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Jun 2015 · 618
Real Friends
Liis Belle Jun 2015
There are so many people I thought that I could trust
But they all tell my secrets like it’s the daily news
As if their life depended on it, as if they really must
Don’t any of them have anything remotely better to do?

I write to let out my feelings, all of them at once
Since nobody wants to listen, nobody even cares
Everywhere I go I’m met with thick unfriendly silence
But once people find out, it’s the latest sick affair

And they talk about me like I’m a bad disease
All I wanted was some solace and the impossible peace
In my small little mind, because that doesn’t exist out here
I want to feel free, but I have so much that I fear

If someone else finds out, it’s another juicy story
I can’t cope with this, although the world is temporary
It will be over soon, but how long will it take?
For people to accept me and the choices that I make?

But what is worst of all is that I don’t know which one
Of these liars had started this never-ending war
They always seem to be in need of my thin ceasing blood
Waiting like hungry dogs for a possible taste of more

I try to be patient and I try to at least be kind
Try to soothe myself and earn a peace of mind
It’s not like they deserve it, but I’m better than my foes
I don’t pretend and smile for the sake of petty shows

My rule is that if you’re nice to me, then I’ll be nice to you
It’s not that complicated, but people don’t even try
And if you want to start over, then I’d be happy to
But real friends don’t backstab or tell each other lies
I don't write poems for your pathetic addiction to gossip.
Jun 2015 · 480
Demise of the Soul
Liis Belle Jun 2015
My soul is a frozen land of ice
In which sooner or later I’ll face its demise
Inevitable for all souls, unstoppable by any means
The wise one will not shy away but embrace the unseen

I am not fearful; there are far worse things than death
But I’ll try to live fully with each and every breath
What is beyond the galaxies? I haven’t got a clue
It wouldn’t be a mystery, would it, if somebody knew

Men have wasted away their lives trying to figure it out
As humans we dislike to live in constant doubt
Most people are afraid, and that’s why they want to know
But what can you do about death? We’ll all eventually go

I trust in the afterlife, no matter the uncertainty
And I won’t shy away, but face it all bravely
I trust that it will relight my poor frozen soul
And fix the broken parts to again make it whole

Why should I be afraid? My time here caused me this
I doubt there are many things that I will dearly miss
There is nothing I have to lose, whatever may follow me
Oblivion or darkness, but I’ll be surely free
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Liis Belle Jun 2015
Where evil lives, goodness thrives
If there’s no dead, there’s none alive
Angels come because demons ****
Peace exists because blood was spilled
If there’s no hate, then there’s no love
If there’s no hell, there’s no heaven above
The same pattern seen repeated here
Do you get it yet? It’s all so clear
That if there’s no you, then there’s no me
So stay, don’t go, for this I plea
Take one step, and I’ll be no more –
Don’t come back, you were so sure
And don’t regret, cause you chose this
You’re not someone I’m going to miss
Oh, that’s a lie, but I don’t care
It was just a silly love affair
But if there’s no pain, then there’s no gain
I’ve walked all year through the pouring rain
Finally now, I see the sun
Back then I lost, but now I’ve won

— The End —