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  May 2014 Jade Joyce
Jo de Guzman
a conversation that will never occur,
a message that no one will ever send,
a date nobody will ever plan,

*for something that will never happen
Jade Joyce May 2014
Swimming the entire ocean
Still wouldn't come close
To how tired I am
Of thinking about you
Of missing you
It's been almost two years. This is getting ridiculous.
Jade Joyce May 2014
It's hard for me to express myself
I want to tell you how I feel
Let the words
Sprout through my mouth like flowers

But if I don't water them enough
How can you see them?
  May 2014 Jade Joyce
willa ivy
is it always going to be like this?

am i always going to feel so invisible? so unnoticeable?
it always comes back to you, doesn't it?
i wish it didn't, but it does.

your eyes, your smile, your laugh;
they're not meant for me, and they never were.
they're meant for her.

i spend so much time
trying to talk myself out of these feelings,
but  they  just  won't  go  away.

though when i really sit down and think about it,
about you  and  i together,
it frightens me, and i feel silly for imagining such things in the first place.

we wouldn't work,
i know we wouldn't.
but i still get this feeling sometimes...

this feeling that we would be great together,
better than you and her--but i know that's foolish.
and it's a thought i shouldn't even entertain.

and so i ask: is it always going to be like this?
  May 2014 Jade Joyce
Jazmine Moore
I could keep writing you poems you'll never read

Or I could put my pen down and bandage my own heart

Either way, I would still lose because I wouldn't have you
Jade Joyce May 2014
Like the Great Wall of China,
I built these walls to protect myself.
But the then you came along and went through them anyway

All that time spent
For nothing.

You invaded my heart,
And once you were in
I couldn't get you out.

I can't get you out.
You came and destroyed me.
**But I still miss you.

— The End —