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 Sep 2014 Ezwik
To Forget Something is Easy,
but losing Someone is Hard.

*© Pax
a quote - never compare someone to a thing, things are easily replace-able, close friends/family are not and it is the most hardest to forget when you lost them...
 Sep 2014 Ezwik
I never felt this kind of pain before
I felted everything
The heat
The cold
The emptiness…

There is a fire burning inside me
It stung so deeply under my skin,
It felted almost like hell

Oh, how pitty…

I never felt so alive.

Until i realized that


- Ø -
not physical yeah, but the pain's deadly enough to **** for another.
now that's ******' war alright.
 Sep 2014 Ezwik
wasted time
 Sep 2014 Ezwik
i've been alive seventeen years
and I am just now scratching the surface
of living.
Good-by, proud world, I'm going home,
Thou'rt not my friend, and I'm not thine;
Long through thy weary crowds I roam;
A river-ark on the ocean brine,
Long I've been tossed like the driven foam,
But now, proud world, I'm going home.

Good-by to Flattery's fawning face,
To Grandeur, with his wise grimace,
To upstart Wealth's averted eye,
To supple Office low and high,
To crowded halls, to court, and street,
To frozen hearts, and hasting feet,
To those who go, and those who come,
Good-by, proud world, I'm going home.

I'm going to my own hearth-stone
Bosomed in yon green hills, alone,
A secret nook in a pleasant land,
Whose groves the frolic fairies planned;
Where arches green the livelong day
Echo the blackbird's roundelay,
And ****** feet have never trod
A spot that is sacred to thought and God.

Oh, when I am safe in my sylvan home,
I tread on the pride of Greece and Rome;
And when I am stretched beneath the pines
Where the evening star so holy shines,
I laugh at the lore and the pride of man,
At the sophist schools, and the learned clan;
For what are they all in their high conceit,
When man in the bush with God may meet.

— The End —