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  Mar 2019 Alexis
Ditte Jakobsen
Mirror, mirror
on the wall
why is she not the fairest of them all?
Mirror, mirror
why can't she see
the image of the person she wants to be?
Mirror, mirror
if she closes her eyes
then, will you stop telling her lies?
Mirror, mirror
set her free
and let her know; she's just as she should be.
But mirror, I know, it's not your fault
that I'm the victim of my own
mental assault.
Alexis Feb 2019
My soul is exhausted,
it whispers for me to rest
But my heart says, “Fight. Don't give in. This is a test.”

My brain says “Do whatever you want.”
and  it wasn't a lie
So I dropped my head, held your hand tight
while I hoped to die
Alexis Dec 2018
I took the leap knowing you were waiting down there to catch me
And now I felt like I am falling endless
Alexis Nov 2018
Broken, beaten, down on both knees
Screaming, crying, as my world suddenly ceased
Down on the dirt and eating the dust
The luster of once sturdy metal, now filled with rust

Broken beaten, won't anyone look my way
Screaming, crying, don't know what to say
Down on the ground and digging my grave
For in all certainty, I can never be saved

Just a surge of depressing thoughts
  Nov 2018 Alexis
Bleed until I was broken

Was life still worth it?

Gone from my safe haven

Should I jump towards the pit

Shallow mind so I can't complain

Stuck in this void, in this crowd

Even I, don't know my pain

So I could not be that loud

I failed to live so must to die

Maybe I could have breathe

Put me in the coffin away to life

In that way maybe I could live
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