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An experiment
A tortured soul
Murdered, put back together by a man with crazed fantasies
Body part stolen from the worst kind of poets
Ones with maniacal thoughts
Hands taken from a poet who murders his family in each line  
Heart taken from a poet who gave into the hate
He writes about broken relationships
Legs taken from a poet drowned in depression
He writes about failed Suicidal attempts  
Feet from a poet who walks hand in hand with the darkness
His midnight poems about the demons that haunt him
I was a tragic success
Each stitch sealed my fate
A combination of the worst kind of poets
A monster
Something you dreamed about
Something i see in the mirror
Normality is a star in the distance
I wish I could reach
You can't look past these scars
You get lost in between my lines
I've been painted as a monster
Given the name Frankenstein
A symbol of fear
But you fear the wrong one
I am not Frankenstein
He's the real monster that created me
Laying on this cold steel
That lead me into this tunnel
Seems like it goes on forever
Its pitch black fills the empty emotions
The vibration of the steel
Wakes a sleeping heart
Pumping muddy blood through my veins
Rotting my bones
Killing my nerves
Manufacturing thoughts
Only for them to get lost in the dark
In this tunnel
They don't go far
There's no light for them to cling to
So they haunt me
Wanting a reason to be
The agitated steel vibrates stronger
Rattling my teeth  
Forcing me to search for the source of its movements
An as I stumble through the darkness
A stream of light flows through the tunnel
A glimmer of hope
But then it's ripped away
By a shocking revelation
By the train that's coming for me
 Feb 2015 morgan kearsey
 Feb 2015 morgan kearsey
if you can't sleep,
            then you cant dream.
                             if you cant dream,
                                      then what's life mean?
 Feb 2015 morgan kearsey
Joe Cole
Yes you are the kids
You are the future of poetry
I've had my day
Reveled in the glory
But the Baton must be passed
To you, the young, the beautiful
Who write the words
.And so I fade into glory
My time here is done
I ask the young ones here
To make sure the the flag is flown
Hearts of stone melt
At heat tissues burn,
Blood to boil, into ash,
Muscle blown away
strengthless, weak
at Mercury's Ascent,
Wherein this fluid rock,
reveals molten flexibility,
An adept athleticism for
Love's sport alchemy
As  cold marble turns
to gold.
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