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Broken Pieces Feb 2020
This day I'm ready to s e i z e .
No longer will I be trapped, I've found the k e y s .
This battle has b e g u n ,
and I won't be the one to r u n .
This act of d e f i a n c e ,
There will be no more s i l e n c e .
I don't need your a p p r o v a l ,
Because this, is my r e f u s a l .
Sorrow sits on rotted peaks
Her tune is so familiar;
Breaking out the ground beneath
Leaving me so bewildered.

Chasms gape, and pull me in,
This pain will eat me whole-
Sorrow laughs so quietly
As she picks apart my soul.

Til all I know is pulled away
Stripped of joy, asunder;
Sorrow sings a happy song
As all I love is plundered.

I cry in desperation,
A slave unto her whims,
Sorrow tugs a little more
To keep me trapped within.

But like the seasons change,
Sorrow's icy grip retreats
Howling as the new winds blow,
Admitting her defeat.

And as the cloud is lifted,
Like a fire choked,
Sorrow breaths her very last;
Bested by sweet hopes.

A bitter foe, now vanquished-
But not for eternity;
Someday soon, Sorrow will stand
Again to challenge me.

And I shall stand here, ready,
My sword of light, ablaze;
Singing at the darkness
For now, a new tune plays.
In the depths of despair, light can shine.
Britni Ann Oct 2018
My mother,
You are such a fighter.
You have more strength than I have ever seen.
More wisdom than I’ve ever known.
And more grace than I could ever earn.

We will get through this,
Day by day
Step by step
Phase by phase
Because of all the strength,wisdom, and grace that you have.

And some day we will look back with reminiscent smiles and shaking heads being thankful to some doctors and medicine and even a God that you made it through with the same smile.

I believe in you mom.
You are fighting a good fight that you will surly win.
Glenn Currier Mar 2018
My heart is giving me fits,
but there is no way I'll let it quit,
so I'll keep on fighting the good fight,
until everything is alright.

By my cousin Bill
My Cajun cousin, knowing that I am soon going in for a heart procedure, and knowing that I write poetry, set his finger to his phone and sent me this little ditty.  I told him it captures my sentiments well... Thanks Bill.
Jennifer Weiss Sep 2015
I am in the fight of my life.
This is war,
can't you see?
This fight of my life,
this war,
is with me.

— The End —