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She was a person who could put the
broken pieces of another
back together
Sadly she was a person who couldn't
make her own broken pieces
once again.
I thought the ***** would make me stop feeling it
But instead I just felt it more intensely.
I kissed a girl and I liked it
Not like that Katy Perry song describes.
I am not some **** straight girl with a boyfriend
Who is trying to impress other dudes at a washed up bar.
I just don't get it
Maybe I never will
How I can be some Christian child of God
And feel this simultaneously?
I will never understand
How some will continue to harp on the idea
That this whole spectrum is a plea for attention
And does not exist.
What the hell are they talking about?
Do they think I like walking around every day
With a stigma attached to my chest
Even though most people do not even know the truth?
Do they think I enjoy
Lying to my parents, day in and day out
Saying I am this pure, straight Presbyterian teen
Who's secrets are all out in the open?
There is a ton they do not know
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Do they believe that I find pleasure in
Hiding a huge part of who I am
From my school, my church and my community?
They cannot judge me
That is God's job.
These are just a few of my classic gripes
About being a closeted bisexual
In a conservative family.
He never knew how it felt 
like to be loved. This heart 
of his could only emit it. Born 
with no hands and feet. He could 
only breathe and fabricate amity. 
This girl with her tiffany blue ribbon 
on her hair, drifts him into the ocean of 
her blue aqua eyes. Struck by her 
glance with that ethereal smile akin to 
the moon-crescent. He just knew he wants 
to be with her presence.

She fell for his hazelnut brown 
eyes. As they reminded her of wolves 
howling in the dead of night to the silver 
moon. Shape shifting and bones breaking 
his body is left every night shaking and
aching. He never gave her much information 
about his transformation. “You are my 
moon and ill forever howl to you” he softly 

Sitting on the rooftop where he fathom northern lights will appear in the black night, emitting colours of hope with stars like freckles glinting like they know his wish.
His only wish is to have hands & feet. So the girl with blue aqua eyes would gleam at him like the moon elegant in her eminence.

Knowing her would make him feel 
alive instead of blind , useless and dead. 
"Hold me through the night and cradle me 
like a baby in bed". "You're all that's in my 
head he said. With you I become no longer
blind". "I just feel stronger and refine. Shine 
down your light on me" he said.

As the sun rises waking souls back to their homes. 
Rays of fervour stained on souls who lost hope
Giving them the miracle they hope to prevail.
As he woke up with both hands & feet
He was no longer bounded by stigma in defeat.
He almost died when he held his breath for the longest time. 
When he saw her, the girl with blue aqua eyes said, "Honey, Get up wolf boy it's time to eat."

He was living a dream within a dream
A nightmare filled with fantasies.
He knew then she was the moon gleaming.
Staring at his wife, mesmerized
**That was when he felt that she has brought him back to life.~
Erenn Italics
Carolin Bold
3rd Collaboration with the gifted & talented Carolin!!
I can't believe we actually collabed 3 times within 2 weeks.hha
And this time we write about wolves!
And do check out her page!
Never experienced the
light before he came. She
only had the dark to blame.
Sitting hours alone in the dark's
violence that ruined her home.
Sitting on the grey stone near
the river bank almost broken
and ******. She felt him pat
her back. Tracing her tear
stained face with nothing but
his fingertips while the other
hand was on her shirt with
black lace. We'll get through
this hand in hand he said. While
pushing away the dark clouds
above her head. It was only a
matter of time that he proved
to her what he said. Sun's light
shined down on her face. Making
her smile light up with grace

Every rubble he'd seen, fear cowered
for the first time. As he became stronger
to save as much lives possible. He never
knew what love meant, until he met her.
It was her eyes, its like the rainbows mixed
together to emit that ethereal iris. This heart
of his, will mourn to the world if she'd been
gone from him. It was with her he found his

Being together would complete his life.
He wanted her to become his future wife.
They spent hours exchanging words of love
soft kisses and hugs. Day after day they
got more attached. It was obvious that they
perfectly matched. Adjusting wild flowers,
daffodils and dandelions in her hair. Oh so
pretty how they blend like a chameleon
when left on a branch or a chair. She felt that
her heart started to become more aware of
the love they both share. “How could I be
unaware of such beauty , it makes me forget
the word afraid” he said*.

