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5.2k · Mar 2013
Zane H Mar 2013
When I woke up today,
something was amiss,
I was expecting sunshine,
but I didn't expect this.
Snowflake upon snowflake,
falling across the sky.
I was quickly awake,
and I thought I knew why.
The calm beauty of snow,
it never grows old.
It relaxes my mind,
and softens the cold.
It makes me yearn,
for that inner peace.
And makes me wish for,
Snow, to never cease.

-I know it makes it hard for people to get to places but I think we should sometimes take a second to appreciate how beautiful snow is.
4.6k · Aug 2012
Zane H Aug 2012
the Drive,
to do better.
towards grander dreams.
of greater goals.
harder obstacles.
at higher heights.
for a new destination.

3.0k · Dec 2010
Blink of an Eye
Zane H Dec 2010
In a blink of an eye,
So much time passes by.
What was waited, for so long,
had arrived and quickly gone.
Time passes by so fast.
As do precious moments that do not last.
Oh, I wish I could go back
and relive all those wonderful memories.
back to a better place.
and a better time.
Back to the beautiful past.
In a blink of an eye,
so fast does time fly.

2.0k · May 2013
Zane H May 2013
For every beginning, there is an end.
For every start, there is a finish.
Now is the time for the cycle to close.
Now is the time for closure.
What's done is done and there's no going back.
It's far too late to make any changes.
It's time for closure.
Tie up all the unfinished ends.
And finish the tasks that haven't been done.
One day there will be another beginning.
But now is the time for closure.

All things, regardless of good or bad, have an end.
1.5k · Sep 2013
Summertime Breeze
Zane H Sep 2013
The soft summer breeze
blows across my face.
Relaxes me.
Makes me forget all troubles.
I feel the cool breeze
lift my spirit
and gently carry it away.

1.4k · Jul 2014
Sandstorm In My Mind
Zane H Jul 2014
I've got a sandstorm,
blowing through my mind.
A million bits of sand,
is all I'll ever find.

Blinding me today.
Blinding my way.

The massive sandstorm,
rages on and on.
A thousand feelings,
the sand is never gone.

Blinding me today.
Blinding my way.

I'm lost and alone.
winds of sand have blown,
away my sense of direction.
Nothing for protection.

Blinding me today.
Blinding my way.

I trek through the dust.
I know that I must,
Find my inner oasis,
mental clarity's graces.*

Braving the storm,
I'll find my way today.

I sometimes get lost in a sandstorm of thoughts and emotions.
1.3k · Feb 2013
Emancipate Me
Zane H Feb 2013
I can't take it anymore,
I can't stand this mess.
I need to find a way out,
Of this never ending stress.
The rising pressure, inside,
I no longer wish to hide.
The anger, wrath,
I'm tired of this path.
The boring, mundane,
I'm going insane.
As I try to combat,
But fail to contain.
This chaos, amok,
That runs in my brain.
I want to scream out, stop,
Emancipate me from this pain!

-I wrote this when I was really stressed out.
Zane H Jan 2011
But nature's green, will soon turn brown.
Her ephemeral smile, becoming a frown.
Her promise of eternal spring, a lie.
Since she knows her children, will one day die.
As branch subsides to leaf and flower,
So does the second, to minute and hour.
And as the day succumbs, to the night,
a few of her children will leave her sight.

This poem is meant to be a continuation to the following Robert Frost poem that I greatly appreciate.

Nothing Gold Can Stay
by Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
1.1k · Oct 2011
The Lies that We Tell
Zane H Oct 2011
The lies that we've said.
The lies that we tell.
In our bodies we've bled,
in our minds they dwell.

Dwell deep in our soul,
which we cannot control.
We live for these lies,
the lies that we tell.

The pain grows inside,
But we dare not confide.
The lies we dispel.
The lies that we tell.

The games that we play,
the things that we say,
the lies that we tell,
Lies, who are they for?

Our words hurt others more,
yet they hurt us as well.
The deception we sell,
The lies that we tell.

So, tell to the world,
the lies that we speak.
But through lies, we'll never find
the truth that we seek.

1.0k · Nov 2013
Hey Gramps
Zane H Nov 2013
Hey Gramps,
I hope you're doing well up there.
Anyways, I just wanted you to know
that I love you very much
and that I wish we could have
spent more time with each other.
I'm glad your suffering has ended,
because it hurts me to see you in pain.
And I wish I could talk to you again,
but I guess I'll just have to wait
for maybe a few decades or so
before I see you again.
And when I finally meet you
at Heaven's door,
we'll have fun together,
and laugh forever,
along with everyone else we love.

