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 16h Punyaa
one man raps himself in an upside down flag
while the consequences are as yet to be lived
he will either disappear from history altogether
or infamy will darken every step they ever took.
 Apr 2 Punyaa
I want to leave this boisterous town of sadness and hate,
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
A place where I can hear the cascading waterfall
and see the serene green view of the evergreen forest.
The place which makes my heart flutter with the sound of the silent seashore.
A place where the morning begins with the soothing call of a peacock, and ends with the resplendent reflection of the moon in the lake.
The lake, in which I can see fishes breathing and witness nature healing.
A place where I can find my solace and peace.
I want to leave this boisterous town of violence and rage,
where symphony of honks and shouts fill the air.
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
 Apr 2 Punyaa
Satvik gupta
"Even falling stars fulfill wishes; therefore, always be helpful, regardless of your circumstances."
 Mar 14 Punyaa
 Mar 14 Punyaa
In the dance of hearts , a bittersweet tune,
I've loved in shadows , under the crescent moon .
Whispers of affection , lost in the night ,
yearning of love , yet out of sight .
A tapestry woven with threads of despair ,
loving those who didn't reciprocate , a burden to bear.
In the mirror of reflections ,a poignant art ,
To love without return , an ache at the heart .
not good with titles nowadays , hope you all are okay .
 Dec 2023 Punyaa
Satvik gupta
Even though I don't love you,
Why the hell do I get jealous so easily
Whenever you talk to someone other than me.

Even though I don't love you,
Why the hell do I cry
Whenever I am angry with you.

Even though I don't love you,
Why the hell do I fear losing you
Whenever you laugh with someone other than me.

Even though I don't love you now.
The poem is still incomplete, as is my love.
 Dec 2023 Punyaa
what is more dangerous
than a woman in love,

a woman drained of love

she will raise hell
she will wreak havoc

she will set your house on fire
just to warm her toes

she will make herself a drink
just to pour it on her wounds

she swears she doesn't hate you
she just wishes, you didn't exist
What have you done to her?
 Dec 2023 Punyaa
Harshit Nangia

It's the warm feeling you get when you think about her.

It's the burst of joy whenever you talk to her.

It's the journey from being cheesy,cringe and crazy for the world, And cute just for her.

It's the moment you don't see a future without her

It's the realisation that in your life's every possible story she's the happy ending
Your defination ?
 Aug 2023 Punyaa
Satvik gupta
"Even the moon alters its face; what more can we expect from humans?"
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