and doubt rising at an alarming rate
People accept poverty like it's somehow their fate
Blaming scapegoats​, not seeing the real enemy at all
But you have to blame somebody when you fall
Not knowing the real enemy even exists
A life of TV, drugs, ignorance and getting ******
All the poor getting ***** by the capitalist system
They've seen the clues but somehow they've missed them
People aren't born to be poor, they've been put there by someone
Whose smiling face on TV is better than a gun
Adverts are more efficient than a concentration camp
At keeping us branded, keeping us stamped
The haves and the have-nots, the rich and the poor
All compartmentalized by what they can afford
Politicians know now where ****** and Stalin went wrong
There's no need for war if we're singing the same song
Bringing Coke and McDonald's to Afghanistan and Iraq
Just one taste of consumerism and there's no going back
Until the whole world's just consumers​, brain dead slaves
There will be no point in fighting, there will be nothing to save
Reading a slim book of poetry
Of life and it's mutability
Poems from inside of
A safe, cosy middle class cocoon
The words have no sharp edges
To burst the balloon
Poems about flowers
To while away the hours
Between the visit of the vicar
And the next *** of tea
Not poetry for you and me
Or anything like reality
Poetry as a gentle hobby
Like baking
Or flower arranging
Not poetry from the gut
That comes​ raging
Like fists planted upon the page
Poems of love or loss or rage
But tenderly placing
Each word on the page
Like a delicate flower to be arranged
I don't hate the woman
Who wrote this stuff
For her this obviously is enough
I envy her easy life
It's lack of struggle
It's lack of strife
Perhaps one day it will be me
Writing of such superficialities
When I'm fat, well fatter
Rich and content
And all of my life- force has been spent
I will sit in my garden and smell the flowers
Then while away my hours
On my hobby, writing poetry
Between the visit of the vicar
And my next *** of tea
Aug 2017 · 238
Horror Story
Whilst in a dark night cemetery
A strange feeling did come over me
Was it illness,a summer chill ?
Or the undead who won't lie still?
An eerie creak,a sudden breeze
Brought a tremor to my knees
I turned and at once did see
A spectral figure come towards me
A body like that of smoke-filled glass
The head a terrifying vision from my past
A man to whom I once did wrong
When my heart was full and strong
I lied and stole his true love away
And left him slowly to decay
With her affections I did you
Until she did herself destroy
One year later, he died too
Of a broken heart, aged 22
And he now mysteriously glides towards me
At midnight in a cemetery
Beside his ignored, unruly plot
What horrifying plan has he got ?
My knees they shake, my eyes do leak
As the phantom began to speak
" Oh you who stole my love away
And mistreated her most every day
Now is your turn to pay the price
And feel your heart turn into ice
I will not drive you to your​ grave
It is your cold heart that I crave "
His icy hand plunged into my chest
I saw my heart depart from my breast
" You will forever live from hereon
But feelings you will have none "
With that the spectre disappeared
Along with him went my fear
As longer and longer I roam the earth
I realise the phantom's curse
Intolerably my life goes on
But feelings, emotions, I have none
As time goes on, all that I crave
Is the comfort of the grave
I have no idea where this one has come from.
I must have been reading too much H.P. Lovecraft.
Memories fade
Like the print on an old bus
The one you used
The morning before you died
I kept it in my wallet safely
For 2 or 3 years
But still it faded
Like your face
And your body
All I remember is
Long dark hair, deep brown
Almost black, bottomless eyes
Eyes that you could lose yourself in
I did, for 2 or 3 years
Before they faded
Like the print on an old bus ticket
The one I found
Going through the pockets of your coat
The day after you died
I still have the coat
The clothes
Skirts, dresses, bras
Dead, empty fabric that once held life
2 or 3 years ago
But it fades
Like the smell of your perfume
Or the print on an old bus ticket
The pain also slowly fades
From an all-encompassing  explosion
Beginning in my chest
Then quickly, painfully spreading
Leaving a shake in my hands
The aftershock, the tremors
After a huge earthquake
Fading to
An empty space in my chest
A hole where love used to be
An awful chasm, never to be filled
Unable ​to be filled
Until the rest of my conciousness
Dying with a long, slow deep sigh
Leaving an explosion of pain
In the hearts of my family
But slowly it will fade
Over 2 or 3 years
Until I am just a face in a photograph
That surely must fade
Like the print on an old bus ticket
The second poem I ever wrote, back in '02, when I was still mourning the death of my girlfriend of the time.
This poem and ' I Know That's Not You ' are companion pieces, both written about the same time
Aug 2017 · 619
A Writer's Prayer
Pages, pages!
Lord give me pages
Effervescent sentences
That last through the ages

Lord, let me spin a web of words
That entrances all, like those I've heard
My heroes fought with pen not sword
Brandished rhymes​ against the hordes
Who would have slowly caused their deaths​
Boredom, not sword would have stolen their breath

Pages, pages!
Lord give me pages
Effervescent sentences
That last through the ages

Poetry, novels, short stories plays
Send the words upon which I graze
My food, my drink, the air I breathe
Words mean as much, so send them please
Not silver or gold, I have no greed
Let me feast on poetry, that's all that I need

Pages, pages!
Lord give me pages
Effervescent​ sentences
To ring​ through the ages

A writer's prayer
Is a simple one
He only wants to
Get his work done
Aug 2017 · 604
I stand in my garden and look around
Who knows what happens in these small towns​
Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what really happens there?

The mild-mannered man you meet on your stroll
Could have 5 Japanese, plastic *** dolls
Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what could happen here?

The fat, jolly woman to whom you say ' hello '
Her husband could be under the patio
Middle class suburbia
Anything can happen here

My next door neighbour's curtains twitch
In her back room she is a witch
Pentagrams​ in blood on the laminate floor
As she chats to the woman next door
She leaves a note out for the milk-man
Then she sells her soul to Satan

Behind the curtains in suburbia
Who knows what happens here?

It's not like the rough council estates​
Where people are driven by need and hate
The sheer boredom of suburbia
Breeds evil things that happen here
Aug 2017 · 228
The Hanging Tree
Come on, let me take you down
Where there are bouquets piled all around
An old oak tree trunk, thick and round

The Hanging Tree

Tributes and teddies all around
No-one knows what brought this down
Hanging two feet off the ground

The Hanging Tree

Fifty-four long years old
His body hung there, stiff and cold
There's a story here that needs to be told

The Hanging Tree

A two-line newspaper obituary
That most people just don't see
A tragic end for anybody

The Hanging Tree

A spring morning, crisp and clear
The neighbours garden was so near
No-one knows what happened here

The Hanging Tree

A meaningless death in a small town
Some poor ******* had to cut him down
Fate looks on, wearing a frown

The Hanging Tree

Yes, fate looked on wearing a frown
Mental Health Services let him down
Just a small story in a small town

The Hanging Tree
Based on a true story
Aug 2017 · 139
Twelve Days
Tomorrow, my​ missus goes away
Leaves me on my own for twelve days
I don't mind the odd weekend alone
But for this long, I know boredom will gnaw on my bones
Oh well, I'll have more time to write
More to write about as long grow the nights
I'll play my music so loudly
Have my choice of what's on T.V.
But I have to admit I'll miss her so much
No human contact, no human touch
I'll take the dog for lots of walks
And hope that the dog can learn to talk
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