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To the girls who are secretly so broken
You WILL be alright
I know you have scars on your soul
Maybe your heart
Possibly your wrists
None of this is your fault
And even if you think it is
Let it go
Not that you can, that easily
But try
I know you are broken
I know you're not okay
Especially when people ask how you are and you answer "I'm fine"
When what you really mean is "I'm alive"
But what do you really care about your own survival anymore
Well I just want you to know
There is beauty in broken glass
And to me
There is immeasurable beauty
In broken girls
So don't you ever forget
You cannot be defined by pain
You're too beautiful for that
Stay strong, broken girl
Nothing is ever really broken
Repost if you are a broken girl. So this message may reach as many of you as possible.

I am here for you. I may just be a sloth but if you message me: I'm fine.
Just randomly it will be our code for "I'm not fine at all" and I will be there for you.
The first abuses the second and ignores the third.
The third is abused by the fourth, who is afraid of the first.
The first is the role model for the fourth.
The fourth torments the second.
The second is sick and dying, like the third.
The third is wished dead by the fourth.
The fourth wants the same as the third.
The third is a better liar than anyone realizes.
Get it? Yeah.
"You can't really love someone you've never met."

          He's the first thing on my mind
   when I open my eyes,
             the last thing I think about
    before I go to sleep,
           he's in my thoughts all
    the moments in between,
his face takes away the nightmares
             and fills all my dreams.
How is this not love?
My hands are too small
I can't catch all of your pain
I wish I could save you from yourself
But I am not strong enough
To beat the darker parts of you
And the lighter parts of you
Are no match for your inner demons
But God I wish I could take your pain
And bear your burdens for you
I promise you though
You are a candle
Candles flicker
But they always flicker back to shining
There's no sense in blowing out a candle
Just because it is flickering
It will be okay.
You don't need to be strong,  just be brave.
The day is green
And these chemicals are making me feel romantic.
I’m watching the children blink their eyes 182 times
A minute while the pilots of twenty one planes pass by.
The boys have fallen,
There has been a panic at some sorta disco
And the world is at the lowest of all times.
Baby, no cancer’s
getting the best of you. We’ll
beat it together.
Haiku for Andy. We love you. :)
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