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3.5k · Jul 2014
The Oldest Soul.
Kobe Wright Jul 2014
The youngest hearts ache from the trails of the unknown. Then grow older with a maturity much farther than its kind.Picking up the little aspects that were missed. Skipping around in age and becoming wise. To the point that regret will never be diminished.
3.0k · Aug 2014
Brain Caps
Kobe Wright Aug 2014
Strip me from my name so I can bleed upon it in vain. I'll wear my heart on my sleeve until it freezes in the polar caps of my brain. May I lay in a pool of blood to represent all that I've sacrificed for. But in all of the end, was it worth it?
1.1k · Aug 2014
Kobe Wright Aug 2014
The Blasphemous ways of my life have left me insane.
Committing blasphey everyday has left the snake wrapped around my throat
Making sure I lose a breath of air each second till I die.
Knowing right from wrong
But the bad feels so good.
Too unorthodox to make a change.
Everything I knows is embedded in my brain.
Fighting the religon so hard trying to seem sane.
You must be insane
trying hard to convince people you're sane.
But the blasphemous ways is what makes my brain.

— The End —