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Megha Thakur Sep 2020
My life train is passing through,
Many stations.
I don't know what exactly but they have some kind,
Of temptation.
May be one of them is,
My destination.
Regarding my feelings I really have,
No explanations.
-Megha Thakur
Name, that one entity; a source of tranquillity?
I was asked, under a deep, night sky
I named you, I cried to the wind, in front of you, no need of my any ability
For the peace lies in the cores of the universe,
You still choose an earthly body over the deities godly?
I named you, I wrote it on the mesmerizing horizon
The sky, the moon, the body you're given,
You have no love for the sight that has.... you, imprisoned?
His eyes, his body, his shoulders so dear! My sky, my moon, lies there..... my heaven!
This world; a battlefield, are you obliged to be a knight?
My arms have his power, in him; I find all my survivals
The war will end, and you'll lean without an armor, how will you flight?
Gian alone.... flies for once in the seasons, let me go back to the grounds of medieval
You cling to the thoughts of flaws, the unlawful laws, and.... mere dreams; you draw
I name you in the colors, with you.... I draw the utterance of oblivion
Would you stop a poet from penning, a painter from painting, and a lover from love, I asked
What you show to me, is a truth and not a facade

-Zahra Batool ****
Samreena Lodhi Feb 2019
Concealed in my diary
in the form of words
my emotions explode
inklings of events
predicaments conjectured
or  sighs of contentment
vaguely interpreted
lights my soul
stagnant but painful
glorious yet tearful
Babra Shafiqi May 2017
My heart beats a thousand times faster,
only for the reason
Of you breathing through me.
And if it wasn't for you
and the kiss of life
onto my lips,
I would have myself strangled
this weak heart
and left it to die.
So don't ask me why it runs
when you put your lips on mine.
For your lips are the only thing
that has kept me going
through these pains.
©Babra shafiqi.
Comment and share. Let me know what's good and what's bad.

— The End —