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 Sep 2017
With dull brown eyes the color of death
He grins a grin,
My grin,
The grin reserved for me.
I half expect the soft tissue of my heart
To be chunked between his ivory teeth,
It's blood and love guts
Like a strawberry gusher.

He reaches out a hand.
A claw.
I grab it tight,
Gripping the cactus that he is,
Welcoming the force of his tiny needles
Because I can't resist the pleasure pain.

He drags me in.
Kisses me, warm and colorful and sharp.
I taste blood.
His or mine?
I hope both.
Destruction should always come in pairs.

He smells of adventure.
He smells of heartbreak.
I want to **** him.
Strangle him.
Squeeze my small frame into his rotting carcass
And bathe in his guts and soul.
I grab his neck, dig my nails in.
His teeth ravage into my swollen flesh.
He wants to eat me.
Absorb me.
I will let him.

We're just limbs of flesh,
Bones grinding against bones.
Hair pulled so hard it burns so good,
Fine strands floating away,
Our souls scream and scream and scream.

One in the same.
An all consuming violation of the body and soul.
More more more.
We can never get enough.
Work in progress... Dedicated to the one whose darkness played well with mine.
 Sep 2017
Sean Hunt
I can’t remember when
I last wrote a poem with a pen
Writing once romanticised
now has been exorcised

From touching tablets or touching keys
words begin
appearing on a screen

Organised as I wish
edits in an instant
easily erased
replaced or placed elsewhere on the page

A literary light show
based on binary play
then sent off to cyberspace
until another day
 Nov 2016
Star Gazer
I smiled and stared at lady death
eyes burnt of hatred and contempt
each tallied line of promises kept
And to lady death, I owe a large debt.

Goodbye, for when the star sets tonight
the debt collector will surely arrive.
I did bid not for thee to come
But thee came and took everything away
so come the morning sun
unadorned by light, thy presence have frayed.

Let paintings and portraits lay to rest
touch the stillness of a silhouette
dance to the drums of love and happiness
just never forget- to think of the stars.

I love you all
 Jul 2016
I tore a page out of my notebook and I burned it.
I tore another page out and I burned that too.
I ripped out every single page and burned each one.
But it wasn't enough.

So I tore the pictures from my wall and watched the faces melt away.
But I could still feel the need for destruction in the pit of my stomach.

So I put a joint to my lips and watched the smoke escape from my mouth.
But not even that could soothe my pain.

So I ran.
And I ran.
And I ran.
And as I ran I set fire to all the trees and bushes.
And as I sat there in the chaos I had caused I realised,
Nothing could burn the memory of you out of my brain.
 Jul 2016
Starr Clark
I'm feeling like the sky
Inside I cry
The refreshing pain
Called the rain
I'll explain
Rain is pain because it wisp everyone to hide for cover.
"Don't go out, it's raining"
At the same time, stepping out in it forces you to let go and face what's already done.
"You're wet, so what"
No longer worried about your hair or clothes getting wet, it's already done.
Rain is pain but it's like a drain
All worries are gone, washed away.
Rain is pain, we all know
But once we learn rain is pain & finally let go
"After every rain comes a rainbow"
Let go of the fear of pain.
 Jul 2016
I sit patiently and wait for the waves to consume the sand house I built
A sand house built with the hate that's grown over a period of time.
A sand house built like a sad house, growing weaker and weaker everyday.
The waves roll over my sand house filling the crevices with water.
After the water drains I look at my house and am shocked.
My sand house is packed with more sand, strengthening the walls.

My sand house built like a sad house, built stronger and stronger everyday.
I sit and wait again for the waves to consume the sand house I built
The sand house, filled with all the hate and distress created.
This sand house filled with me, filled with everything that I am.
So I must be strong if I can withstand these waves of trials and tribulations
If I can push out the water and come back a stronger me.
Wrote this on Vacation (:
 Jul 2016
Mike Hauser
You say you're having problems
With both family and friends
Let's see if we can boil this down
Now where do we begin

No sense in pussyfooting
If we're to get right to the truth
By my calculations
The common denominator is you

If it's you that is the problem
Then the solution is the same
So let's start working in that noggin
And come up with a plan

Perhaps a whole new attitude
A softening of heart
A loosening of the chains of blame
Would be the place to start

If you feel they're out to get you
Before you draw weapons to defend
Search first for the problem
Because it might come from within
I've found a lot of times in life that if you're having issues with others most likely it's your own selfishness that's really the issue.
 Jul 2016
you tell me
you'd rather leave
than smell the smoke that lingers on my skin

you tell me
that i can't be happy
when all i have is nicotine and halfhearted lies

you tell me
not to play with fire
because i might burn myself to the ground

but what you don't realize
is i am a wildfire
and i want
to burn
inspired partially by Alaska Young
 Mar 2016
Brent Kincaid
He’s a spoiled rich kid
In the land of the one percent.
He feels no remorse for
Those who can’t pay their rent.
He’s popular with fools
And a bunch of toothless boozers
All the while laughing
And calling them all losers.

The favorite son of the GOP
Says nothing with specificity.
He just makes vague promises
He has no idea what his platform is.
He only knows if he stirs up hate
He will win certain delegates.

He won’t be held to the fire
Half-truths work for him just fine.
He’d prefer you not inquire.
Nobody makes him toe the line.
He is paraphrasing fascism
Like he’s the one who invented it.
It’s like Germany in 1930s
They could have easily prevented it.

The favorite son of the GOP
Says nothing with specificity.
He just makes vague promises
He has no idea what his platform is.
He only knows if he stirs up hate
He will win certain delegates.

Here’s the way to make it
Work the best for a new dictatorship.
You take the populace along
On your traveling one-man ego trip
After your party has published
Scurrilous big lies about the opposition
Then spread a lot more rumors
Which gives the voters their ammunition.

The favorite son of the GOP
Says nothing with specificity.
He just makes vague promises
He has no idea what his platform is.
He only knows if he stirs up hate
He will win certain delegates.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
Here’s the deal with a girl like you
You’ll never love a man like me
But with everything that we’ve been through
I’ll still get down on one knee

I'll lay my knee on a million blades
Just to see a smile light your face
Maybe this is the kind of love God forbade
Or maybe I'm just being out of place.

Let us live in a wave of harmony
Together just me and you
Please repeat those magic words
I love you.
Most of the poem is from the genius mind of Hannah Leeper. Hannah is a great poet who writes powerful poems

Go check her page out :
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