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  May 2015 Extrovert
  May 2015 Extrovert
I sit here
and think of you
if I were near
what would we do

    Laugh a bit
     push and shove
      throw a fit
       then make up

           I watched you leave
              and gave a smile
                 I could breathe
                   just for a while

                       I'd see you soon
                          but till that day
                             I would swoon
                               I wish you'd stay

                                                        But­ you must leave
                                                           ­    for now I know
                                                            ­            you are a thief
                                                           ­                     a secret foe
                                                          ­                   You stole my heart
                                                           ­               within a second
                                                          ­             we must part
                                                               I've learnt my lesson

                                                  If I let myself love you
                                      I fear I won't be strong
                                you're in my mind, stuck like glue
                       our love cannot prolong
Just a silly poem written about a silly boy.
  May 2015 Extrovert
There once was a story
about the sun and the moon
They loved each other more than the Earth itself-literally
However, as hard as they tried, they couldn't  be together
At first, they tried to find loopholes
They experimented with eclipses, dusk, dawn, and even more things
One day the sun and the moon had to accept the fact
They could never be with each other
That is why once a month we do not see the moon
During that brief period, the moon cries
for the love he knew he could never have.
  May 2015 Extrovert
There once was a peasant who was in love with a prince
She was battered, tired, and worn down
He was handsome, wealthy, and well round
She attended his royal ball
She even dressed up like a doll
But he did not notice her
She did not present grandeur
Their love did not prevail.
The only logical outcome
  May 2015 Extrovert
Time is limitless and infinite
It is we who determine its boundaries- when it's too early or too late
Time is a constant
Just as mankind's inability to leave things as they are meant to be
Will you be my constant?
  May 2015 Extrovert
Can't it just be you and me
in our little piece of insanity?
  May 2015 Extrovert
People believe in love at first sight
but when I met you, you just seemed alright
When I first saw you, I didn't think much
but you stole my heart after the first touch
I haven't even know you for a very long time
but that doesn't change the fact that you're always on my mind
I do not know what I would do
if I did not have you
Thank you for always being here
you make me feel like you really care.

To the perfect boyfriend who I have not found yet.
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