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 Feb 2015 Garland Baldwin
Maybe if I close my eyes
my fingertips will feel like yours
Maybe if I lay deathly still
I can pretend you're here by me
Maybe if we stay online
we'll be in the same bed one day
Maybe if I inhale deeply
You'll be there to exhale for me.
The rhythm of this ***** sorry
Can     Will
You              You
Break                   Fix
Me         ­                     Me
When                 When
You          You
Fixed   Broke
Me              Me
In                        In
The                          The
First                   First
Place         Place
Using all of my energy,
I feel like I'm screaming.
But it all reality,
I'm just barely making a whisper.
 Feb 2015 Garland Baldwin
i love days like these, but they make others worse...
 Feb 2015 Garland Baldwin
I met a girl.
We kissed the ocean and
froze in what the moon
spilled down on us.
We touched and we tasted
until we reclaimed
our senses from the sun.
and i was busy
smelling the coffee
that my punch drunk
coffee shop employee
would make me
later that day.
I love you too much to go
But I love myself too much to stay.
I just can't find a balance...
I want you to think of me as a canvas
I want you to paint me
     with every single technique you know of
I want you to make me feel every stroke
And I want you to make me beg for more.
Paint me like one of your French girls. Lol
Underlit by a candle
             Lightbulb reflections

Warming frozen hands
Lips smattering

Intettwining destinies

            Hands wrapped round
            No sound
A beautiful white blanket
Covers the ground
Not a soul was outside yet
You couldn't hear a sound

The first snowfall
How majestic are the trees
Painted with pure white
They are so beautiful and bright

Here comes the plows
Salt trucks too
Covering the beautiful painting
With black and some blue

What a shame
Let nature be
At least the didn't salt the trees
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