Dedicated to my grandfather, 1928-2013
980 · Feb 2014
Post-Anger Blues
Zane H Feb 2014
Sometimes I get so green with envy,
that I see everything as red.
And in my infinite rage,
I unleash my white hot anger,
and the world fades to grey.
Pride, jealousy, and wrath,
I quickly stop feeling.
Instead I am green with sickness.
I am disgusted,
Sick of myself,
and all the hurt around me.
This frustration and sadness,
makes me see blue.

897 · Nov 2014
Zane H Nov 2014
It happened on a beautiful autumn morning.
The ground was littered with leaves:
yellow, orange, red, and brown.
Some leaves had been raked into large piles,
others were still scattered across the asphalt.
I was with my mother and it was my first time
riding my bike without training wheels.
My mother was nervous but I was excited.
I fell a few times at first
But no pain, no gain.
Within half an hour, I thought I had mastered the art of bike riding.
My ego inflated, I wanted to go faster.
My need for speed was insatiable.
My mother expressed her worries but I paid no attention.
“Slow down!” she yelled.
Harder I pedaled.
I was going down a *****. Gravity was on my side.
Faster, I didn’t want to stop.
Faster, I raced across the inclined asphalt.
Faster and faster I went.
When suddenly,
My excitement turned to fear.
Faster, I felt myself lose control.
Faster, I forgot how to brake.
Faster, my mom ran, trying to catch up to me.
and faster.
Until finally,
I’d hit a concrete parking block the bottom of the *****.
The force of the impact sent me flying off my bike
where I landed miraculously…
into a soft pile of freshly raked leaves.
Leaves flew everywhere
like a clutter of celebratory fireworks congratulating me for my near-disaster.
I felt sorry for whoever had to rerake them that day.

true story
880 · Sep 2012
Wait a Second, am I Dead?
Zane H Sep 2012
Wait a second,
am I dead?
I'm just stuck in a hospital bed.
Why am I in a hospital?
Oh yeah, I remember.
I fell.
And gave myself a concussion.
How did I fall?
I wish I could remember.
Do I even want to remember?
Wait a second,
am I dreaming?
Cause there's too many things I can't recall.
The IV line running into my veins feels too real.
In fact,
it's probably pumping me full of painkillers.
Which might be why I feel like I'm dreaming.
Or am I dreaming?
Wait a second,
am I dead?

878 · Jan 2011
Fear of Change
Zane H Jan 2011
I’m scared of the future,
and whatever’s in store for me.
I don’t know what'll be there,
I don’t know what I’ll see.
I don’t know what I’ll face,
I don’t know what I’ll find.
I’m highly afraid,
and I'm scared out of my mind.
Fear grips my soul,
in its unrelenting grasp.
Leaving my fighting for breath,
as I struggle to gasp.
I know sooner or later,
that the time will arrive.
Which is why I'm afraid,
scared I won’t survive,
my encounter with change,
and its terrifying embrace.
The reality of future,
that I’ll soon have to face.
I cannot help myself,
but feel less than bold,
when I’m worrying about my future,
and whatever it may hold,
for me. You see,
I feel nothing but fear.
Cause' the moment of truth,
is really coming near.

Aren't we all afraid of change sometimes?

edited on 4/2/14
860 · Sep 2012
Watching Clouds
Zane H Sep 2012
I watch the skies,
for lofty clouds,
so beautiful, peaceful, and white.

And I think of you,
as clouds come into view.
You're the cause of my heart's delight.

Whenever you're blue,
I am sad too,
my skies will darken with rain.

But as soon as I hear,
your laughter so clear,
I no longer feel any pain.

So to you I inquire,
Do you also desire,
to come find clouds to see?

Because my worries go away,
and it's a brighter day,
whenever you are here with me.

-to my little sister, whom I love most but rarely get to see
838 · Mar 2012
Zane H Mar 2012
Sleep, oh sleep,
how I need you today.
I want to fall in my bed,
and sleep my problems away.
You're my comfort, my drug,
my most desperate need.
Please take away my sorrows,
to you I plead.
Please allow me to forget,
even temporarily,
my frustration and regret,
my inability,
to do the things I need to do,
but do not have time for.
Since all I do is sleep all day,
and at night I sleep some more.

792 · Nov 2014
Lips Kiss
Zane H Nov 2014
Love. Lust. Lush light lips.
Intense. Idyllic. Intimate encounters.
Passion. Pure. Perfect pleasure.
Sensual. ******. Simple seduction.

Kind. Caring. Carnal.
Incredible. Instinctual. Impulsive.
Sensitive. Soft. Skin on skin.

I had to write this for an English assignment.
766 · Oct 2011
Zane H Oct 2011
cleanse my body.
Make me feel alive again.
Clear the stupor.
Clear the spinning.
Clear my body of all its sinning.
Forgive my choices
and clear these voices
and noises that lie inside my head.
Calm the waves of intoxication.
Clear my mind of inebriation.
Help me through a transformation
back to sanity,
back to sobriety.
So I may never want to drink again.

