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Love In Hiding  Jul 2013
Love In Hiding Jul 2013
we saw the sun through the tree's

and found something in ourselves

     *komorebi (n.) sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees
poeticalamity Mar 2014
Lying beneath trees in the heat of the day cannot possibly be compared to any other pastime: to watch the light toy with the leaves, shining bright and brighter in the ever-changing gaps in the leaves turned dark by the shadow. The interplay between the light and the leaves in ever-ongoing banter and they hate to quit their game when the sun moves too far beneath the horizon for the light to reach above the boughs and must return to its source. The wind plays a part in the sport as well, when it rustles the leaves and causes a sparkle in the variance of illumination. Tortoiseshell patterns scatter along your  limbs and features and tumble off the cliffs of your sides into the grass you recline on. The filter of light casts playful interlocking patterns of light and dark impossible to decode without the proper encryption, forever lasting while the world speeds past their lazy game.
Theodore Bird  Feb 2015
Theodore Bird Feb 2015
Bare feet torn on muddy grass.
Blink slowly,
     feel the wind between your fingers.
Tilt your head,
     offer your throat to the sun.
     make music with the birds.
Run as fast as you can,
     stop to sing with the crickets.
Wander slowly, close your eyes,
     feel the sun play symphonies on your arms,
skin speckled with the light of every star.
bobby burns May 2015
n. A homesickness for somewhere you cannot return to, the nostalgia and grief for the lost places of your past, places that never were.

insatiability makes its burrow
in my gall bladder,

wringing bile from the *****,
craving toxins to purge.

i thirst for sweet lexical gaps,
holes in patterns,

dots that don't make shapes
but still gladly connect

n. The sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

loveliest in the distinction
it is only komorebi

once filtered, green soul
bleeding through
Julia  Jul 2014
Julia Jul 2014
Below, blades are not
safe from snooping golden glares.
And at night, the moon.
Komorebi - Japanese word for when sunlight filters through the trees.
She’ll wander back to you again,
but drawn by the string
of ineffable instinct—kissing the sand
of your beaches still damp
by the routine of her departure.
Yet as she recedes,
you already ache her homecoming
as though longing for an estranged relative.

You count the years
by the bitterest point
of every winter, and
value your harvests
against the cruelty of the drought—
and even when she rearranges herself
nightly, by increments you’ve already calculated
by meticulous observation,
somehow good fortune owes you eternity,
even as it crumbles under the weight
of its own impermanence.

You’ve never dealt well with entropy;
all that came before you, which also happens
to survive you—an honorary god.
Stranded on earth,
you monitor your greying scalp as grimly
as you decry a darkening sky above you succumbing
to the certainty of winter, but
even she is ebbing, too.
You curse her departure like an abandoned child,
but she had never sinned against you—
that was your idea.

You mourn the day she repossesses
with mortal anguish,
yet you still find a way to forgive her
when she sends Dawn
to shine his light between the trees.
Ash Russon  Dec 2016
Ash Russon Dec 2016
I think you leave little bits of yourself in the trees
I can always see you in them
Your energy is constantly intertwining with nature
And when I'm in nature it's almost like you're there; in the mountains, the trees, the wildflowers.
It's the tsunami waves of missing you
It's the warm sunny days where everything is alive and singing, "He's all around you, just look."
It's that feeling that you get when you're on a mountain looking up at the sky and realizing how small you really are.
You're the boy who plays with the moon, and I'm the girl watching, mesmerized by the way you two move.  
It's that moment when you love nature so much that it crushes you, because you know that you don't belong.
We are built to destroy, and the world deserves so much better than that.
I know I am a disaster, but you make me feel less evil than I've made myself out to be.
I feel more like a tree when I'm with you.
moniker  Apr 2020
moniker Apr 2020
There’s this word in Japanese “komorebi” it pictures the light that is filtered through the leaves on a tree. It’s supposed to represent the nostalgia, that someone feels as they look upon a memory. I disagree with nostalgia, it means that you miss something that you left behind. If you miss it so much, why must you see it from such a distorted sense? No. In my case, it was never nostalgia. I only saw the light through the leaves because I didn’t want to go blind. I only left the love behind because I didn’t want the pain that came with it. So why, I ask do you look back at the pain?
bulletcookie  Aug 2016
Rural Road
bulletcookie Aug 2016
route number nine
we traveled your spine
over two lane vertebra
an occasional scoliotic stray

pass farmer hands in fields
on tractors of painted steel
labored maze rows to feed cattle:

