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Punyaa 1d
No matter whatever you do,
This heart still loves you and will always do!
And i will be there waiting for you!
I don't want this sonnet to reach him, coz opening up about my feelings to him had never been a good idea! May be because you need to be physically present with someone to have permission for loving them!
And loving beyond limits is not good for anyone.
Punyaa Apr 29
This insane amount of vain,
You and i being the ******* puppet of this never ending word game...
It makes me drown deep in this pain...

Every time you knock in with an apology...
Makes me sink in this dual pedagogy!
The words passed earlier had no meaning,
In the end, these walls held all of my screaming.!

Sometimes i mean the world to you,
The other times, I feel like just another girl standing for you in the que...

You come and lit my love for you...
The fire grows and catches desires..
Desire to feel loved,
Desire to feel admired,
which are then lost in hue!

Ain't this all my fault?
I loved the way no one should love...
I kept you all above!
I let all this happen to me...
The fake hope,
The shattered heart,
The sorrowed smile,
The scrached scars!!

Still m here hoping for the fact that this won't hurt this time....
Loving you had been a heinous crime!
The crime i am still repenting
Spending night sniveling...

What did i do to love you?
  Apr 15 Punyaa
In the cascade of light, she flows like a stream,
While I, with an old thirst, in her beauty gleam.
I've quenched my longing, with a gaze so deep,
Capturing her essence, in my heart, I keep.
With every passing moment, l linger in her sight,
Banishing thoughts of others, swiftly, out of sight.
For in her radiance, I find my endless quest,
To dwell in her presence, is where I find my rest.
Punyaa Feb 3
If she is taken for granted
She deserves it...
If she works hard and outshine men
She's a ****!
If she is abused
Her clothes might me the reason...
If she is beaten up
Her behavior might me the reason..
If she's manipulated
She invited it to happen....
If she's sad...
Ofc she's craving attention
If she's is wounded...
She must have done something upto it..
If she's alive someone forgot to **** her i guess!
My girl no one will treat you right until you yourself treat so!
It takes a lot to be a women of success, moral and women of your words!
Punyaa Jan 31
The way it hurts,
When i have to keep my mouth shut!
They are here, there and everywhere...
They come without knocking..
And leave me indecisive while they are still mocking!
A million of rumors and stories about me run in wild...
My god! Get me rid of this exile!
Everyday is a nightmare...
Even the delusion of their presence gets me scared!
Still i have to keep my mouth shut!
I don't even know what wrong i did to get this hurt!
Feeling struck in a place i never belonged,
Done with getting hell wronged!
It's not like i haven't tried...
I tried! Tried hard for so long
To get along!
To get myself sublime in this place we all belong!
I even tried hard to know the reason for me feeling out of space.....
And i was answered with a stab direct on my face...

And the thing is am not the only one,
There are people like me but they too are done with trusting another one!
I tried to figure out what's the reason for me and few more for feeling out of space... it's not where i or they belong it's the acceptance that lagged behind.
Punyaa Dec 2023
Finally falling out of love and making peace fall in my way...!
Punyaa Dec 2023
I miss you....
I miss being myself with you!
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