Even if the world we're living in is dying.
Even if our love were to be short lived. I'll
be with you till the very end" she said. They
could see it, as their lives disappearing in sight. They clenched both their hands tightly
and render to the justice that preached hope
but enslave innocence. But they were content
till the end. They died together, their souls
embark on a new journey. To eternity, to a
forever after. Together* ~
Erenn in italics
Carolin in bold
This dude just has mind blowing talents honestly that's all i can say. Looking forward to write more and more with him. So glad we become friends :)
Check his link below :)
When your words sting through my heart and leave me broken
- I love you

When the distance between us feels like miles even though we're near
- I love you

When I think of how many fights we've been through
- I love you

When you can't control your anger and burst it all out
- I love you

When the volume of your voice increases and reprimands me
- I love you

When you speak of words of love  and gentleness is in your voice
- I love you  

When you make me feel the luckiest girl in the world
- I love you

When you give me hope and encouragement
- I love you

When I'm wrong and you set me right
- I love you                

When you love me
- I love you
My dear midnight flower,
You are such a fighter (for good things)...
You're too good to me,
to everyone.
You always have been,
and you deserve more.

You deserve more poetry to be written about you,
you deserve more kisses and hugs,
you deserve less hurt...

But I guess you're "used" to all the **** that's in your life.
I hope one day you'll find your sun,
and you'll be their cherished moon.

You mean a lot to me,
and I hold you dear to my heart...
for you to get hurt,
I will hurt the person whom hurt you with a force over nine-thousand times stronger than what they did to you,
after consoling and tending to you first, of course.

The way you smile,
makes me smile, just knowing that you're happy.
The way you hurt,
it's a blow to the gut,
I couldn't protect you,
and you're hurt...

I'm sorry this poem is all over the place and I couldn't bring you enough justice,
for you're too good to describe in just mere words.
Only actions like
a swift kick to the head,
a hare burrowing into the ground,
and maybe a fisherman releasing his fish,
can describe you.

Or maybe
You're more like a skyscraper,
Literally and figuratively.
I'll always look up to you, senpai.
I will always try to take brilliant pictures of you, to capture the essence of you.
But I'll always fail,
'Cause you're best seen in real life and not in photos.

But no matter what, I'll always be here for you,
The bizarre Hanji sidekick
To your sugoi, very interesting

- Love, your crazy, over-protective and psychotic kohai,
Paul ^^
An early christmas gift to a very close friend of mine, mr right. Hope he likes this :) merry christams and thank you so much for keeping up with my insanity and being too good to me, more than i deserve, as well as always just being there for me. Cheers to late nights/all nighter talks ;)
They tell me it isn't love.
That it's not right
that I fall for someone I've never seen before.
Well I have.
And you just can't
"un-fall" in love with someone.

I guess it's the way you smile
And shine, cause baby,
You are like a star
In a New York City sky,
The only one up there,
All by your lonesome,
Standing strong,
Shining bright
In the dark midnight.

Or maybe it's the sparkle in your eyes,
That shimmer like the sun
On miami waves.

Or maybe even the way you tell me those stories of yours,
Leaving me wanting to know more,
But of course I'm too shy to ask.

I'm not sure what exactly it is,
But I'm attracted
(The way north pole of a magnet is attracted to a south pole of magnet haha oops science puns)
To everything about you.

You tell me you want to be a rockstar.
Well you already are to me.
You tell me all your "flaws"
I tell you that's what makes you
perfect to me.

So I just wanted to tell you,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, dear,

-pulls over some mistletoe-
Oh! Look! Seems like we are "coincidently" under some mistletoe!
-grabs you and kisses you-

I love you more ;)

With lots of love,
Your bizarre, clingy, and random creep,
Li ;)
An early christmas gift to a very special guy out there, jinxx. I love him so much ^^ he's so strong and resilient, yet so ****** flirtatious xD anyways I'm so happy I've met him and he's been able to deal with my crazy *** and still stick with me <3 I really am grateful for him, and I hope with the new year more exciting and new things will happen ^^
if you saw him on the street
you wouldn't glance twice
because he does not look extraordinary
and he does not make your heart
skip a beat

when you listen to the wonderful, tinkling sound
of his laughter
and his inexcusable, almost inappropriately funny remarks
and when you happen to be lucky enough
to catch him smiling when no one is watching; he makes
your head spin

he is not the most beautiful to the rest of the world
and his eyes do not compare to the brightest of stars, his
hair is not an ocean-type mess and his freckles are not like grains of sand

instead his eyes are like like warm hot chocolate when
you are barely awake and are trying to get through the day, his hair is the
disaster that you can't help but be captivated by and his freckles are like carefully placed light orange dots that seem to connect in a way

I do not see him on the street anymore--
and that is the reason that I no longer
drink hot chocolate and why I hate the color orange
because god, he was not the most beautiful boy in the world
and he wouldn't make a stranger's heart beat twice
but he made mine
and in the end,
that was all that really mattered
"i'll be your augustus if you'll be my hazel grace"

thinking out loud by ed sheeran

this poem is bad. very bad. i apologize if you have now been traumatized by my terrible writing.
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