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i want your body.
i want to call you mine.
i want your hand to hold
your eyes to stare into.
i want your arms to hold me all night long
i want you to scare all my nightmares and monsters away.
i want you to love me.
i want your loving heart.
i want you.
you look at me,
you kiss me tenderly.
i feel the warmth of your lips and i fall in love with you all over again.
you whisper in my ear that you want more.
im scared.
can i trust you?
we tangle our limbs
slippery with each others sweat.
sticky love.
i fall asleep
fall unconcious into the night.
You treat me like Schrodingers cat
And some times I just don't get that
I was alive when you slammed the lid
And now I'm as scared as a little kid
But you have to sort out your own head
And you leave me here filled with dread
Because when I really really need you
You act like you haven't a clue
Are you afraid my sadness will hurt you to much
That my agony will be to much for the touch
That's ok I'll keep it locked away
And maybe,  just maybe one day
You'll lift the lid to look inside
Only to find out I have died
She passed by the gloom light
She is there seeing people after people
Try escaping the reality but never did
Nobody cares, nobody ever would
Nobody ever try looking through her
And she just another girl that's invisible.
I feel pain in my heart
My mind suffers in silence.

My soul seeks loneliness and longing,
longing for acceptance.

I detest torontoism and cavalier arrogance,
nor do l want theory of reasons.

All l want is a crystal clear of love
Because l have chosen loneliness.

Since it is the best of you
that l have around.

I battle with love and loneliness.

some times I miss
being the shore

constantly smoothed
by the froth caressed

by the whispering
waves to find myself

in the soft morning light
cleaned up reordered

from all the creases
of worrisome days
All these poems are from The California Notebook collection from
Ask me no more where Jove bestows,
When June is past, the fading rose;
For in your beauty’s orient deep
These flowers, as in their causes, sleep.

Ask me no more whither do stray
The golden atoms of the day;
For in pure love heaven did prepare
Those powders to enrich your hair.

Ask me no more whither doth haste
The nightingale when May is past;
For in your sweet dividing throat
She winters and keeps warm her note.

Ask me no more where those stars ‘light
That downwards fall in dead of night;
For in your eyes they sit, and there
Fixed become as in their sphere.

Ask me no more if east or west
The Phoenix builds her spicy nest;
For unto you at last she flies,
And in your fragrant ***** dies.
sometimes my heart is a garden,
sometimes it is a landfill.

i think about love and
warmth and good,
and how i could do
anything because
i’m special and
i’m talented.
i think
i could even go to church
and god would smile
and i would smile back.

i think about thunderstorms
and dark and alone,
and how if i stayed
in this bed all day
every day
i could just fade into nothing.
i’m afraid to open the window
because who knows
if today’s the day
i jump.

sometimes my heart is a garden,
sometimes it is a landfill.
and i'm looking for that
special kind of person
who can find
the treasure
in both.
(and i've found her)
I keep wondering
why I only feel
bittersweet when I hear of you
did I not love you enough
to feel a pang in my heart
or was it that you were
too immersed in your own world
and I some how knew
your heart wouldn't stop
skip a beat
when you heard of me
or saw my name
with each drawn out letter

your heart
never truly learned my name
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