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Taylor Shelton May 2015
Life has left me on the floor
Life has gotten me knocks on doors
Oh can't you bother someone else, while I go under?
The ground is coarse as usual tonight
Earth is breathes in my lungs, but pros turn to cons
and like usual it's turning dawn
Never let me go as life has nothing to show
Taylor Shelton May 2015
I try to touch your breathe with my lips
Holding on to your heart
I want you to touch the curves of my hips
But you are tearing me apart

One more kiss just for the road
Come on, please don't go
if it's just  lust then why am I breaking?
I need more memories of your soul
My heart's now turning to the color of coal
Taylor Shelton May 2015
The shadows of our figures lay upon the floor
another night of disfigure yet I want you to give me more
the passion is filling our ***** kitchen floor
when each foot pressing against the tiles more
Yet I am more willing... the power you don't possess
oh how you always worrying about the thoughts that I digress
How we are different the thinking of us less
Taylor Shelton May 2015
I try to find my way through your awfully lighted sky... trying to comprehend the painfully painted lies... I think of all the sights I took in with our eyes... But the pain is light up by a passion driven sky.. that must be why it's dark between the two of us.. the lust got the best of you.... I wish that I could only make it untrue
Taylor Shelton May 2015
A howl, a calling...
something that I yearn...
I wish of shouting...
something I have to earn?...
But I'm not patient so I start stepping on stones...

Hoping for the best
I want a home
No chance I will be lucky,
but I'm blunt and want a touch
dreaming of life as lush
stupid, I am
falling touching reality
wondering who I am
Taylor Shelton May 2015
If I were to stop talking
I’d bet I be alone
Because the water runs thicker
Between the two of us, alone
The silent creaks of a home
Yes I feel truly alone

If a lone wolf were to call me
I’d understand the moans
For blood runs thicker here
Not the bursting of a different tone

For the lies you’ve told me
The lies I believed
Because blood does not run thicker
Which is now clearer for me to see
Blood runs thinker then water or at least that’s what you said
But the silent creak and the screeching squeaks are tearing through my head
#blood #lonely #thoughts #wolf #alone #water #bloodandwater
Taylor Shelton May 2015
Life is losing, because life is losing me
And if there were more reasons
At least more reasons than just three
Then I might love you, because someone cared for me

The fights been fought
The fires shot
It’s burning hot
Oh the Lord can’t help me now

— The End —