759 · May 2014
Livin' the Good Life
Zane H May 2014
It's a good life we live in,
every now and then.
When the green grass grows,
and flowers bloom again.

It's a good life,
that I'm living in now.
It's the best life that,
my circumstances allow.

It's a good life,
that I don't want to end.
And it is a good life,
that I want to extend.

While the good life,
will one day slip away.
I know it'll come,
back to me,

711 · Dec 2010
The Burden of Desire
Zane H Dec 2010
Why should I ever,
pursue things I’ll never get.
The goals I’ll never reach,
the walls I’ll never breach.
Pain stems from desire,
like ice or hellfire
that burns in people’s souls.
Make useless of my goals.
Why should I try to,
go to places that don’t exist.
That I know I can’t get to
-that I know I won’t go to.

I wrote this at a time when I was feeling depressed.
683 · Dec 2010
First Impressions
Zane H Dec 2010
First impressions, are often untrue.
Like when you first saw me, when I first met you.
We are often blinded by our first sight,
Unable to tell, between wrong from right.
Unable to tell, what's real and what's fake,
We cannot decide, to give or to take.
Unable to separate truth from lies,
We vainly search those foreign eyes,
For insight, for detail, for facts to reveal.
Yet what we see, is often unreal.
Our eyes start out blind, we cannot view.
Only when time passes, can I truly see you.
638 · Dec 2010
Zane H Dec 2010
Music is like magic,
I find it forever appealing.
It conveys the spirit,
the essence, and the feeling
of the artist's subject.
Of what the artist wants to show.
I find music beautiful. So,
I listen to it
through the medium of sound,
I can feel expression.
Through the rhythm and rhymes,
I can feel
the heartbeat of life.

602 · Aug 2013
Wild and Free
Zane H Aug 2013
Free me from these chains that bind.
Free my body and free my mind.
Transform me into an animal.
Let me run free.
Run to a place,
where I can be me.
Let me spread my wings,
and let me fly.
Let me soar through the clouds,
the limit is the sky.
Exploring the land,
Let me wander away.
The time has now come,
Free me today

Sometimes, I feel trapped in the monotony of everyday life.
595 · Dec 2012
Why I Try So Hard
Zane H Dec 2012
If tears could solve all my problems,
I'd cry a big long river.
But tears can't solve any problems,
Which is why I will not cry.
Despair won't fix anything,
Which is why I'll continue to try,
To fix my problems like a man,
And work till I collapse and die.
People that I know often wonder,
They come to me and ask why,
Why I work so much, and try so hard,
If I'm just trying to get by.
I usually turn to all these people,
And I look them in the eye,
I tell them the reason why I want to try
is so I can be a better guy.

Zane H Jan 2017
Assuming that we can only experience time on a linear scale, I believe that suffering and joy can both be broken down into various opposing feelings that reflect our views on the past, present, and future.
These basic feelings are as follows:

        Desire (want for something not currently present) vs
Contentment (acceptance of present circumstances)

        Fear (belief that the future may be worse than the present) vs Hopefulness (belief that the future will be better than the present)

        Lamentment (recalling negative events that have occurred in the past) vs Reminiscence (recalling positive events in the past)

In our current mortal existence, we happen upon a complicated mixture of feelings both good and bad. Many of these are combinations of the six basic feelings. For example, motivation can be explained as the desire to perform a difficult task, along with hopefulness that we'll succeed in performing the task. Likewise, regret can be described as the lamentation of a past event, along with the unfulfillable desire to change the way we had acted.
All of our feelings, in addition to our cumulative worldly experiences, help us define what we call "life".

**-Feel free to provide critique. I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks.**
Zane H Nov 2015
"Yes I can!"
Bob wrote in response
Otto had told him what he thought was the right answer
Bob had understood
but he soon wanted to ask the question again.
the predicament: Bob could write but he couldn't speak.
Otto could speak but couldn't write.
Unfortunately, he forgot about the other's condition.
He was frustrated he couldn't get his point across.
Staring intently at the paper,
Otto tried to motion the problem, until...
Bob had an epiphany and started to write again.
He had suddenly remembered that both of them could read;
Following that, Otto excitedly began to explain
that both of them could hear as well. Otto then whispered...
precisely what Bob had written on the paper,
"Can you read between the lines?"

Please read on a large screen. The lines may be broken at the wrong places if displayed on a smaller screen.

For those that are confused, make sure to reread every other line from the beginning. Also, remember to read it from both Otto's point of view and Bob's point of view.

