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AntiFemale Nov 2018
My heart beats aren’t instrumental .
They’re painful .
And there’s no rhythm to remedy
the wreck that I am .
Every lub-dub is an alarm clock
waking me up to my reality.
A reminder that I’m still
broken .
That I’m still inhaling what kills me .
Staring into the darkness and hoping to see the moon again has been a constant routine. It’s beautiful, really . However waking up everyday with no more knowledge than the previous day has also presented itself as a familiar face and it aches me to think that on some days,  I’m okay with that .
AntiFemale Oct 2018
I don’t like being broken .
To be deconstructed and made into metaphors .
To be compared to the pretty things I simply can’t be for myself .
To sound like the waves of the oceans but exist only as a ripple in a random puddle .
To look like an early bloomer in a field of sunflowers but exist only as a dead seed .
But listen to me world , I may be **** .
I may be destruction bound to plead for nothing but attention .
I am bountiful in my presence yet lack so much affection .
I spread . Fields and fields of disregard .
I am unwanted . I am undesired . A penniless card .

But I am something .
And some things are beautiful.
Taking time to notice . Just notice .
AntiFemale Sep 2018
My body was once a
Semantic memories fade like
Too many commas
Too many expressions
Yet they go on and on

Full stops where
promises should have been
Upper case convictions for lower case hearts
Filling gaps and leaving no space to breathe
by suffocating vocabularies
utterances lingering on.

My body was once a temple .
My body was once bold .
Learning to realize the impurities that pierce the temple that I supposedly embody. It’s insane how significant a role the coexistence of good and bad play in painting the beauty of life .
AntiFemale Aug 2018
The rise and fall of your chest
Is a fluctuation that puts me to rest .
I’m at ease when you breathe .

Your body is a temple
And I’m tempted to yank at every angle
I want to birth sin in this home.
The art of constancy in change .
A persistent fluctuation.
AntiFemale Jul 2018
Merit to the broken and battered bodies
That are home to beautifully crafted souls .
The cracks in vessels that are refuge to
Spirits that long to see the light behind
unfamiliar mosaics .
Concealed yet revealed , you know ?
AntiFemale Jul 2018
Sifted blends of bitter beauty
Removing fabricated purities of divine roots
Infertile seeds moulded into concoctions
Of casketed cruelties
Motions melting into stagnant figures .
Outnumbered by the numbness of silence .
AntiFemale Jun 2018
She was an incomplete metamorphosis.
A stagnant force of change .
Internal moulds of discovery
Foreign to her essence shed
Like slithering frames of ancient
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