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 Jul 2013 sierra
Katelyn Rew
Blue eyes, blonde hair, red lips, intense stare,
self doubt, dark soul, your eyes bore a hole,
hard kiss, quick ****, over fast, no luck,

leaving now, going home, so cold, so alone,
shiver shake earthquake, so unreal, so fake,
tears trickle down my face, so slow, quicken pace,
still there on the brink, another drug, another drink,
block you out, so numb, want to hide, want to run,

Far away, leave it all, the more i think, the more i fall,
Shut my mind, shut you out, feeling sick, full of doubt,
Too hard, you’re always there, look at you, try not to stare,
Fake smile, cold hello, nervous laugh, hard swallow,
little hope drains away, another moment, another day,

Time goes on, hope it heals, because I hate how it feels,
But for now, I crave your touch, I want you now, miss you so much.
 Jul 2013 sierra
Katelyn Rew
None too far from those who see,
Crystals melt the ebony
Fire on water, ice on lake
Opposites to reciprocate

Earth on sand, mud on dune
Walking on the harvest moon
None too far  from those who hear
The melodic whisper oh so clear.

Sight and sound are all but lost
Dismissed, discarded, but at what cost?
 May 2013 sierra
George Arkley
They ask me what I see,
What I see when I'm dreaming,
What I see when I'm listening,
What I see when I'm writing,
But I don't see; I understand,

I understand how minds work,
I understand how hearts work,
I understand how my world works,
But I don't understand them.

Why can't people accept it?
Why do they need to know why?
Why do they want to know?
But they don't want to know why; they want to know what.

If I see their futures,
If I see the dead,
If I see words before me,
But I don't see; I understand.

So when they ask, what do I see in you?
I don't reply. I smile,
Because when I dream,
And I listen,
And I write,
You know what I see?
What I've always seen:
 May 2013 sierra
Celeste Traxler
i once had a friend

we would talk philosophy and things of deep matter

it never felt depressing talking of old ways


i remember in between these conversations we would draw together and laugh at how horrible we both were.

you took my arm once and we went around to look at chalk art.

i looked at you for a moment and the next you were gone.

old souls intertwined.

we were perfect.

i was nervous for what could be of us.

and you are gone.

forced out of my own hand

twisted bent into a new identity one you can make out of a new location.

i never said goodbye.

i couldnt.
 May 2013 sierra
Ocean Woman
 May 2013 sierra
She stepped through the sand
tall sea grass grazed her pale legs
moonlight illuminated her white face
her blue eyes, the color of
a lake frozen over
her hair, black and dead
the sea called to her
it beckoned with rolling thunder
and jagged electricity
her toes reached the water
the ocean reared excitedly
goosebumps rose on every inch of her skin
raindrops bounced off the water
the water, now up to her knees
climbing higher, eager, by the inch
with every step she took
until it engulfed her entire body
cold, deep and black
it forced its way into her lungs
she smiled and the current
rocked her like a humming mother
until she felt herself fade away
until she was gone.
the ocean gently laid the body
on the beach
her dead eyes stared into
the starry night
the gentle smile forever played
on her pale lips
 May 2013 sierra
Jon Tobias
I wouldn't call it a fear
of falling in love

But how this feels is like
A child's drawing of infinity
But he tells you
Actually it is two people kissing

And I want to cut the image in half
so I can talk in circles
and filibuster the time
I should be using to kiss you

Kissing does not mean you are falling in love
But it is a start

In the same way I sleep best with a body against me
But I have a twin bed

*** is not falling in love
But it often ends
with you falling asleep  
against me

And from there
what do we fall into?
Who does the catching?
 May 2013 sierra
Anne M
 May 2013 sierra
Anne M
He nipped
her lip the first time.
Back against the brick wall.
Bottles warming,
soon forgotten at their feet.

There was something
so urgent
in the way they fell--
limbs tangling on
or against
any surface that
could hold them.

But those surfaces were edged
in pasts long hidden
and razor-sharp,
wrapped in caution tape.

And they remembered their fragility.

So they tucked
in their elbows and
side-stepped each other.
Trading bitten lips
for shattering glances,
they told themselves

But sometimes,
in quiet moments,
the Yes still breaks through.
Constructive criticism is always appreciated.
 Mar 2013 sierra
The Cure
 Mar 2013 sierra
Every secret we share washes up to shore.
I float passed that night you called me a *****.
And we laugh at every soaking
t-shirt of your's that I tore.
Sometimes this love looks more like a war,
But we've grown from those days
when we were still keeping score.
And I've stopped drawing 'x's beside all
of the shattered things you once swore.
Because nothing you do can ever
keep me from wanting more.
We might drown all day but before
the night swallows us whole, you're
lifting the anxiety from my core.
And I will always kiss the salt from
your cheekbones as your eyes spill out
all over the floor.

For every inch of you that I abhor,
there's something stronger that I adore.
And no matter how many times you slam
it in my face, if you knock, I'll still open the door.
I'll never fall out of love with
the way that you snore.
And with my finger tips pressing into your skin,
I won't stop until I trace every last contour.

I've got demons lined up at the foot of my bed,
And so much Hell left to endure.
But Angel,  you've always been the cure
 Mar 2013 sierra
 Mar 2013 sierra
i get so frustrated with my dad
i yell at him
accuse him
blame him
i refuse to eat
whatever he's spent
so much time
and effort cooking for me...
and all of the above
is the result of
hating that he has to do it
in the first place
and it's absolutely idiotic
and horrible of me
to do this to him
but i can't translate
the pain
in a healthy way
i can't articulate
that some minuscule
part of me
misses mom
after everything
every time
she tries to talk to me
it's like she pushes
this reset button
and i am back
with my old friends
panic attack,
and the tears slip out of me
so easily
i no longer feel them
they have become
so natural
like the freckles
on my face
my life is freckled
with tears
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