windowed wind in evening's chatter
filtered light, komorebi, back matter
natural at fifty miles an hour
time melting spills of roadside flowers

and press of an orange-red moon
you unwrap its butterscotch rune
full of eons of seeing eyes, candy store watch
its popcorn face staring, tick-tock

then high-beams replace the sun's
intervals of lightning bug reflectors
into dark, deer vision, tunnel turns
and newly oiled ticking blacktop

distant into day's finish, night
journey's last braking bights
in memories gloaming sight
of a rural tale spin write

komorebi - means the sunshine filtering through the leaves of a tree (or trees)-can also be seen as a light curtain which is more visible after the rain because of the reflecting light from the water vapor: also mentioned as the interplay between the light and the leaves which is observed especially on the ground. Additionally, there is a rare phenomenon when the light of the crescent sun during a partial solar eclipse is dappled on the ground in crescent shapes (which is circular normally)
Isabel  May 2018
Isabel May 2018
I'm the tree and you are the sunlight,
sunlight that shines through me.

Crying alone,
It is still raining,
Well that means
the pain is still remaining.

Why is this place is so dark,
There's no room to park,
No room to place myself in the dark,
Also no space to park the pain.

Listen we need to run,
Or else they'll point out the gun,
A gun that hits us everytime they open
Their mouth,
They have no doubt.

I thought we're done,
Our dreams that are gone,
There's no cure,
When there's no reason to be sure.

You saved me from darkness,
A friendship that is full of pureness,
We deserve everything,
But we don't have anyhting,
The destinsy is jealous of us.

We don't know on what will happen next,
We can't take those assumptions and jinx it.

You taught me on how to be brave,
But it ended up seeing our bodies on the grave.

There's hope,
Help me to climb up using that rope,
Don't make me fall,
When there's no one to catch.

Smile like there's no tomorrow,
Smile like there's no one against our dreams,
Just smile,
Your happiness, is my happiness.

Time passes by,
Does our friendship will last long?,
I hope so,
You're the only friend that I have.
A friend that I know that will never leave me.

We could stop the rain,
And it means we could also stop our pain,
Give it to me,
I will take your pain,
And you take mine,
Lets share this road,
A rocky road.

It will end soon,
Look at that moon,
I prefer it than the sun.

The sun rise,
While the moon go down.

In my dream, we we're both happy,
It sometimes make me want not to wake up anymore.
I don't want to wake anymore,
I want to stay in my dreams wherein everything is impossible to happen.

Everything in this world are made of love.
Knowing that love can't change a thing,
Love that can't make people stay.

We we're against the world,
Word by word,
We don't want to listen,
All we want is to be heard.

Let me be with you until the end,
Lets make this friendship last long,
Lets stay by each others side and share shoulders to bury our face and cry together.

We can make it, as long as we're together.
Let us hold hand and make everything possible.
nameless  Aug 2020
nameless Aug 2020
The trees tower over
as if they’re watching me,
eyes lurking in the tall shadows

I take a deep breath, well aware of the sound of my pounding heart, something that seems to align with the life breathing here, green and alive

I feel lost
Like I’ve slipped between the cracks of the comforts of what’s supposed to be mine,
Slipped away from the familiar memory of happiness
Away from the scent of faint lavender and drowsy eyes,
where I can hide from the troubles through sleep

But at the same time, I think this is home
That somewhere deep inside, lies the curve of the stone path, the veins of the leaves that have fallen, everything and nothing at the same time
That I could write myself into here, the life, and settle as if nothing has changed.

My fragile life, woven and held into the above branches, somehow daring to breathe


I look up, taking in the thicket of leaves above, blocking the sun
The one hiding the sky, what really lies out there beyond this forest
The dark.

Yet even then, the light shines through,
the sun somehow managing to paint the leaves in a golden aura
Continuing to warm the land from the outside, never turning away. Filtering into the impossible, breaking all the barriers

Rays that will always reach

Maybe in the real world, in what’s outside in this little sanctuary, the real sun is too harsh for me
Maybe I’ll burn, sparks and flames hidden inside my flesh finally meeting the air
Turning into nothing but ashes washed away by soil.

But right now, in this home,
I'll always have light
brooke  Jul 2014
Am I Forgiven?
brooke Jul 2014
I wrote about the pinstriped girls whose elbows make you feel alive.

but I have tree sap in my veins
filled to the brim with leaves,
eaves that drip holy water
charcoal in my hair and
bluets follow where I
step, I am komorebi
the sun will always
always, always

(c) Brooke Otto 2014

yes, even if you said no.

— The End —