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 Aug 2019 Carl D'Souza
What, if I may ask, is happiness?

I think, perhaps, that it is not being alone

Being loved

Having someone beside you

Just maybe
Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Light shine in my face
Clock is ticking
As I lie awake

What time is it now?
Doesn’t even matter
The birds will chirp soon
I’ll hear all the clatter

My family waking,
Breakfast will cook
“You’re up early!”
But sleep I never took

Click, click
Scroll, scroll
Tap, tap
Roll, roll

Side to side
I rocked all night
A comfortable spot?
No, not quite.

Time to get up, another restless night.
Will I ever sleep again?
 Aug 2019 Carl D'Souza
Ivory between your lips
Brings joy
To my cloudy day
It;s about a girl's smile
 Aug 2019 Carl D'Souza
 Aug 2019 Carl D'Souza
Your smile lights up a room
Your laugh is contagious
You make my day
I always look forward to seeing you
Even though you don’t know it
It’s true
And I wish I could talk to you all the time
 Aug 2019 Carl D'Souza
Happiness is what
I found in you.
Loveliness is in your heart,
so true.
No doubt you are
the best as ever.
I will love you
more until forever.

When I'm down,
you keep me up.
When I'm tired,
you'll tell me to stop.
Whatever my pain,
you know the cure
I know your love
for me is pure.

So today is made
for us to treasure.
Every single tears,
pain and pressure.
To celebrate the
only truthful lover
Happiness forever
with you
If you are tired,tell me,
I will carry you in my arms.
Reciprocate  my love,
And I will shower petals of happiness with every step you take.
This summer seemed to take an age

To finally fully blossom;

And there, within, the smallest things

Have burst forth truly awesome.
Be kind and merciful to people,
They can be your brothers and  sisters in faith or your equals in humanity.
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