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Zavier Allen Feb 2015
I fear we will never be the same
The thought of that drives me insane
My brain turns and turns
While my heart is scorn
I'm not sure where to go
Which way to turn
The thought makes my heart burn
I need to find you
I need to feel you
I'm right next to yo u
Yet you're miles away
I don't want to stay here
But I'm stuck
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
My name is zavier
I am trans
I fight every day
So you will recgonize me as a man
I have no shame in who i am
So why do you
If I never told you would never know
You dont know what its like
Call me by my name
It causes you no shame
My pronouns are he
Never were they she
Im done aapologizing
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
Dancing in the rain
It touches my skin
Erases the pain
I think of you with every drop
Each time it touches a different spot

I close my eyes
I see your smile
If I could stop time
I know you would Stay for a while

Ill wipe your tears
I protect you from Your fears
With every Drop I think of you
You are every one of my dreams come true
I love dancing in the rain with you
Poetry comes from the soul

Reflects what is inside

It can only ever state

Can not defend what died

Words are what we will give

Who listens to what we say

We will always try to share

New meaning every day

This world is a big place

So many are in the mix

When it is already broken

No one is able to fix

So poets will all unite as one

With so many words to share

All of us will always glow

See our soul in there
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
It shakes hareder then anything you ever felt
It awakens the soul
When it happens you'll know
Losing all control
Becarful letting go
It will take do more then take control
Never letting you go
Youll want more
always wondering what it has in store
All it knows is gore
Takin more and more
Leaving nothing but a rotten core
It never gets bored
So cruel

You can try to lock the door
You can try to hide
It will never say goobye
Belive me I tried
This monster is eating me alive
As I die it strives
Eating everything in its sight
Praying it don't come tonight
If i make till the moring ill be alright
I havent slept in nights
I still see its face

But no one comes
I try to run
But the mirrors cant hide the monster
Not when its inside
Inside of me.
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
Whats the point
Sometimes i just want to quit
Whats the point
Im the only one trying
Whats the point
Who cares
Whats the point
Everytime I get closer to the edge
Whats the point
Im so close to slipping
Whats the point
I can feel it creeping
Whats the point
I keep shaking it
Whats the point
I fight it
Whats the point
When you keep letting it in
Its tearing us apart
I warned you But
Whats the point
Zavier Allen Jan 2015
You took more then you'll ever know
Everyday it crosses my mnd
I hope it will get better with time But I still see it in my mind

If im honest
It means I lied
Being 6 years old
How was I post to know
19 years
Before I relized it wasnt fair
See I was just a kid with messy hair
You told me to pull down my underware
It wasnt just you
And i wish it wasnt true
I was taken advantage of even after you

Sick to my stomach
I couldnt hold it
Crying all night
Putting up a fight
Didnt want to close my eyes
Just incase it was you I saw tonight
This feeling Im feeling isnt right
I hope one day I can sleep threw the night
Hard to write about . Most guys dont share things like this ..but its helpful .
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