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We are all travelers
Journeying through life
Seeking to visit new places
Destinations, where we stop
Momentarily, and then pursue
We arrive but we do not reach
We travel outside, never within
Are we familiar with the road
Which leads us to our inner self
Hopelessly seeking approval
As we are our approver…Realize
Till now, journeying in wrong direction
Forgetting the familiar alleys
They lead us, to us
For the journey is from inwards
Then moving to the outside world
Seek the destination within
For it will lead you to the right direction
Kindle the light within
And, it will guide you through the darkness
Carry the light within, to seek the path
We are all travelers

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 Elizabeth
 May 2014 Elizabeth
Am I allowed to talk to you still?
Am I supposed to want to still?  
As much as I do
 May 2014 Elizabeth
You were suppose to hold me tight at midnight
You were suppose to tell me I am beautiful
You were suppose take me out and show me off to your friends and family
You were suppose to kiss me every day
You were suppose to tell me that I was the one
You were suppose to say I love you
But instead you were with her
The girl you claimed that was your friend
The girl you said you did not like the way you liked me
The girl you kissed in public
You held her like she was a diamond
You kissed her like she was beautiful
You loved her like she was the one
You were right, you did not like her the same way you like me, you loved her and liked me.

If he or she can not say they love you and mean it, then darling, it is time to move on.
 Apr 2014 Elizabeth
A. T.
 Apr 2014 Elizabeth
If it’s over then it’s over
Not much I can say
I wasn’t right for you
Just promise me one thing

Please make sure you eat everyday
Promise you’ll smile at the little things
Promise you’ll miss me
Even if it’s just an hour a day

I’ll be missing you too anyways
**** I caught the feels.
 Apr 2014 Elizabeth
Love that could’ve been
That fire of fires

I will miss you sorely
For awhile

I will write you letters
But I will only tuck them under my mattress and just pretend you’ve read them

I could’ve really loved you
Maybe I’ll love somebody

Someday when I have my **** together
you are so cool but too cool for me.
I don’t want to be loved,
I want to be thought about.

I don’t want someone to think I’m perfect,
I want someone to have an urge to discover every inch of my soul.

I want to be enigmatic,
not ideal.

I want someone to ask me witty questions,
not give me compliments.

All of you are looking for devotion,
while I'm searching for a fire to play with.
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