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Dec 2015 · 510
A lullaby of time
Zanna Blouin Dec 2015
Sleep, little one
Your eyes need not be heavied by burdens of a world above you
A world to soon become yours
Rest your gentle head upon the downy pillow below you
It's time to drift away from your day
Full of play and laughter, decisions made with a teddy bear

Sleep, little one
Your ears need not hear the hate tearing your future world apart
A world to soon become yours
Let dreams be cause of your perfect smile as you slip off to sleep
Enjoy this beautiful night from your slumber
Live in bliss a while yet before the world becomes yours and full of lies

Sleep, little one
Your mouth need not taste the bitterness of a world intent on spite
A world to soon become yours
Discover dreamland peacefully across the starry sea
Reliving all the fun you had
Ignorance is a blessing, until you realize the fresh slap of

Sleep, little one
Your nose need not smell the putrid smell of rotten intention
In a world to soon become yours
Become one with the mattress as peace overtakes you
You don't have to face truth just yet
It may be so you save us all, we have high hopes for you

Sleep, little one
Your hands need not grasp reality just quite yet
Of a world to soon become yours
The sweet little nails on a sweet little hand grasping at my finger
Your blanket curled around your head
It's a sacred image, the babe in a crib, fast asleep

One I will hold 'till the end of time
In this world soon to become yours
So sleep, little one
And maybe I will too
Also available on wattpad @WriteActSing
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Zanna Blouin Dec 2015
I am brave

I wonder how he could do that

I hear the voices saying he's gone for good

I see the truth

I want it to end

I am trying

I am brave
Also available on wattpad @WriteActSing
Dec 2015 · 648
I am from
Zanna Blouin Dec 2015
I am from silly sisters, full time moms, and missing dads

From Mexican Railroaders and southern slavers

I am from cramming in and spreading out

From jumping on the bed and sleeping on the sheet

I am from kitten toys and a purple piggy bank

From P.B. cookies and B+s on the fridge[b]

I am from Stam Chocolate

From pizza pie and spaghetti piled high

I am from Birthday Girl picks dinner

From salad dressing bottles and sweet Maine summers

I am from squishy black cat dolls

From the Time Out Chair and Bear Chair Fights

I am from homemade pants that can't be beat

From "Greenback Dollar" and "Unclouded Days"

I am from "Stand up and be counted"

From the Girl Scout Promise and Law

I am from all these things and more

My poem never ending
Also available on wattpad @WriteActSing
Dec 2015 · 8.9k
Zanna Blouin Dec 2015
The feels rack me
Fits of squealing
In the dark so no one will see
Tumblr plans the wedding,
Look! My otp!
I ship it so hard
It actually pains to read fanfics
The ****,
The fluff,
We read it all
To get more
Of those
Life giving feels.
Arms flap,
The cuteness makes us skip meals
One more episode.
When's sherlock season 3?
Also available on wattpad @WriteActSing

— The End —