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 Oct 2014 A Whitney
Drake Brayer
I take comfort
In the feel of an empty chair
I take pleasure
Knowing that no one is there
I am happy
With the silence that reigns supreme
I enjoy
Living life an empty dream

This is it
My silent sorrow
This is me
Alone yesterday, now and tomorrow
Simply life
A shallow hole, my heart beats hollow
A dying bird
*A ruined swallow
 Oct 2014 A Whitney
melodie foley
I can feel just how badly this will go
Take a soft tipped brush
Dip, and trace my nakedness;
Viscous dripping rainbow streams
Clothe me here within our dreams.
Swirl my curves
With satin pink,
Let your brush flutter and sink
lower, purples, red and blue,
I'm a canvas here for you.
Paint me scarlet, paint me gold,
Paint some words
italic, bold
Stop when you begin to weep
A masterpiece, for us to keep.
An old one of mine, a favourite.
 Oct 2014 A Whitney
Kelly Rose
Bittersweet feelings
wash over her
The scent of roses and lilacs
perfume the air
Feeling cast adrift
as she walks that tightrope
of knowing and feeling lost
loving life and sorrow
Feeling the distance
between them
Knowing he doesn't
Wondering how to feel
about that
as the fragrance of
roses and lilacs swirl
through the air
and bittersweet feelings
wash over her
 Oct 2014 A Whitney
Makes me
Die inside
Knowing we
Were something
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