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Ms Kelly Dec 2014
We live a tale to be told
Nine, of us
Trying to be bold
I walk in the valley of the shadows
Running from the past
Because nine is fine, but I am the last
One, me
Trying to survive
Never changing tricks, just trying to fix
the wrongs which were never right
It's hard to face reality,
But the time is coming fast;
The tricks I play,
the way I live today,
just will not last
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
The masses prefer mundane over magical
Vanilla over passion fruit
I want to give you what you want but it's not what I do
I want to be your Blonde
I want to sing to you
But the words I speak are of a freak,
the media would never choose
We want to spill excitement, your heart asks for this too
But when we provide
You seem to run and hide
Leaving us poor and blue
Many *** workers I know wish that they could do more creative, unique work but fear it won't sell and that customers would lose their interest in them - this is my ode to you.
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
I look down
Beginning to stare at my idle hands,
4 knuckles illuminated by my computer screen -
the same view on my right.
I'm beginning to wonder what I'm doing with my life
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
I reside in you but come out rarely
Like a virus, I appear
Expelling symptoms,
at times severe
I wait until you feel no control...

I elude to the fact that nothing's going right
I cause and irritation that puts up a fight
I will make you feel nothing's alright
Scream, scream

You cannot run from me
You will never be free, as long as you have responsibilities
I'm there...

Daily life begins to take a toll,
and your mood swings are really getting old
But alas you have to do what you're told
The frustration!
This kind of turned out like a song? Oh well
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you I hate you I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I do
I hate you
I hate you
I hate what happened
I hate what I did
I hate where I am
I hate the changes that I had to make
I hate being responsible
I hate being sad
I hate that you're gone
I hate that I'm wrong
I hate this
I hate myself
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
The term "party system" is used far too often for something that is not a party at all
Ms Kelly Dec 2014
Injustices are committed far too often
Far too easily.
Criminals are not exclusive to those arrested;
I assure you that all who read my words have hurt the weak,
have stood by and watched the suffering of another.
You may have been taught to only love your own kind,
and I'm sorry,
change will come.
You don't have to be just a story, a statistic
I will not watch as you're displayed on the screen.
You will never be just the subject of a conversation,
the 7:37 block during the news.
I do not believe that the darkness will endure.
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