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Don’t you ******* dare
to romanticize me
Don’t act like my ribs poking through my skin
And wrists so frail I’m half-certain they’ll snap too
is beautiful
Because that’s exactly what you’re doing
through your glossy magazine pages
and water-and-kale only lunches
Making it seem glamorous
that I lay dying slowly at my own hands
Don’t paint over my
sallow complexion
And hair falling out in thick strands
As I tried to put up a ponytail
Here’s my thigh gap
(it’s writing my obituary)
but isn’t it just #goals
Don’t make me
the reason a twelve year old girl
is squeezing her tummy
I did not fall for that trap
But I’m in the same pit anyway
I am not a costume
Not the “**** anorexic”
Don’t tell me to learn to take a joke
Because it isn’t a joke
to make my best friend sick with worry
Because the pounds keep peeling off
I’ve felt sinking in my (empty) stomach
when friends ask me “how do you keep so thin?
in pale green tones of envy
when their bodies are so full of life
and mine is withering
and I’m crying over a stupid ******* bowl of soup
that the same girl (but a different one)
would have drank in two minutes
soaking in the warmth in a full tummy
But that I heated in the microwave
three, four times,
forcing down spoonful by spoonful
just to have something in my stomach.
I just want to eat pancakes that don’t taste like dust
but all my meals are tainted with self hatred
and how ******* dare you
teach them that hatred
like it’s *pretty?
Back space
All I see is your face
I spend hours pondering what to write you
Have I been replaced?
Do you miss me too?
Do you remember how much I love the color blue?
Or have you simply forgotten
Forgotten all of these trivial things
Because I remember everything.
I remember how much you love the show skins
And how you would always tell me about it
I remember the day you got your permit
How could I forget?
You were so nervous
But I knew you could do it
I remember your birthday
May 21st
I remember that your mom was a nurse
Your eyes are a beautiful brown
You have a scar above your lip
Oh goodness, how could I ever forget?
You love to act, model, and use your brain
You're so ******* smart
And I've always seen you to be so brave
You're so beautiful
And I miss you dearly
I can picture you so clearly
Please tell me you can do the same?
Because not a day goes by where I don't think of your name
I never send you these letters
-Love, Chase
oh, my god,
stop praising little girls for being "tiny" and "slender" and "willowy"
for being skinny.

because the scale offers validation
and eating cheetos and twizzlers and cookies and candy without gaining a pound becomes an accomplishment
a sharp and boasting laugh
ha, ha! i can eat all the **** i want
and still be /skinny!/

because a girl will feel pride
in her ballerina legs and bony joints
and guilt
in her best friend wishing she were as small.

because "skinny" stops being an adjective
and becomes a definition.

because being skinny becomes
owning stacks and stacks of size zero jeans
but ******* and shimmying and squeezing your *** into them
(god forbid you buy a size two.)

skinny becomes looking flat in the midsection
but only if you eat triscuits for lunch that day

becomes seeing the outlines of individual ribs
but grabbing with a grimace the layer of fat and skin that covers them

becomes standing with legs spread apart and back tilted and eyes squinted
and looking maybe kind of like a forever 21 model,
until you sit and your thighs melt into huge endless expanses of tissue

becomes avoiding the bathroom scale because you told yourself two years ago you'd never get above double digits.

becomes knowing that most girls would **** for your body, or for the absence of your body - for the carved out spaces where flesh could be.

becomes feeling guilty, feeling ridiculous, feeling ungrateful
becomes never admitting to anyone that you feel anything but skinny.
By Arcassin Burnham

Loving you,
Would take an eternity,
Bury me in chains,
Turn my heart to stone,
See this young boy for who he really is,
With this stronger love,
Lady its apparent I won't leave you alone,
By your side 24/7 when you need me,
Tell emotions to each other like kids at home on the phone,
If you want to meet in person,
Just know that I want you only,
It would be astonishing to wrap my arms around you,

But at the end of the day,
Its you I wanna hold tight,
But at the end of the day,
Its you I wanna hold tight.
poetry mafia
By Arcassin Burnham

kissing you,
would take a thousand heavens,
hang me with the rope,
if i ever lose you,
step into the mind of a boy,
with a stonger love,
list of emotions on a menu,
would you like an appetizer,
with your broken heart,
i fell in love with the waitress,
she shot my chest like darts,
and if its any harm done,
just know im sorry for it,
always been as careful as it was accounted for,

but at the end of the day,
its you i wanna hold tight,
but at the end of the day,
its you i wanna hold tight.

— The End —