Edit: I changed the names of the two characters so that they are both palindromes.
549 · Jun 2015
Hold Me
Zane H Jun 2015
Hold me tight and never let go,
Hold my body and hold my soul.
Hold me tight and calm my fear.
And I'll hold you too. My love, my dear.

Hold me strong and look in my eyes.
See my tears fall, and emotions rise.
Hold me gentle and hold me soft.
Cradle my spirit and raise it aloft.

Hold me when I feel hurt or sorrow.
Hold me today, hold me tomorrow.
Hold me through times of pain and strife.
Please hold me dear, you're the love of my life.

For my girlfriend, Katherine.
538 · Oct 2014
California Forest
Zane H Oct 2014
Giant coastal redwoods,
towering and tall.
I gaze up at them,
and feel ever so small.

The delicate pine needles,
numerous and green,
shade out harsh light.
Softly serene.

Majestic grandeur,
so old and wise.
Roots grip the ground.
Trunks touch the skies.

In the middle of the forest,
with trees all around.
I am blissfully lost.
I don't want to be found.

Redwood forests can be a very spectacular sight.
516 · Sep 2011
Zane H Sep 2011
I chase after time, day after day after day.
Yet time forever eludes me, always running away.
It has the speed of the wind, with an incredible pace.
And always leaves me behind, in this never-ending race.
No matter how much I run, I’ll never be as fast.
I may catch up for awhile, but I can never last.
Time is always in front, and it is always ahead.
It has long since ran over, the path that I now tread.
Yet although chasing after time, is impossibly tough.
I will continue to chase time, cause I haven’t chased enough.

I never have enough time to do everything I need to do.
496 · Aug 2013
Zane H Aug 2013
It is never too late,
to forgive past enemies.
It is never too late,
to give back what you took.
It is never too late,
to go back and apologize.
It is never too late,
to love those who you hated.
It is never too late,
to start anew.
It is never too late to change...
Because today,
Salvation is here.

Inspired by the song "Dare You to Move" by Switchfoot
491 · Oct 2014
Fish Out of Water
Zane H Oct 2014
Open mouth.
Gulp and gasp.
Gasping for water.
But nothing is there.
Only the presence of
empty atmosphere.
Flipping and flopping
Air all around.
So unfamiliar.
Hooked lips gape.
Round eyes glare.
Looking for water.
But seeing too clear.

Ever wonder what it's like to be a fish out of water?
472 · Sep 2014
Child Soldier
Zane H Sep 2014
I never knew my parents,
I'm unsure of my age.
I don't know morality.
But I do know pain.
The pain of having nothing to eat.
The pain of being wounded by a bullet or machete.
The pain of seeing loved ones…

I’m starving to death.
And I’m hungry for vengeance.
I’ll bring to my enemies the same pain that I felt.
Wearing my looted bandana,
Wielding my AK47,
Spraying hot metal,
Spreading fear.
I need to shoot my way to heaven
to escape from this hell.

I was reading an article about Joseph Kony and child soldiers.
471 · May 2013
Black Sky
Zane H May 2013
I look out my window.
I look up and look high.
I strain to see past the limitless,
boundary of black sky.
Despite my attempts,
and my far too many tries,
nothing but dark haze,
meet my brown eyes.
I try to see clear,
to see past the night.
I try to see light,
that nighttime denies.
How long will I wait,
before the darkness dies?
When will I ever,
see the sunrise?

Edited on 2/9/2014
457 · Sep 2016
Zane H Sep 2016
Stupid summer bugs.
Hopping all over the place.
They always come to parties
But there is one redeeming quality.
They'll applaud for even the worst karaoke singer.

415 · Jul 2014
The Tides of Addiction
Zane H Jul 2014
One minute they come,
the next minute they go.
And as soon as they're gone,
I suddenly want them back.
As soon as they're here,
I shove them away.
Like the ocean tides,
it's a never ending cycle.
Or push and pull.
Or love and hate.
It's an addiction,
Of substances I despise,
But cannot live without.

We're all addicted to things. Sometimes, we hate our addictions but love them enough to refrain from stopping.
244 · Jan 2024
Zane H Jan 2024

Eye am I.

Eye can open at dawn.

Eye can squint.
Eye can blink.

Eye can swim in an ocean of tears.

Eye can see.
Eye can stare.
Eye, when angry, can sometimes glare.

Eye can be covered by gentle hands.
Eye can be rubbed till raw and red.
Eye can be cleansed with cooling drops.

Eye can close for the night.

I am eye.

Conjunctivitis is the worst
193 · Mar 2023
Zane H Mar 2023
Reflecting sun’s glint.
Mirroring the blue sky.
A stir.
A ripple.
A splash.
A fish jumps out
And travels through dimensions.


— The End —